Mega Man Network Transmission Cheats - GameCube

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Downloadable Mega Man Network Transmission Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Defeating Bass
Before attempting this, have five Invisibility Level 3. Go to Battle Simulator at the park and get all the opponents' Navi chips, including Proto Man. You wll get an email from Mayl, telling you about an extremely powerful Navi that was spotted at Den Area 3. In order to battle, you must have several double jumps, five Color Man Navi chips, M Cannon (as well as other projectile weaponry), and all the armors. Go to the teleporter that leads from Den Area 3 to Global Area 1. Use multiple double jumps to go to the top right ledge. Pick up the Slasher on the way up. Enter the green teleporter when you are ready. A Navi in a cloak will appear and attack. Do not toy with him. If you have Color Man, use it immediately to get rid of his energy shield, which also determines his elemental attacks. He attacks mainly with Seeker Energy. When his shield is down from Color Man or the opposite element to his shield, attack with Projectile chips; regular and charged attacks have no effect. About a quarter of the way through his HP, the battle will end and you will receive the Bass Navi chip (Attack 60, MP 64, attacks all enemies on screen and destroys shields). He cannot be fought again.

Defeating Bright Man
Have a lot of GuardInvis, HighGuard, ShldGuard, and Guard chips. He has a shield. In order to do damage, you must hit him after he does a attack. The Guard and related chips will turn his attacks in to shock waves and send them at him. He will not reflect them. Do this numerous amount of times to defeat Bright Man.

Set Guts Man as your regular chip and use it five times. After that, use Hi-Cannon or M-Cannon when you can. Do this quickly without taking damage and you will get the Bright Man chip.

Defeating Fire Man
Have Water attacks and plenty of Swords. First, weaken him with Aqua attacks. Next, use a Sword attack. The moment you use it, jump backwards and dodge his body flame. Do this rapidly and win the battle 2 by 4.

First, destroy a lot of viruses in Lan's computer. Jack in and out several times until you have 3,000 Zenny. Go to Higsbie's store and buy at least two AquaSwrds (three recommended).

Defeating Gravity Man
While on your way to the Zero Account, you will discover many tough enemies, including Gravity Man. This Navi can be very difficult to defeat. Make sure that you have at least a few Half Energy Subchips (useful when low on health). Also, make sure to have a lot of projectile weapons, such as Cannon, Hi Cannon, Shotgun, etc. When you begin to fight him, you will find that his main weapon are energy balls. To dodge these, jump up and down. You will switch between standing on the ceiling and ground. Then, when the time is correct, use a projectile weapon. If your health gets low, use a Half Energy.

Defeating Guts Man
Have Roll, Vgun, Shotgun, and Cannons. First use Roll, then let him attack. Dodge it, then use any Shotgun, Vgun, or Cannons. When he attacks again, dodge it then attack. Do this rapidly to win and get the battle chip Gutspunch.

Max out your Dash Attack chips (10). Use them on him when he is on the ground.

Defeating Ice Man
Ice Man is a water type Navi. Buy three Electric Blades and use them on Ice Man. If you miss one, you are out of luck. To be safe, buy more than three.

Defeating Life Virus
Use the Dynawave, as it will get rid of the aura. Hit him, but be careful as it can get blocked by the Ice and Wood attacks. Depending on the attack, change your armor since the Life Virus attacks with elements. The Protoman, M Cannon, and Color Man chips help. Use Projectile chips on the second form, and if you get hit by a bubble it drops use the Energy sub chips (which you should have) and slide under it when it gets close.

Defeating Needle Man
Needle Man is a wood type Navi. Use all kinds of swords and blades on him. Fire causes the most damage to him.

Defeating Proto Man
Have an MP count of at least 200 and set the DropDown chip as your regular chip, which you can find in Zero Account. Use the chip immediately and shoot Protoman with your Megabuster (which should be fully upgraded by now). Do not charge your gun too often, and rely more on the single shot blasts. Use DropDown again if it wears off. Use MP charges if you run out of MP and try to get a full stock of DropDown.

First, at the school go against the green turnstiles with Elecman Navi chips and use those to delete the Ghost virus that appears. Get five of the Invisi3 chips. Then when fighting Proto Man, have all five Invisi3 chips, Invisi1 o r2 and a fully upgraded Buster. Turn on Invisi3 and keep firing your Buster non stop. When the invincibility wears off, turn it on again and you should be able to win easily.

Defeating Sword Man
When Sword Man is just standing there, fight with Sword chips. It will good damage, or if you do the P.A. with Ice, Fire, and Electric Sword it will do more damage. Watch out tor his swords. They will spin around for a moment, then come at you. Try to dodge them. Also watch out, as he gets up in the air. He will hover around wherever you go. He will come down quickly and do a shockwave while on the ground. Jump when he does this.

Defeating Bosses
This process is fairly easy, although it requires some time and can only be done later in the game. You need at least two Cannons, two Hi-Cannons, and two M-Cannons. Use up as many chips as you can other than those, a good healing one, and something that has a good attack. When done, there should only be the things you did not use and an empty space or two. Select Cannon, Hi-Cannon, and M-Cannon. Wait until your custom bar is full again, then go in and use it on the Boss. If it does not kill him, use it again. This will take care of the first life virus form, but for the second you will have to use another one or two.

Boss statistics
400 HP
Fire type
Weakness: Water
Fire arm damage:50
Burning body damage:50
Burning tower damage:120

600 HP
Normal type
Weakness: none
Gutspunch damage:50
Gutshammer damage:40

600 HP
Wood type
Weakness: fire
Needle cannon damage:60
Needle attack damage:60
Wild needle cannon damage:80

500 HP
Electric type
Weakness: wood
Bright beam damage:80
Energy ball damage:60
Plug lariat damage:100
Energy drain damage:120

500 HP
Water type
Weakness: electric
Ice slasher damage:100
Freeze bomb damage:160
Icebreath damage:100
Icecube damage:80

500 HP
Normal type
Weakness: none
Quickguard damage:30
Quick boomerang damage:40

700 HP
Electric type
Weakness: wood
Direct current damage:120
Lightning blaze damage:120
Combine the following chips in order to create the corresponding Program Advance.
Big Heart: Repair + Recov300 + Roll
Double Hero: CustSwrd + VarSwrd + ProtoMan
Dream Sword 1: Sword + WideSwrd + LongSwrd
Dream Sword 2: FireSwrd + AquaSwrd + ElecSwrd
Dream Sword 3: FireBlde + AquaBlde + ElecBlde
Giga Burst: Spreader + Bubbler + HeatShot
Greatest Bomb: LilBomb + CrosBomb + BigBomb
Guts Shoot: MetGuard + DashAtk + GutsMan
Machine Punch: GutPunch + ColdPnch + DashAtk
Star Shower: SoniSlsh + GravHold + StarArro
Stream Arrow: DoubNdl + TripNdl + QuadNdl
Zero Counter: HiGuard + ZetSaber + Zero
Zeta Cannon: Cannon + HiCannon + M-Cannon
Zeta Ratton: Ratton1 + Ratton2 + Ratton3
Getting Navi Chips
If you go into your Net Battle Simulator, do not battle using any Navi. Instead, use your regular Battle Chips, Restore Chips. and Mega Buster to win. This works best when your Attack and Charge are all powered up fully.

Navi Zero Chip
Before battle with Zero, go to the Global Area 1 (where you must go to defeat the Bosses to get the pass codes underneath their warp points for their levels). When you get to Global Area 1, look towards the bottom left. You will see a giant yellow data there. Go there and get it. You will have to take the path under the green Navi that tells you that the Undernet is ahead. When you get the data, Mega Man will tell Lan that this data is hard to read. Lan will then send it to his dad for research. Advance with the story until you get to Zero. When you get to Zero and defeat him, there will be a lot of dialog. Lan's dad will appear, saying that the mystery data he sent him was a backup program for Zero, and that Zero does not have to be killed and can be turned to good. Finish everything, then the professor will appear and say that he has created a new life virus, and will soon hack into the world's networks, take over the missile computers, and kill everyone. Chaud and Lan will jack out. Read the e-mail you get, and Zero will give you his Z-Sabe. He will also give you his own Navi chip. Once you get it, it cannot be duplicated and you cannot fight him in the Net Battle Simulator. You can call him out, giving the enemy three good slashes and a lot of health taken away.

Color Man Navi secret attribute
The Color Man Navi chip has an added effect when used against enemies with barriers. When used, it instantly deactivates any elemental shield, including Bass' and the Life Virus', as well as any other elemental-barriered enemy. Proto Man also has this unique ability.

PopUp Chip
Go to Pharaoh Man's stage. Near the middle, there is a long hallway with rising spike platforms. Over one of them is a hole with a blue data diamond object and some money on the right. On the left is a ladder going up into a small room. For this trick to work, you must have full health. - Going up into this room with some health missing makes you fight a brown dog. He only gives you a Recov300. However, if you have full health you fight a purple/pink dog that will yield the battle chip called PopUp. Killing the pink puppy is the most difficult part of this trick. Stand in the middle at all times. Do not worry about using chips on it. All attacks do 1 damage. Wait for him to pop up and shoot him with a normal ( [B] ) shot. He will drop down and pop up somewhere else (and sometimes where he was before). Do not let him drop down without shooting him or you will have to start again. If you make a mistake, go down to the teleporter, go in, then come back and fight the pup all again. All in all, you have to shoot him a lot. PopUp allows you to stay invisible and invincible for a set amount of time. This is the key to the easy game. For example, if you set this chip to default and go to the Navis in the park, you can get an "S" rank instantly by not taking any damage in the battle (just charge and shoot).

An easy way to kill the PopUp ( the pink/purple dog in Phaorohman's area 1) is to set Anubis as your default chip and to get five of them. Then, do not choose any chip and have full life. As you fight the PopUp, if your custom gauge fills up or you use Fullcust, choose Anubis then exit the chip selection screen. Hurry, and as you can see, the arena looks like a bunch of stairs. Jump on the first step to the right or the left. Then, face the middle and set the Anubis in the center of the arena. It should never miss. When the Anubis fades away, use another until you do not have anymore. If the PopUp is still alive, keep blasting it with the Buster.

Note: It takes 200 hits to the pink/purple dog to kill it. This requires a lot of patience.

Duplicating Navi Chips
If you wish to have more than just one Nav Chipi, go to the Net Battle Simulator. Battle any Navi you wish to have. However, in order to get that Navi you cannot use a Navi Chip in battle. You can only use regular Battle Chips and Restore Chips. Also, you must defeat the Navi quickly. This works best with Fire Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, and Color Man. It is difficult to get other chips because some of the Bosses take too long to defeat.

Unlocking the Undernet
To unlock the undernet, you must destroy the Bosses at the Legendary and Vacant WWW Computers.

Defeat one of the following Bosses to unlock the corresponding figurine in Lan's room: Bass, Bright Man, Color Man, Elec Man, Fire Man, Gravity Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Needle Man, Pharaoh Man, Proto Man, Quick Man, Shadow Man, Star Man, and Sword Man.

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