Sabrina the Animated Series: Zapped Cheats - GameBoy Color

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Color
Check out these Sabrina the Animated Series: Zapped cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level select
Enter "Harvey", "Chloe", "Gem", "Slugloafe" as a password.

Sound test
Enter "Salem", "Sabrina", "Gem", "Salem" as a password.
1-2Sabrina, Sabrina Salem, Jem
1-3Sabrina, Salem, Salem, Slugloafe
1-4Sabrina, Harvey, Salem, Sabrina
2-1Salem, Cloey, Sabrina, Salem
2-2Harvey, Salem, Slugloafe, Slugloafe
2-3Harvey, Harvey, Slugloafe, Sabrina
2-4Harvey, Cloey, Slugloafe, Salem
3-1Cloey, Jem, Jem, Harvey
3-2Jem, Harvey, Cloey, Sabrina
3-3Jem, Cloey, Cloey, Salem
3-4Jem, Jem, Cloey, Salem
4-1Slugloafe, Slugloafe, Harvey, Cloey
4-2Sabrina, Cloey, Jem, Salem
4-3Sabrina, Jem, Jem, Harvey
4-4Sabrina, Slugloafe, Jem, Cloey
On the fourth stage of each level is a Boss. The Boss is one of the main characters, as an animal.
Level 1: Harvey
Level 2: Cloey
Level 3: Jem
Level 4: Slugloafe

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