Dragon Warrior Monsters Cheats - GameBoy Color

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Downloadable Dragon Warrior Monsters Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Breed Hargon (pedigree) with Orochi.

To get Battlerex without fighting him, breed a Crestpent (Pedigree) with a Madknight.

Get a Pteranod and then get a Copycat from the Boss. Breed them with Pteranod being the pedigree.

Breed a Sky Dragon (pedigree) and a Mad Knight.

Breed a Battle Rex and a Mad Knight.

Breed the Sky Dragon (pedigree) you got from the egg with the Copycat Boss. Notes: Sky Dragon must be male because Copycat Boss is female. You do not have to use the Copycat Boss or the Sky Dragon egg for the breed.

Breed a Deathmore transformed that knows Ultradown (as the pedigree) with a Mudou that knows Poisonair. That should create a Deathmore final form. Have it learn Demagic Bigbang and Focus. Then, mate it with a Watabou that knows Imitate and Chance. This will create Darkdrium that can learn Thordain.

Breed Mirudraas (pedigree) with Zoma.

DeathMore 2
Breed DeathMore (pedigree) with Armorpion.

DeathMore 3rd
Breed DeathMore 2 (pedigree) with Mudou.

Breed Servant (pedigree) with Andreal.

DracoLord (transformed)
Breed Dracolord with Divinegon.

Breed Servant (pedigree) with Greatdrak.

Breed Gold Golem with Centasaur (either can be pedigree).

Breed Pizzaro (pedigree) with KingLeo.

Get the slime monster from Pulio at the start. Name it "slib" and get a Dracky. Name it "Rane" and breed them. Make sure Rane (Dracky) is the Pedigree.

Breed Iceman with Lavaman.

Gold Slime
Breed a GoldGolem with a Kingslime or Metalking.

Note: This trick requires a second game and link cable. Breed a Mataly with a Metaly from another game to get a Matalable. Breed them again and you will each get get a Metal King. Breed them again to get a Gold Slime. Note: Raise them to there highest level.

Breed a Unicorn with any Dragon.

Breed a Catol with a Battle Rex.

Breed a Battlerex (pedigree) with a Zapbird.

Breed an Anteater with Master Teto's Iceman.

Breed a Yeti (pedigree) with a Puptripup.

Breed Whiteking (pedigree) with Metalking.

Breed am Akubar with a Rainhawk. It does not matter which one is the pedigree.

King Leo
Breed Roboster with Gulpbeast.

Breed a Balzak (pedigree) with a Trumpeter. Note: This monster is very strong. It can learn Firebolt Quad-Hits and more.

Breed a Spotking (pedigree) with Centasaur.

Breed Hornbeetle (pedigree) with Deadnoble as the breeder. This monster can do up to 900 damage on a critical hit.

Breed a Digster (pedigree) with Hork.

Breed Dracolord (pedigree) with Wattabou.

Breed a Kingslime with a Metaldrak or Metable with a Metable.

Breed Esterk (pedigree) with Goldslime.

Mirrudras 2
First, get two Metal Kings. You could breed two Mettables, but an easier way is to breed a King Slime and a Metal Drak. After that, breed the two Metal Kings to get Gold Slime. Get a Lava and Ice Man and breed them to get a Gold Golem. Breed the Gold Golem with a Centaur to get Durran. Get Sky Dragon and Orochi and Breed them to get Divinegon. Breed Durran and Divinegon and to get Pizzaro. Get a King Leo and breed it with Pizzaro to get Esterk. Breed Esterk with Gold Slime to get Mirrudras. Get a Spikerous and breed it with Mirrudras to get Mirrudras2.

Misty Wing
Breed a Dracky (pedigree) and a Golem.

Breed Baramos (pedigree) with DarkHorn.

Breed Greatdrak with MedusaEye.

Breed Durran (pedigree) with Divinegon.

Breed Phoenix with Blizzardy.

Breed Jamirus (pedigree) with Rosevine.

Win Goopi's game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Then, go up the stairs and talk to the princess in the front of the room. She will ask to see a Wing Slime. Get a Snaily and then a Bull Bird. Put the Snaily as the Pedigree then breed them. After you get Wing Slime, go to her and then she will give you a Sirloin.

Sky Dragon
Stand under the Sk yDragon above the farm before clearing C class.

Start from the left corner. When you move upwards, the Sky Dragon will move. Next, move down and move to the last rope on the right. Go up and the Sky Dragon will move again. Move down again and move to the rope starting from the left, the second rope and go up. You will reach him.
<PRE> E S E E | |--| | |--| |--| | |--| | 1st 2nd 3rd 4th E: Empty Space S: Sky Dragon </PRE> Slimenite
Breed a Fangslime (pedigree) with Eyeclown.

Greed a Battle Rex (pedigree) with Digster.

Talk to May in the restaurant after clearing A class.

Breed a Golem (pedigree) with a Digster.

Slime (Slio)
Talk to him in the farm after clearing S class.

Breed BattleWrex (pedigree) with Goopi.

Breed a Durran with a DarkHorn.

Breed a Fangslime with any beast.

To get a Unicorn without using Fangslime, breed Gulpbeast (pedigree) with Drakslime.

To get Warabou, you must have a Darkdrium that is +100 and breed it with a Watabou that is +40 (all Leaf monsters must be in its family tree)/ Watabou must be named Wata and Darkdrium must be named Dark. Once they are bred, Warabou will appear out of the egg. He learns Hell Blast, Big Bang, and Mega Magic (plus all the moves that past monsters have learned). He gets max stats at level 20, but takes over 20,000 points a level to reach the next.

After completing all the Gates, (regular and hidden), talk to him in the farm stables.

Breed a Skelator with a Zapbird.
Breed a Deadnoble (pedigree) with a Whipbird.
Breed a Skeletor and a Blizzardy.

Pedigree with Parent 2
Skullgon with Spotking
Deadnoble with Kingslime
Boneslave with Great Drak
Skeletor with Whip bird, Zapbird, Metalking, or KingLeo
WonderEggs can only be bred across the Game Link Cable by breeding a Slime and a BigRoost.

Breed Mad Cat (pedigree) and Sky Dragon in the breeding center.

Breed DracoLord (pedigree) with Sidoh.

Clone monsters
If you have a rare monster, such as a Watabou, get a friend to trade with you. Make your rare monster (for example, Watabou) the pedigree, then make the second monster the same type as the Pedigree (for example, a Grass Monster). When they breed you will both get the rare monster, +1 and you will be able to choose what sex you want it to be.

Ultimate monster
Breed a monster with Thordian and another monster with Lightning. You can choose Whiteking and Tortagon. The out coming monster will have these two skills. Train it until it learns Hell Blast at level 34. After that, breed the monster with a Great Drak which knows White Fire and White Air. The out coming monster will have Hell Blast, White Fire, White Air, Thordian, Lightning and other skills it inherited. For the last few steps, you will need to find someone with Explodet and breed them. The out coming monster should learn Big Bang at level 36. You can now breed the monster until it change to the monster you like. After so many breedings, your monster should be overpowered. Train your monsters by defeating Metable. Make sure all monsters you breed are at full level to breed or or else they will not be strong. HealUsAll is also a good technique.

Best monster of any family
To get the best monster of each family, breed a monster from a family you want the best monster to be in with a DracoLord.
Plant Family and DracoLord for RoseVine
Slime Family and DracoLord for KingSlime
Bird Family and DracoLord for ZapBird
Dragon Family and DracoLord =? GreatDrak
Material Family and DracoLord for Balzak
Demon Family and DracoLord for ArcDemon
Zombie Family and DracoLord =? Servant
Bug Family and DracoLord for Digster
Beast Family and DracoLord for DarkHorn
Breeding opportunities
Catfly, the fighter in the resturante, after E class/before clearing the gate of anger.
Iceman, Teto, after E class/before clearing the gate of anger.
Lizardman, Mick, after E class/before D class.
Deadnite, Mick, after D class/before clearing the gate of anger.
Eyder, Teto, after C class/before A class.
Rayburn, May, after clearing the gate of anger/before the A class.
Fangslime, MedalMan, after clearing the gate of anger/before the S class.
Yeti, Teto, after A class/before clearing the gate of reflection.
Metaly, MedalMan, after S class/before clearing the starry night tournament.?
Skeletor, Milayou, after clearing the starry night tournament.
Catch monsters easily
The following trick is especially useful for getting monsters from the Foreign Masters that walk around in the Mystic World. Note: You must have a monster with Ironize. Buy Sirloins, Bookmarks, and a Shinyharp (not needed for Foreign Masters). Find a Foreign Master or a level with the monster(s) you want to catch. Use the Bookmark. Talk to the Foreign Master or play the Shinyharp until the desired monster appears. If you do not find the monster you want from a Foreign Master, reset the game and try again. Kill the monsters you do not want, then cast Ironize. Feed the monster Sirloins until you run out, then kill it. If done correctly, it should join you.

Super monster
Note: This trick requires a link cable and a second game. Have a friend catch a level 1 monster with 0 exp. Use a link cable and have a battle. Submit the prize as the level 1 monster. Intentionally win the battle so your friend's monster will transfer to you. When the screen where his/her monster walks over to you appears, the game will misinterpret it for an egg with no experience at level 1. Hatch the egg to get a level 40 monster that can do 800 damage in a single strike. The monsters also transform into a monster from the slime family such as Wingslime and Treeslime. Do not breed it or give it seeds/nuts to raise its stats, or they will go down.

MegaMagic monster
If you have a monster that you want to learn MegaMagic, use this trick. Have a monster such as a Zoma (??? Family) and find a warrior in a Traveler's Gate with a DeadNoble. You will probably find the warrior in one of the Traveler's Gate after the Starry Knight Tournament. The DeadNoble will probably know MegaMagic. Catch the DeadNoble with Sirlions. Breed Zoma (pedigree) and DeadNoble to get a Zoma that knows MegaMagic.

Easy experience
Defeat the Starry Shrine once the six new dungeons are opened Go to the Slime dungeon. Go to the floors past the 20th level to find Metables Defeat them to get 22,000 each.

Steal monsters
Get into a match with another master in the Mystic World. You can steal that persons' monsters by giving them treats just as in a normal fight with wild monsters. There is no penalty for this. This does not work in the arena since that you cannot use items there.

Special monsters with special skills
Divinegon: HellBlast
RainHawk: MegaMagic
GoldSlime: BigBang
RoseVine: Surge
Hargon: BazooCall, HellBlast
Sidoh: HellBlast
Recommended skills
HellBlast: level 34
BigBang: level 36
Surge: level 23
GigaSlash: level 33
BazooCall: level 35
HealUsAll: level 28
MegaMagic: level 38
MultiCut: level 28
UltraDown: level 21
Combining spells
BigBang: Explodet, WhiteFire, WhiteAir
BoltSlash: ChargeUp, Lightning
DeMagic: Surge, UltraDown
EerieLite: Curse, Radiant
Farewell: Sacrifice, Revive
FireSlash: Blazemore, ChargeUP
Focus: ChargeUP, SuckAir, Meditate
GigaSlash: FireSlash, BoltSlash, VacuSlash, IceSlash
Hellblast: Thordain, Lightning
Hustle: HealAll, SideStep
IceSlash: ChargeUP, SnowStorm
Imitate: Transform, Focus
Kamikaze: ChargeUP, Ramming
LifeDance: Hustle, Sacrifice
LifeSong: Revive, WarCry
Meditate: Guardian, StrongD
MegaMagic: Blazemost, Blizzard, Explodet, Firebolt, Infermost
MultiCut: ZombieCut, Vacuum
PalsyAir: SleepAir, PoisonAir
Paralyze: PoisonHit, NapAttack
RainSlash: BiAttack, SquallHit
Surge: Antidote, NumbOff, DeChaos, CurseOff
UltraDown: Surround, Defence, SlowAll
VacuSlash: ChargeUP, WindBeast
Once you win the tournament and open up the extra gates, each one will contain specific monster families except material and ???? family. Ambition gate has most of the bug family, Demolition gate has most of the plant family, Mastermind gate has most of the bird family, Control gate has slimes, Extinction gate has devils, and Sleep gate has zombies.

Different paths
Every time you enter a gate, you will be at a different path. Sometimes in the Beginner's Gate, you will have a path more than once.

Once you have completed the game and re-entered Greattree, you can go to the Travelers gates that were not accessible earlier in the cave. While competing in the coliseum, after each battle except the first, you will be offered a prize and the chance to continue.

Finding Darkhorn
To find Darkhorn in the Labyrinth Gate, move up, up, up, left, down, down, left.

Find the Princess of Moonbrook
Find the Lar Mirror on the ground near the wind tower. You have to press [A] on the ground. Go to the town of Hamlin. There will be a dog somewhere in the town. Use the Lar Mirror next to it and it will turn back into the Princess.

Battling Sky Dragon
When battling Sky Dragon in the Gate Of Wisdom, tiptoe so you do not scare him.

Always hit with Evilslash
If you have a monster with Bigtrip and a monster with Evilslash, you can make a powerful combo. Use Bigtrip followed by Evilslash for a good hit. Note: FunkyBird can dodge Bigtrip.

Get Servant to join you
Give him a Sirloin, then give him a Rib and he should join you.

Warp hole pattern
Look very closely at the warp holes to see a swastika shape.

Extra money
When you get items such as Fire, Mist, Snow, etc. Staffs, sell them in shops out in Gates. You will get up to ten times the amount of money compared to the normal shops. For example, a Snow Staff will sell for 4,000G instead of 400G.

Hotblood personality
Win the Starry Night, and the book shop will be opened at the square. Buy a BeNice, Quest and a Smart book. Give it to a monster and it will be Hotblood. If not, try giving it another smart book.

Glitch: Decapitate the Jester
Find the secret passage leading to the Medalman's room. Go into the door next to the Jester to the right of the king, then exit out of that same door. Stand in the doorway and the Jester's head will disappear.

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