Robots Cheats - GBA

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Check out these Robots cheats and stay cool!
Defeating Ratchet's robots
When you get to Ratchet's huge robots with big blue eyes, try to destroy as many of them as you can. Wait until one of the robots' eyes open up and turn blue. Shoot the blue eye before it closes back up with one shot. The next part is much more difficult. You must battle Ratchet on top of his machines. Be careful -- he can do three moves: order his robots to attack you, throw a bomb at you (which you can shoot to destroy), and jump from one robot to another. When he stops on a robot, shoot him quickly. Do this process a few more times and he will be defeated.

Rivet Town: Rodney's dad gives scrap
On the first level, after you have grown up, go to where Rodney's dad is located. Once you are in the diner in the room where he is found, he asks you to select the Scrap Launcher. Select it, but do not shoot targets yet. Instead, shoot everywhere else, but not at the targets. Use up all your scrap, and Rodney's dad will give you 10 extra scrap.

Sewer Showdown: Defeating the Sewer Bot
When you fight the Sewer Bot, he uses two attacks. He hits a cannon and fires one or two sewer water balls; and fires one or two robot dogs from a separate cannon. Note: After the Sewer Bot has shot from all, or a few cannons, he will have to reactivate them. However, Rodney's cannons reactivate automatically after awhile. When the sewer bot is running to a cannon to shoot it, hit the cannon facing that cannon and hit it a few seconds earlier. Othwerwise, he will move away to another cannon if you shoot it too late, and he will not have gotten there yet and the sewer water ball will hit the ground. Time it correctly for him to get hit. Note: He will usually fire a few robot dogs over to destroy you if you hit him. Keep hitting him the same way a few more times and he should be defeated.

Half-pipe holes
On the "Half-Pipe" thing when you are rolling around, you can fly over the holes in the side by going as fast as you can and jump over the side with the hole.

Make Rodney's butt burn
Slide a lot of times and Rodney's butt will burn. However, this will not reduce his health.

Rodney says jokes
When you destroy a bad robot, sometimes Rodney will say jokes.

Completion Bonus
Successfully complete the game to unlock the three mini-games (Jack Hammer's Oil Rush, Transit System, and Zip Line Challenge) at the main menu.

Extra bounce
After you beat the third boss (the one with the steam rollers and metal razor sharp teeth) your will be extra health and an extra high bounce where you use Rodney friend as a trampoline!

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