Dora the Explorer: The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure Cheats - GBA

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Advance
Check out these Dora the Explorer: The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Dimension symbol (tap up once right when you get to the password screen): [Left], [Up], [Frown face], [Smiley face].

Enter these at the Continue screen:

[Sun], [Left Arrow], [Heart], [Star], [Triangle] - Blueberry Hill
[Left Arrow], [Up Arrow], [X], [X], [+] - Rain Forest
[Up Arrow], [Heart], [Heart], [Sun], [Left Arrow] - Spooky Forest
[Smile], [Down Arrow], [Regular Face], [Triangle], [Left Arrow] - The Beach
[Regular Face], [Left Arrow], [Up Arrow], [X], [Smile] - Treasure Island
[Down Arrow], [Sun], [Up Arrow], [+], [Circle] - Volcanov
[Triangle], [Circle], [Up Arrow], [Star], [Smile] - Waterfall
Alternate Characters
Alicia - Beat the game as Diego three times
Baby Jaguar - Beat the game as Boots three times
Boots - Beat the game as Alicia three times
Diego - Beat the game as Dora three times

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