Toy Story Cheats - DVD Movies

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Check out these Toy Story cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
In-movie language change (Ultimate Toy Box version)
Enter the audio options and change the language to "French". Besides changing the audio, certain scenes in Toy Story with printed words will also change from English to French. For example, note the printing on the Buzz Lightyear box at time index 17:00, and the Magic Eight Ball text at time index 26:09.

Production credits (Ultimate Toy Box version)
Press [Left] at the main menu.

Hidden trailers (Ultimate Toy Box version)
Advance to Title 4 to view see trailers from The Emperor's New Groove, 'Fantasia 2000, and Dinosaur.

Hidden menu (Ultimate Toy Box version)
Insert Disc 3. Enter the "Toy Story 2" menu, select the "History" option, then "The Continuing World Of Toy Story" option. Advance to the end of the feature to display a hidden menu.

Hidden clip (Ultimate Toy Box version)
Insert Disc 3. Enter the "Toy Story 2" menu. Select the "Jessie's Song" option. Highlight any option and press [Left] to view the clip.

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