The Fast and the Furious Cheats - DVD Movies

 All cheats for this game by platform: DVD videos | PlayStation 2
Check out these The Fast and the Furious cheats and stay cool!
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Hidden feature
Select the "Bonus Materials" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Racer X: The Article That Inspired The Movie" option. Press [Up] to highlight a steering wheel. Press [Enter] to view a short feature about the movie. This feature is available in the Region 1 version of the disc.

For the Region 4 version, select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Racer X: The Article That Inspired The Movie" option. Press [Right] to highlight a steering wheel. Press [Enter] to view the feature.

Hidden clip
Select the "Bonus Materials" option at the main menu. Select the "Multiple Camera Angle Stunt Sequence" option. Press [Right] to highlight a yellow steering wheel. Press [Enter] to view a multiple angle view of the scene where Vin Diesel crashes his Dodge Charger.

Hidden ending
When the credits appear, advance to the end. There are about ten to fifteen minutes of credits before they fade away. A scene of Dominique driving an old Chevelle SS in Mexico, where he fled to, will appear. He repeats his saying earlier in the movie of "I only live life a quarter of a mile at a time. And for those 10 seconds i am free..." as he drives off on an empty trail in Mexico into the sun. You cannot skip directly to this because it does not have its own chapter stop.
Visible cameraman
Advance to time index 00:30:42, when the girl is getting ready to change clothing. As the camera starts to move in on her, advance through the frames very slowly. Watch the lower left-hand corner of her mirror very closely. You can see the cameraman's white shirt and elbow. He is shown just when the shirt is thrown into the camera.

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