Futurama: Season 4 Cheats - DVD Movies

 All cheats for this game by platform: DVD videos
Check out these Futurama: Season 4 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Convention clip
Insert Disc 3. Select the option for the "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" episode. Highlight the "Home" option, then press [Left] to change the image at the top of the screen into the Planet Express ship. Press [Enter] to view three clips from a convention.

Table reading clip
Insert Disc 4. Select the option for "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings" episode. Press [Up] to highlight the Robot Devil's hands. Press [Enter] to view the table read for that episode.

Alien message
Insert Disc 4. Press [Down] until the option for "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings" episode is highlighted. Press [Left] to highlight a sandwich from the refrigerator. Press [Enter] to display a message in alien language. When translated, the message reads "This DVD includes a specially encoded Easter Egg which you are now meticulously translating from an alien language because you have no life and are a compulsive nerdlinger. It's especially sad if you don't speak English and you have to translate the alien language into English and then your own tongue and come upon a word like nerdlinger which really isn't a word at all, but still aptly describes someone who would actually translate such a word. Twice. And those of you who are reading this translation on a Futurama newsgroup aren't any better. We lurk on those newsgroups and we know what nerdlingers you guys are, too. Of course, you're also probably our biggest fans. Which is sad in its own way. But, since you went to all that trouble to translate an Easter Egg, we do owe you something. So here's a secret about the show: the writers, producers, directors, and most of the actors who worked on the show are all nerdlingers, too."

Rejected captions
Insert Disc 4. Select the option for the "Spanish Fry" episode. Highlight the "Scene Selections" option, then press [Left] to change the image on the television to show Fry, Leela and Bender. Press [Enter] to view a list of rejected captions for the opening sequence.

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