The World Ends With You Cheats - Nintendo DS

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS
Check out these The World Ends With You cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable The World Ends With You Cheats
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Dec. 25, 2010
Sep. 18, 2008
New Game+
When you beat the game, you can start over again with your previous data on New Game +.

Hidden ending scene - After defeating the final boss of the main story, collect all of the secret reports in the game, including the one in Another Day.
Chapter Selection - Beat the game once to unlock this mode. It lets you return to any part of the game and replay it with bonus objectives.
Ultimate Difficulty - After beating the game, you can select A New Day Chapter, and go to Shiba-Q Headquarters and on the 3rd floor you will be able to purchase it as a quest item.
"Another Day" chapter - To unlock this chapter you must beat the game. It will appear on the chapter selection menu. This mode is a non-canonical extra chapter.
Angel Feather - Complete "Final Time Attack" in the Room of Rekoning during "Another Day".
My Phones - Complete Hanekoma's Noise Form at the top of Pork City in "Another Day" after completing the game.
Tin Pin Bahamut - After beating each of the five Black Skullers in "Another Day", head back to Molco and beat the Wizard of Slam in Tin Pin Slammer.

Unlock Character Item Abilities
The varied character item abilities can be unlocked at Wildkat Cafe if you have a 100% friendship rating with Hanekoma.

View total play-time
Hold [L] + [R] on the save data menu screen to be able to see how long you have played.

Easy Pin Points
Here's a great way to acquire Pin points. The game rewards you with PP for time you don't play the game, up to one week (seven days). So, if you save your game and then play with your calendar on your DS, setting it ahead one week, you can get a week's worth of PP easily. Repeat this process as necessary, but keep in mind that you won't be rewarded for more than seven days' worth of Pin Points at a time, no matter how many days you set your DS ahead.

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