Ryuusei no RockMan 3: Red Joker Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Check out these Ryuusei no RockMan 3: Red Joker cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Ryuusei no RockMan 3: Red Joker Cheats
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Jul. 08, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Random Sigma Bosses
At the title screen hold [L] and press these gold stars in order:

S Comp Star, G Comp Star, S Comp Star, M Comp Star, SS Star, SS Star, and Red Joker Star.

You should hear a confirmation if done correctly.

White Card
Go to your's Profile,select four card in the bottom of right.

[A] [E] [I] [M] [Q]
[B] [F] [J] [N] [R]
[C] [G] [K] [O] [S]
[D] [H] [L] [P] [T]

LPBKDJ - Anger Fire 3, Time Bomb 3, Bobobon Bomb 3, Bobobon Bomb 3.
RBDLCI - Break Sabre, Heat Upper 3, Heavy Down 3, Hammer Weapon 3.
SIHFQK - Bubble Hook 1, Bubble Hook 1, Flash Spear 2, Inazuma Head 2 (White Card 04).
KQBPAH - Daba Flame 3, Heat Upper 3, Anger Fire 3, Machine Flame 3.
KICMJT - Destroy Upper, Stun Knuckle, Freeze Knuckle, Poison Knuckle.
JKIPTD - Double Eater, Beast Swing 3, Whistle, Great Axe (White Card 11).
BTRIFJ - Double Eater, Wide Wave 3, Bubble Hook 3, Queen Virgo.
RSBQPH - Edogiri Blade 3, Edogiri Blade 3, Edogiri Blade 2, Edogiri Blade 1 (White Card 14).
THFLJI - Elec +30, Flash Spear 3, Inazuma Head 3, Spade Magnets V3.
GHDRJL - Aqua +30, Bubble Hook 3, Shark Cutter 3, Dia Iceburn V2 (White Card 17).
HNDKLQ - Atomic Blazer, Attack +10, Beast Swing 1, Heat Upper 1 (Powered Red Joker).
IJMHQP - Barrier, Cannon, Cannon, Cannon (White Card 10).
GFKSLR - Beast Swing 1, Gravity Plus, Giza Wheel 1, Ice Spinning 1.
TLSRPJ - Beast Swing 3, Beast Swing 3, Death Scythe 3, Heel Wizard 3.
GLRHED - Beast Swing 3, Heel Wizard 2, Double Eater, Jack Corvus.
EJHRPG - Black Ink, Flash Spear 2, Bubble Hook 1, Mummy Hand 2 (White Card 05).
KJRLBD - Break Sabre, Drill Arm 3, Sword Fighter 3, Acid Ace V3.
JCKDBA - Break Sabre, Giza Wheel 3, Stealth Lazer 3, Acid Ace.
FJLEDR - Heavy Cannon, Drill Arm 2, Heat Upper 2, Heavy Dawn 1 (White Card 08).
HRJKBQ - Heel Wizard 1. Bubble Hook 1, Elec Slash, Dummy Spider 1 (White Card 09).
RTALSJ - Ice Grenade, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 2, Blue Ink.
DKMPHI - Ice Grenade, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 3, Flame Axe.
BFGJIM - Ice Spinning 3, Wide Wave 3, Shark Cutter 3, Bubble Hook 3.
DTOFKL - Jet Attack 3, Skull Arrow 3, Skull Arrow 3, Hammer Weapon 3.
OGBFKL - Kogarashi 3, Death Scythe 3, Tornado Dance, Windy Attack 3.
CSTKQN - Meteorite Barrage, Gravity Plus, Wide Wave 1, Beast Swing 1 (High-Speed Black Ace).
IJDCEO - MiniGrenade, Sword, WideSword, LongSword.
JDFICS - Mummy Hand 3, Dummy Spider 3, Elec Slash, Thunder of Earth 3.
BSCHLJ - Panic Cloud, Panic Cloud, Flash Spear 3, Powder Shot 3.
SLBHDT - Elec Slash, Sword Fighter 3, Wood Slash, Dancing Blade 3.
KDANJH - Fire +30, Anger Fire 3, Ox Fire V2, Machine Flame 3 (White Card 16).
JRQTLA - Flash Spear 2, Shark Cutter 2, Heat Upper 2, Shuri Shuriken 2 (Fourth Element).
SKQALD - Flash Spear 3, Inazuma Head 2, Elec Slash, Elec Slash.
JQMAKC - Giza Wheel 2, Ground Wave 2, Shuri Shuriken 1, Ice Spinning 1 (White Card 07).
SJBMPL - Great Axe, Break Sabre, Drill Arm 3, Hammer Weapon 3.
ACTKGM - Green Ink, Dummy Spider 1, Shuri Shuriken 1, Thunder Shoot 2 (White Card 02).
DKLEAH - Hammer Weapon 3, Heat Upper 3, Great Axe, Grave Joker.
MFQLHJ - White Meteor, Time Bomb 3, Heavy Dawn 3, Machine Flame 3.
AGHTRQ - Wide Wave 2, Shark Cutter 2, Ice Grenade, Ice Grenade (White Card 13).
JDBPLC - Windy Attack 1, Windy Attack 1, Noised Wizard 1, Noised Wizard 2 (White Card 06).
TDAFIQ - Windy Attack 3, Typhoon Dance, Tornado Dance, Death Scythe 2.
EMJKAD - Wood +30, Kogarashi 3, Vulcan Seed 3, Club Strong V3.
JSTKAP - Heat Upper 2, Anger Fire 1, Time Bomb 2, Daba Flame 1.
SLDTCI - Plasma Gun, Stealth Laser 2, Mummy Hand 1, Inazuma Head 1 (White Card 01).
EGIKMP - Powder Shot 3, Vulcan Seed 1, Vulcan Seed 2, Shuri Shuriken 3.
IDHBGT - Rolling Nuts 1, Rolling Nuts 2, Count Bomb 3, Machine Flame 1 (White Card 12).
STKGHM - Shuri Shuriken 3, Wide Wave 3, Stealth Lazer 3, Smile Coin 3.
SHDETN - Sword Fighter 1, Ground Wave 3, Noised Wizard 2, Drill Arm 3.
IDOSTE - Synchro Hook 1, Freeze Knuckle, Stun Knuckle, Heat Upper 3 (White Card 15).
KFHPLD - Tornado Dance, Air Spread 3, Vulcan Seed 3, Mad Vulcan 3.
DFEJTH - Whistle, Drill Arm 1, Drill Arm 2, Windy Attack 1 (White Card 03).
MISBLT - Wood Slash, Dummy Spider 2, Shuri Shuriken 2, Stealth Lazer 2.

Cipher Codes
First go to Big Wave in Echo Ridge, then proceed to talk to the Surfer Wizard in orange. He will then prompt you to input the following codes and thus receiving your reward.

Eta67300 - Acid Ace V3.
Upsilon79755 - AcornBomb3.
Sigma08312 - AirShoes/260.
Delta86531 - AirSpread3.
Omega42348 - DblEater.
Alpha40352 - DiamndIceV3.
Zeta11702 - DreadJokrV3.
Chi83559 - DrillArm3.
Phi40588 - AntiDmg/250.
Lamda09373 - BigDrop3.
Omega68805 - BN Blaster EX (1/5/2).
Omicron74574 - BubblHook3.
Mu13420 - Bushido3.
Beta20976 - ClubStrngV3.
Theta78108 - CygnsWingV3.
Psi09659 - Danger Ring (2/2/3).
Phi24914 - MuTech3.
Gamma31412 - QueenVrgoV3.
Tau78431 - Shuriken3.
Nu73618 - SiriusV3.
Psi07280 - SpadMgnes V3.
Kappa34080 - DrkPhntmV3.
Sigma66019 - FlashStrk3.
Chi78584 - Gale Claw (2/1/2).
Pi95941 - IceSpin3.
Epsilon71083 - JackCorvsV3.
Zeta78695 - KiloBomb1.
Nu31121 - MechFlame3.
Tau90338 - MegCls+1/270.
Mu66767 - MoonDstryV3.
Omicron64221 - StrngSwngV3.
Rho17385 - ThndrHead3.
Eta28274 - Virus Claw (1/2/3).
Pi62739 - WickdFlame.
Iota16196 - WolfWoodsV3.
Unlock Golden Stars
These stars appear at the title screen. Once you have all 5, you can challenge Crimson Dragon SP:

G Comp Star - Collect all the Giga cards.
M Comp Star - Collect all the Mega cards.
Red Joker Star - Beat the game for the first time.
S Comp Star - Collect all the Standard cards.
SS Star - Beat Sirius.

Unlock Silver Stars
AJ Star - Beat Acid Ace BB or Grave Joker RR.
Mu Star - Beat Burai ZZ.
Sigma Star - Beat Sirius Sigma, Moon Disaster Sigma, and Apollon Flame Sigma.

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