Robots Cheats - Nintendo DS

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Downloadable Robots Cheats
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Sep. 04, 2007
Primary Collection of Cheats
Special feature
Play as all characters in the game to unlock a special feature.

Complete the indicated transit course to unlock the corresponding mini-game at the main menu.
BWI Transit: Complete the Bigweld Industries transit course.
Chop Shop Transit: Complete the Chop Shop transit course.
Jack Hammer's Oil Rush: Help Jack with the customers on the bar.
Mansion Transit: Complete the Bigweld's Mansion transit course.
Outmode Transit: Complete the Outmoe transit course .
Transit System: Enter a Transit System for the first time.
Bonus Transit Challenge Courses: Complete all five transit courses throughout the game.
Uppercity Transit: Complete the Uppercity transit course .
Zip Line Course: Find Bigwell in his mansion then complete the ZipLine stage where you hit dominoes.
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