Rhythm Heaven Cheats - Nintendo DS

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS
Check out these Rhythm Heaven cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Rhythm Heaven Cheats
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Apr. 11, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Hidden Telephone Songs
Enter the following codes into the telephone in Rhythm Toys (requires 4 medals) to hear secret songs/random sounds from the original GBA Rhythm Tengoku:

831*831*831* - Business Card under Rhythm Toys (requires 1 medal)
2*21*98 - Tunnel Endless Game (requires 12 medals)
246936*1 - Samurai Endless Game (requires 17 medals)
44*8231* - Live Contest (must beat all 50 stages)

Note: * denotes a musical note.
Unlock Guitar Lessons
Basic Guitar Lessons - Beat Rocker (Stage 6-3) and get at least 15 medals.
Technical Guitar Lessons - Beat Rocker 2 (Stage 10-4) and get at least 35 medals.

Unlock Minigames
Phone Minigame song - Press 812 music note 82 music note 812 music note for a hidden song.
Airboard Minigame - Beati the first 6 remixes.

Unlock All Songs in the Jukebox
Japanese version: To get a Perfect on a song, you MUST wait until it has been chosen as a Perfect-eligible song which happens at random times (you'll know this when the frame for the stage changes and becomes wider and more colourful), otherwise your Perfect will not count. You have 3 attempts at getting a Perfect before its eligibility ceases, where it will either disappear for a while or change to a different stage. Note: You can attempt a Perfect on a stage even if you've failed the initial 3 attempts, but you must wait again until it is chosen as Perfect-eligible.
US version: Due to the numbers being changed around in the English version, I think it'd be appropriate to say the numbers. In the same order; Business Card toy 5553282338 - Tunnel Endless game 5557325937 - Samurai Slice Endless game 5557268724 - Battle of the Bands 5557625688.

Constant Perfect Challenges
Obtain a Medal on all 50 songs and there will no longer be any wait between Perfect challenges.

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