Nintendogs: Best Friends Cheats - Nintendo DS

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS
Check out these Nintendogs: Best Friends cheats and stay cool!
Reset data
Hold [L] + [R] + [A] + [B] + [X] + [Y] at the Nintendo logo to delete your saved data.

Get 10,000 owner points.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Get 35,000 owner points.

Get 50,000 owner points.

Find the fireman's hat during a walk.

Jack Russel Terrier
Find the Jack Russel Book to unlock this breed at the kennel.

Miniature Pinscher
Get 30,000 owner points.

Miniature Schnauzer
Get 16,000 owner points.

Get 14,000 owner points.

Shih Tzu
Get 2,000 owner points.

Shetland Sheepdog
Get 4,000 owner points.

Shiba Inu
Get 45,000 owner points.

Siberian Husky
Get 20,000 owner points.

Toy Poodle
Get 8,000 owner points.

Desktop room
Get 6,000 owner points (costs $20,000).

Outer Space room
Get 18,000 owner points (costs $100,000).

Seaside room
Get 12,000 owner points (costs $50,000).

Urban Living room
Get 25,000 owner points.

Ranch House room
Get 40,000 owner points.

Get 300 owner points.

Jump Rope
Get 300 owner points.

Windup Toy
Get 10,000 owner points.

Natural Dog Food Bag
Get 10,000 owner points.

Pull Rope
Get 300 owner points.

Other treats
When a bone or light bulb appears when you are training your dog, use the stylus to drag it over its mouth. Your dog will eat it.

While interacting with your dog at home, if you give it enough love by petting and scratching it, a golden dog bone of light will appear. You can give it to your dog as a bonus treat.

Milk and cans
You can get carton milk and a dog food can when you get over 300 points. It appears randomly in the pet shop.

Hear Archie's Duck
Sometimes when you are at your house or taking a walk, you will hear a duck quacking. Note: This is most likely Archie Hubbs' duck that he mentions sometimes in competitions.

Hear a train
Very rarely when you are in the park training your dog, you will hear a train whistle. Note: This does not happen often.

Sometimes you will hear a cow moo when you are taking a walk. Note: You are probably near the corner of the map when this happens; there is probably a farm/pasture there.

When you are on a walk you can find a Marine, Clover, and Marble Clock. The Clover Clock brings good luck.

On a walk search for the "?" and you might find a dartboard. Note: It is a Frisbee.

Dictionary Box
Go on a walk and look for a "?". If you get a Dictionary Box it will say that it sounds familiar. It will be whatever you recorded on the White Record.

Flower "Waltz" Record
If you find the Flower "Waltz" Record on a walk, you can try it at home. Your dogs will then dance to the music. However if you go on Bark mode, your dogs and the other dog will dance together, but they will not do the special surprise at the ending.

Gold Bar
While walking your dog you have a rare chance of getting a valuable item called the "Gold Bar" as a "?" mark. At the secondary shop, it is worth $2,000.

Jack Russell Terrier book
Use the following trick to increase the chance of finding the Jack Russell Terrier book. Put on a Knit Hat and go on a walk. You might find a Clover Clock. If you make that your clock, you will have a better chance of getting the book.

Leather Shoe
When on a walk, you can find a Leather Shoe. Most dogs like to chew on it to relax, but others will bark at it as if they are scared.

Lions Mane
When taking your dog on the walk, you can find the Lions Mane. It is a brown mane that goes around your dog.

Lucky Collar
When on a walk, try to get to lots of "?" boxes. Sometimes you will get a Lucky Collar. Give one of your dogs the Lucky Collar to wear, and whenever you go for a walk your walk meter will get higher than usual.

Luigi hat
Go to the edge of town and look for "?" blocks that are presents. You might find a Luigi hat. It will be named as a Green Hat.

Moai statue
When you go for a walk, try and go to as many "?" as you can. Sometimes there will be a "?" to the left of the discount store. Go to that and you may find the Moai statue, which can be sold for $100.

Mario Kart
While walking, try to get the "?" and you might find a Mario Kart. To control it, press [B] to move forward, [A] to move backwards, and [Left] or [Right] to turn. If the dog(s) hit it, the kart will spin around in place, then move in the direction you want it to move.
Mario hat
When taking your dog on a walk, find a Red Hat in one of the question marks. Finish walking your dog, put on the Red Hat (under "Accessories"), and look at your dog. It is a Mario hat.

Mario items
Keep taking your dog for walks and collect as many presents as you can. Eventually you will get a Mario hat, a Luigi hat, a rubber mushroom (from Super Mario Bros.) and a "?" block (from Super Mario Bros.).

When you get home, take out the mushroom and throw it. If you listen closely, you will hear a song from the original Mario Bros.

When on a walk you may find a Mario theme music box. You can play the Mario theme song on it by spinning the crank with the stylus.

If you go on a walk at night, you have a chance of finding a Meteorite. It is worth $150

Naptime Record
Walk your dog and you may find a rare Naptime record.

New Year's Tiara
Set the date to December 31st. A New Year's Tiara may randomly appear in a "?" box while on a walk.

Pearl Necklace
On a walk, try to get as many "?" boxes as you can. You may find a collar that is listed as the "Pearl Necklace". It sells for $10.

Piggy Bank
When taking your dog on a walk, there is a chance you will find a Piggy Bank. If you sell it at the secondhand shop, you can get $2. However, if you select the Piggy Bank under "Etc." and throw it to your dog, it will shatter open. Money will fall out, and $2.65 will be added to your account.

Promise Ring
This ring can be found on a walk. It is worth $1,000.

Pumpkin Leather Collar
Set the date to October 31st. A Pumpkin Leather Collar may randomly appear in a "?" box while on a walk.

RC helicopter
Go on a walk and you may find an RC helicopter as one of the question marks. Hold [A] to take off, the D-Pad to maneuver, and [L] to change the camera view. Note: They can be sold for $200.

Santa Claus's Hat
Set the system date to December 25th to get a free Santa hat in your accessories.

Set the date to December 24th or 25th. A Santa Hat may randomly appear in a "?" box while on a walk.

Shower Cap
On a walk, try to get as many "?" boxes as possible. You may find an item called the "Shower Cap". This is a disc.

Secret shedding records
If you walk your dog very often, you will eventually find an item called "Secret Shedding Record". This item plays strange music when you activate it from the music icon in your supplies menu. There are four records in the game. These are extremely rare.

Stuffed Dog
If you are on a walk and find a Stuffed Dog, go to the second hand shop and sell it. It is worth $50.

Talking Bird
Sometimes you can find a talking bird in the discount shop. If you take it out and press the button, you can speak into the microphone to say a message to your dog(s). Most will bark at it, as if they are scared, but some dogs will actually play with it. Note: The parrot will repeat your recorded message very fast, so say it slowly.

Weird Alien
On a walk, try to get as many "?" boxes as you can. You may encounter a very rare item called the "Weird Alien". This item sells for $600.

Easy presents
The more you stroke and pet your dog before a walk, the more presents you will receive at the blue "?" marks.

When walking your dog, look at the top screen. If the little picture of your dog remains still but the dog on the bottom screen is still walking, it indicates that either garbage or a present is coming up. If it is garbage, pull the dog away from it and do not let it eat it. If it is a present, tap your dog repeatedly and it might run to get it. These presents are usually rarer and better than those found at "?" squares.

While on a walk, you will find blue circles around the map. When you run into a "?" mark, if the circles starts to blink dark blue, it is a dog. If not, it is a present.

Almost all of the time while on a walk, when you get a "?", use the following indicators to tell if it is a present. If your dog goes to the bathroom before a "?", it is most likely a dog. If it does not, then it is most likely a present. If your dog barks once while finding a "?", then it is a present. If its barks twice while finding a "?", then it is another dog.

When you take your dog for a walk, you can tell if your going to see a dog or not by looking at the blue dot where it went to the bathroom. If it is blinking, then you have found a dog.

While you are walking, to tell if you are going to meet a dog or get a present at a "?" box, listen to the music. If it fades you will get a present. If it does not, you are going to meet a dog.

Finding rare presents
If you can take your dog for a long enough walk, try to pass all the "?"s in the corners on the screen. The farther the item is away from your house, the more likely it will be be something you do not normally find.

Use the following trick to have your dog run away and bring you back a rare present. First, get your dog in very good condition. Then, leave your game on without playing it for about one hour. Your dog should run away and bring you back a present if it is in good condition.

Trainer information
The name registered in your Nintendo DS will show appear on the screen as the owner's name, as well as your date of birth. You can change your picture to their choices of avatar pictures. There are eight choices all together.

Raising more than three dogs
The Dog Hotel will hold up to five dogs at a time. The three that you can raise do not count with the five, making it possible to raise as many as eight dogs.

Getting more dogs
Go to bark mode with someone that has a different Nintedogs game type. When you go to bark mode for the first time, you will find that one of you will get a new dog in their kennel. Delete each other from your friend lists, then go to bark mode again. You might get a new dog in the kennel.

Get dog in good mood
To get your dog into a good mood, go out for a walk. When your dog barks twice, there will be another dog. After the person says the information, . say "Play" into the microphone. Your dog will go closer to the other dog and play with him or her. If the music sounds peaceful, it indicates that your dog has played with the other dog. If the music does not sound peaceful, it indicates that the other dog is fighting you. Note: If you meet a trouble maker, do not stay.

When linking copies of Nintendogs to unlock new breeds, keep in mind two things. You can only link with another Nintendo DS system once (and unlock a new breed). The breed unlocked corresponds with your partner's current pet, and it must be a breed that you do not have in order for it to be unlocked.

Disc training
Go to the park, and keep training your dog until you get a message. Use a Frisbee, tennis ball, rubber bone, or a stick to train it.

When playing fetch with your dog, after you throw a bone, Frisbee, stick, or tennis ball in the park or homeplace, to retrieve the item tap the screen at least five times to get their attention. Then, play a tug-o-war until you have it again.

For very fast speed for the disc competitions, get a small dog like a Chihuahua or Yorkie.

Get a Shetland Sheepdog for the disc competitions. It can keep up with the disc no matter how hard you throw it.

Inside your house, train with your dog until it gets five discs in a row. Pet your dog every time it catches and it will learn to catch the disc better. Also, throw the disc straight and it will probably catch it. Then, go to contests and disc competitions. You should be able to win all three games, which is all you can play a day.

Use a Dalmatian for the disc competition. They can run fast and jump high. Alternately, use the Jack Russell terrier. It can go fast but catches the disc on the ground.

Agility training
Go to the gymnasium and train your dog on the agility course. It changes with each contest you win.

If you want a dog that can jump very high for the agility trials, than get a big dog like a Lab or Golden Retriever.

Obedience training
Have the dog do a trick repeatedly until a message appears. Name the trick, then the dog will do the trick every so often. Keep teaching it the trick until it does it for the first time you call it. Note: The dog can only do so much training in one day. For more training, wait for the next day.

When teaching your dog to fetch, every time the dog brings back the item from tapping the screen, pet it until the sparkles appear. Then, take the item and throw it over again. After doing this awhile, your dog will bring back the item automatically, making the contest easier.

Training locations
Each contest should be trained at a different place (disc competition at the park, agility at the gymnasium, and obedience at an empty park or house).

Competition courses
There are five courses for each competition: beginners, open, expert, master, and championship.

Easy competitions
When you are almost ready to go into a competition, save the game. Go into any desired competition. Play it, and if the outcome was not as you expected, turn off the Nintendo DS. If the result was what you wanted, keep playing. If turned off the game, you can start it again and can resume just before the competition.

Best competitions
The best competitions to do are the Agility trials. If you get first place in the championship, you will win $1,000.

Disc contest
Get a Boxer if you want speed. Get a German Shepherd if you want it to jump high.

Use a German Shepherd. It is fast and can jump high. However, do not throw it as far as you can. It will most likely drop it. This is not true for the Boxer. It can run fast, so you can throw it far.

Losing contests
In certain classes of contests, if you get below a certain score you will drop a class.

Avoid losing ranking
Before entering competitions, save the game. If you do badly, turn off the before the competition ends to avoid any ranking loss. Note: Whenever this is done, the leader's score will change.

Deleting tricks
On the camera view of your dogs, tap the question mark under the dog's picture. It will bring up a screen with the dog's information on it, such as name, age, gender, etc. At the bottom is a button to go to the "Trick List". Tap on a trick, and tap "OK" for the dog to forget that trick. If you delete the trick by accident, you can re-teach the dog the same trick, and name it all the same.

Walking your dog more then one time a day
You can walk your dog once every 25 minutes. Wait 25 minutes with the game on, in sleep mode, or off before walking your dog. Also, it will not be very active during the day if it stays awake at night.

To walk your dog(s) without having to wait half an hour, take your dog for a walk and run into as many "?" boxes as possible. Take your dog to the park. Once at the park, change your accessory. The game will auto-save. Once it has saved, turn off the Nintendo DS then turn it back on. You will be at your house and have all the items you collected. You will also be able to take your dog out for another walk. You can use this trick to get lots of items quickly and build up your dog's stamina.

When on a walk, go to the park and change collars. Note: The game will save. After it has saved, turn off the Nintendo DS. Turn it back on, then go on a walk. This will improve your stamina.

Walking your dog
When walking your dog and it seems edgy, give the leash a little tug towards the way it is walking. The dog will start running. Also, if you want you can give it a tug while running upwards, it will do a jump.

Get your dog to play with another dog without waiting
When you meet another dog on a walk, drag your dog's leash to the top right hand corner of the touchscreen.

Question marks on the map
While marking out where you want to go on the map, try to get as many question marks as you can along the way. There would be either other dogs or gifts that your dog would find with each question mark.

Blue circles on the map
While on walks, blue circles represent places to go to the bathroom.

Finding items
When you are walking on the sidewalk, tap the floor and your dog will look and sometimes find an item.

When you walk your dog there are "?" marks where you can find presents and other dogs. Once during almost every walk, there is one not illustrated on the map. When you see it on the touch screen take your dogs leash and drag your dog to the present. It will be a present or garbage that your dog should not eat.

To easily get your dog to pick up unmarked gifts, while walking your dog, hold the leash over its body. If you happen to come across an unmarked gift, quickly drag the stylus up to the top of the screen. This works even if your dog is walking instead of running.

When on a walk, items are not always on a question mark. They can be laying on the ground. Your dog will not stop. To get the item, you must turn around and get it. Note: Most of the time better items are far away from your house.

Determining "?" box content
When you find a "?" box during a walk, if you dog barks once it is a present. If it barks twice, it is another dog.

When walking your dog, if you find a present wait until the dog runs off the screen. If it turns white, it will be a trainer. If it does not, it is a present.

While walking your dog, watch the top screen and the dog icon. If the small dog icon starts walking in place while your dog is still walking forward on the bottom screen, one of two things is about to happen. Either there is a pile of garbage on the path ahead or there is a hidden gift on the path ahead. The dog icon will only stop for about five seconds; make sure to watch it carefully.

Longer walks
Mark out the path on your map, ending it at the house. If your last few steps ends at the house, wait 25 minutes, then your dog can go slighter further on the next walk. Note: Make sure to water your dog after each walk.

Finding dogs on walks
When trying to make a route to the park, to see if there are any other dogs look for a dog icon.

Different colored Dogs
While at the pound, pick a breed. You will have three choices for the dog's coloring *light, medium, and dark). If you do not see the color you like, tap "Back", then tap on the breed again until the color and/or gender that you want with the dog appears. It may take some time to actually get what you want.

Beautiful coat dogs
Give your dog a bath when the dog's information page for coat reads "Clean". This will also make the dog like you more.

To get a beautiful coat with your dogs, when you wash it, apply the soap, then rinse. Then, apply the soap again and rinse again.

When bathing your dogs, scrub them down quickly with the sponge then wash them off. Wash them again with the soap sponge and the suds should be white and your dog will be as clean as it can be. Note: Leave at least a soap sud on your pet, otherwise the trick will not work and you will have wasted one shampoo.

More trick and competition opportunities
Notice how your dog will only learn a certain amount of tricks a day, while the same goes for competitions. To get more chances at tricks and competitions, change the system date to to the previous day and set the time to 23:59. Exit the menu and turn off the DS. Immediately turn it back on and load the game. You will see the previous day and time shown. After one minute it will be an entire new day, allowing more tricks to be taught and competitions to be won. This can earn you more money if you win the competition. When you want to follow the normal order of things, just set the date and time back to the correct values.

Get your dog to learn lots of tricks
Go to "Care" and read the training book. It will show you how to do different tricks. Read one and memorize it. Then, go back and do each step to your dog. Tap on the light bulb in the corner and say the trick. Repeat this until it says the dog has learned a new trick.

Getting money
Go on a lot of walks, getting as many question marks as you can along the way. Then, go to the second hand store and sell all the items you do not want or your dog(s) do not like. Some items are less then a dollar, but the amount adds up if you keep doing this.

When out on walks, it is best to feed and water your dog just before you go (if its hungry or thirsty). By doing this, instead of finding trash, they will be much more likely to find presents. You will see a white box with red ribbons around it. Try walking slow because you cannot go backwards. Touch it with the stylus. Your dog will bring it to you. These items are the ones that are worth more. The tri-color ribbon is worth ten dollars, and the Moai Statue is worth one hundred dollars.

If you own five dogs and they are all in Championship Agility trials, if you win first place you will get $12,000 and 1,200 trainer points.

Easy owner points
Play with a disc, ball, or something. Every time your pup gets it, call it over (or tap the screen a few times.). When he comes, pet it on the head for a few seconds. He should sparkle, giving you one or two owner points. This also makes it easier to get the toy back and repeat.

Enter the disc event and win. You should get 100 owner points each time you finish in first, second, or third place.

To make your dog sparkle, check his status. Buy a few of the shampoo type that matches his or her fur (long or short). Give it a bath and rub the sponge everywhere on it, until you hear rapid beeping. Then, spray it until it says "Someone looks beautiful!". Then, try to brush it with the correct brush everywhere until you get the same message. When it comes back out, call it and look closely. It will have yellow sparkles blinking around it.

Buy some shampoo for your dog. When you come back, tap on the place to give it a bath. Hold the sponge very still on the middle of the dog for one minute real time. Each minute you hold it, you get a free owner point.

When you brush your dog every minute, you will get points. If you leave the brush on him all day, you will get about 1,000 or more points easily.

Easier training
When teaching your dog to sit, do not say "sit down", just say "sit." By doing this, when you teach it "lay down," it will not get confused. When teaching it to shake, do not say "shake". Instead, say "shake hands". By doing this, it will not get sit confused with shake.

Instead of saying "sit" and "lie down", say "one" for sit or "two" for lie down. Your dog will most likely get confused when you say "six". This will takes awhile but is a very easy way to win obedience trials.

Use the following steps to teach your dog "Sniff The Ground", "Bite Other Dog", "Cuddle Other Dog" "Sneeze", "Dig" (scratch the ground), "Stretch" (whole body), and "Yawn". This has the benefit of your dog doing different, simple tricks. Also, you do not have to force them to do it and your other dogs cannot interfere.

1. Ensure all dogs are on top screen and that the bottom screen shows the Home Menu.

2. Touch one of your dog's pictures to center the camera on to that dog you using.

3. Watch that dog closely, rotating the camera if needed.

4. When your dog performs a trick that you like, such as "Dig", "Sniff" or "Yawn", immediately tap the light bulb in the top right corner of the bottom screen.

5. Say your command clearly.

6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until your dog learns the trick. Note: This may take awhile; you may want to teach multiple tricks simultaneously.

7. Name the trick.
Advanced tricks
The majority of advanced tricks must be done with voice commands. Do not pet your dog while the trick is in process. Once you start petting, the dog will assume that the teaching process is over.

Back flip
Teach your dog to sit and jump. While it is sitting, tell it to jump. Your dog should do a back flip.

Get your dog to lie on its back, then tell your dog to jump. It will perform a somersault in the air.

To do a back flip from a sitting position, tell it to sit, then jump.

To do an easy back flip, try to find the "Flower Waltz" record. Have your dog(s) dance to it. The last move your dog(s) will perform will be a back flip. You will be able to teach your dog(s) back flip by doing this. Note: There are some other moves in this dance.

Break dance
Teach your dog spin and roll over. Make it roll over. While it is on its back, tell it to spin. Your dog should spin around on his back, almost like break dancing.

Have your dog lie on his back then tell it to spin. It will proceed to do a doggie version of a shoulder roll.

To teach your dog to dance you must have the trick "Beg". When your dog is begging, grab one of its paws and pull it up slowly. Then whenever your dog is begging, you can teach your dog the trick.

Dog hang
Earn the pull rope. Take out the pull rope. Wait for your dog to bite it. If you quickly slide the rope up while it is biting, one of two things will happen. It will either let go, or the camera will go above the dog, and it is hanging on the rope. To stop, let go of the rope or swing the rope around until the dog loses its grip and goes flying.

Flip from back
Teach your dog roll over and jump. Tell it to roll over then quickly have it jump. It should flip forward onto its legs, with something that resembles a Kung Fu-style move.

Touch one of your dog's hind legs and sometimes it will wag. If this does not work, then try touching the other one. If it still does not work, then try it when your dog wags its rear at you. Most likely it will stop and wag its foot.

Hand stand
Teach your dog to lie down and beg. While lying down, tell it to beg and your dog should do a handstand.

To make your dog to stand on its two front paws, command it to lie on its stomach then tell it to stand or beg.

Have your dog learn the commands for lie down and beg. Say the command for lie down, then say the command for beg. Your dog will then get up and stand on its two front paws.

High five
When you brush your dog's hair, touch their front paw with your stylus and drag it up. Once you have done that, let go and its paw will shake for about five seconds.

Before attempting the hop, your dog must know the commands to stand and dance. Have your dog do a little jiggy dance. Once your dog is dancing, tell it to jump and it will start hopping.

Sometimes at night a neighbor dog will bark, your dog will "howl" back. When he does this, tap on your dog's picture and you will get the light bulb. Teach it howl. You only have to teach him three or four times to learn the trick.

Jump lying on its side
Before attempting the jump lying on its side, your dog must know the commands to lay on its side and jump. Tell it to lay on its side and then say jump.

Repeatedly tap the stylus above the dog's head. The dog may be more inclined to jump if it consistently wags its tail.

Lie down
While your dog is sitting, stroke its head from top to bottom.

March in circle
While playing the Colonel Bogey record, the dogs will march around in a circle until the music stops.

Note: Do not let your dogs do this too often or they will grow hungry and thirsty.

Rag doll puppy
When your dog is playing with the pull rope, grab the other end and pull up with the stylus. This should make the puppy hang on the other end like a rag doll. Drag the rope around the screen and eventually the dog will fly off.

Roll over
While lying on the floor, move the stylus on its body in a horizontal motion (left to right, or right to left).

When on its back, have the dog lie on its side and move the stylus on its body in a horizontal motion.

Make your dogs sleep using the Naptime record then quickly switch to the Surprise record and play it. Watch when it gets to the really loud note. They will jump up very scared.

When your dog turns around, touch one of its hind legs. He will then scratch himself. While he is doing, tap on the lightbulb and say "Scratch". Then, drag the lightbulb that appears above his head to his mouth.

You can make your dog look like it is having a seizure. The Have the dog roll over (do it manually) until it is in a half roll position. Then, grab its ear for a few seconds. Do this multiple times and your dog will be very angry. It should start bouncing on its back and act crazy. It looks like it is having a seizure.

This could be done either standing or sitting. Grab your dog's paw and move it up and down.

Stroke your dog's head from top to bottom.

When the dog is staring at you, you can touch his nose and it will sneeze. The light bulb will appear . Click on the name and say "sneeze". Do this for awhile and it will learn sneeze. Note: You can do this while sitting, standing ,and laying down.

Put your dog by camera and it might bend down and sniff. Hit the light and say "sniff". Do this frequently and it might learn sniff.

Spin or run in a circle
Grab your dog's tail and hold it in front of its face. It will run in a circle, chasing its tail.

Spinning collar
Once your dog learns "sit", tell it to do so. Pet your dog on the head from side to side. The collar will look like it is spinning.

Stand and hop
Before attempting the hop, your dog must know the commands jump and stand. Have your dog stand and say jump.

Stand or beg
Pet the dog's throat to make it tilt its head up. Once the head is facing up, stroke his throat from bottom to top. Alternately, touch its belly and slide the stylus up to its neck.

Stand out of food or water
When you give your dog food or water, tap your stylus on the dog and it should sit out of the reward. Note: If you use your finger you can make two dogs sit out. This is very difficult to do.

Stand up
After your dog has learned beg, lift its paw up, and make it stand on its hind legs. It will stand and you will be able to teach it how.

Statue Of Liberty
Teach your dog "Sit". Tell it to sit, then pull up its hand until it looks like she or he is the Statue of Liberty.

Turning in circles while standing
Command your dog to beg or stand. Once it i's on its hind legs, tell it to run in a circle.

Walk on two legs
First, make your dog stand on its hind legs. Put the stylus on his leg and drag up. He should now be standing. Note: Teach your dog that trick so it is remembered. Then, pull its paw to the area that the training icon is located. It should now be walking on its hind legs.

Wave paw
Get your dog to sit and hold an ear back. The dog will wave its paw. Do it three or four times to get the trick.

Hold your dog's ear back to his head when siting or lying down. He will wave his paw.

Tell your dog to "sit", then grab its ear and hold it down. Depending your dog's temperament, it should look like its waving after a few seconds. Click on the light bulb and teach it "wave".

When you acquire the piano, play one note at a time. This works better with two or three dogs. They will "yelp" each time.

Refill food and water
When you get out some food and water and your dogs consume it, tap the icon on the touchscreen that lets you put the item away. Then, tap it again. You will now have a full bowl of food and water for you dogs.

Dog jumps over bathroom spot
Use the following trick you are walking your dog and it goes to the bathroom where there is a blue mark on your map. Just as when you are hitting the spot, run and pull the leash up. This makes will your dog jump over the spot where it goes to the bathroom.

When you have a keyboard you can play notes and your dog barks along. If you want your dog to learn a song, click on the camera to the left of the touchscreen then play the song. When done, tap the lightbulb that appears and name your song. Note: It can only remember fifteen notes per song.

Less grumpy dog
Put your dogs to sleep with the "Sleepytime" record. You will find they are in a little better mood than usual. Wake them by stroking them, throwing a toy in the room, hitting them with a Peach Kart, or with the "Surprise" record.

Cheaper supplies
Go to the discount shop closest to the bottom of the map. Things in this shop are about $1 to $2 cheaper.

Pikmin reference
In the pet supply shop, there is a Pikmin enemy on the shelf on the top screen.

Select "Go Out" then select "Shopping" Go to the Secondhand shop. Choose any of the seven categories of things to sell, then look on the top screen to see a creature from Pikmin.

Glitch: Slow motion
Sometimes your dog will go in slow motion when meeting another dog on a walk. It will most likely stay this way for the rest of the walk.

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