Mega Man Star Force: Leo Cheats - Nintendo DS

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS
Check out these Mega Man Star Force: Leo cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Free items from e-mail
Compose a new message and send it to your satelite. In the subject line, type Cipher. In the body, type one of the codes shown below. If done correctly, you will receive a call from your admin and he will give you a prize!

ISNBDUBO: Cloaker SubCard
KNIGSPIAREM: FlickerKick 3 B. Card
ROHNATPE: HeatBall 3 B. Card
AURIEFRUTS: Recover50 battle card
IPHAUEOEUNQC: TailBurner 3 B. Card
LAREBARAON: TimeBomb1 battle card
ALPTUNZLA: Unlocker SubCard
Title Screen Star Marks
Accomplish something in-game to recieve these different icons on your New Game/Continue screen. Getting them all will also result something new to appear on the screen. One will also be able to fight the Infinity Version of the Final Boss at the end of the game which has 4000 HP.

Dragon Star - Defeat DragonSky
G Comp Star - Colllect all 5 Giga Cards
M Comp Star - Collect all 30 Mega Cards
Rockman [Megaman] Star - Finish the Main Story
S Comp Star - Collect all 150 Standard Cards
SP Comp Star - Obtain all SP Cards

Special War Rock Weapon, "EXE Blaster". By having the any of the following GBA Games in Slot-2 of the NDS with Ryuusei no Rockman:

Battle Network Rockman EXE (Megaman Battle Network)
Battle Network Rockman EXE2 (Megaman Battle Network 2)
Battle Network Rockman EXE3 (Megaman Battle Network 3 White)
Battle Network Rockman EXE3 BLACK (Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue)
Rockman EXE Battle Chip GP (Megaman Battle Chip Challenge)
Rockman EXE4 Tournament Red Sun (Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun)
Rockman EXE4 Tournament Blue Moon (Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon)
Rockman EXE4.5 Real Operation
Rockman EXE5 Team of Blues (Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Blues)
Rockman EXE5 Team of Colonel (Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Colonel)
Rockman EXE6 Cyber Beast Greiga (Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar)
Rockman EXE6 Cyber Beast Falzer (Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar)

And either still in or taken out after a saved game. A New Cutscene will commence in the Dog House next to Gonta's House. After the cutscene is finished, go to the statue near the stairs to fight enemy in the middle of the map. Finally, after defeating the enemy, go back to the Dog House.

A Cutscene with Rockman EXE will occur out of the Data in the Dog House. You'll give him the Data picked off the enemy you defeated for a War Rock Item, "EXE Blaster". Which stats are AT1 | RA5 | CH1.

Slot-2 is also Region Locked for bonuses. Meaning Slot-1's Game must be in Japanese if you want to use Japanese Slot-2 Carts and vice-versa.

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