Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Cheats - Nintendo DS

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo DS
Check out these Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Cheats
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Aug. 26, 2011
Oct. 31, 2009
Unlock Characters
King Mickey in mission mode - Finish story mode.
Sora in mission mode - Finish story mode.
Donald and Goofy in Mission Mode - Beat Story Mode once in any difficulty.
Xion in mission Mode - Beat Story Mode once in any difficulty.
Goofy - Play story mode to day 277.
Riku - Play story mode to day 171.

Unlock Theater Mode
Beat the game once.

New Game +
Finish Story Mode once in any difficulty using any character.

Dual-wielding Roxas Character (Mission Mode)
Buy Zero Gear from the Moogle Shop after completing the game, equip it with Roxas, and add three Ability Units. If you are playing Mission Mode, this will let you play as dual-wielding Roxas. (In Story Mode, Zero Gear will gain the three abilities from the ability units, but it will revert to its original form, and you will not be able to dual wield).

Unlock Freebie Items (Sythesis Moogle)
Casual Gear (2) - Obtain 15 Sigils.
Fira x 2 - Obtain 45 Sigils.
Fire x 3 - Obtain 20 Sigils.
Cure x 3 - Obtain 25 Sigils.
Haste - Obtain 10 Sigils.
Phantom Gear+ (4) - Obtain 70 Sigils.
Slot Releaser - Obtain 80 Sigils.
Slot Releaser - Obtain 5 Sigils.
Slot Releaser - Obtain 50 Sigils.
Slot Releaser - Obtain 30 Sigils.
Thundara x 2 - Obtain 60 Sigils.
Thunder x 3 - Obtain 35 Sigils.
Wild Gear+ (3) - Obtain 40 Sigils.

Crown Freebies
To unlock crowns do missions on mission mode or multiplayer mode and beat the mission to get crowns. Then go to the shop and choose freebies to redeem prizes:

Aeroga (magic) - 130 crowns.
Adamanite X 2 (material) - 180 crowns.
Aero X 3 (magic) - 25 crowns.
Aerora X 3 (magic) - 80 crowns.
Blizzara X 2 (magic) - 40 crowns.
Blizzard X 3 (magic) - 15 crowns.
Crimson Blood (ring) - 160 crowns.
Hi-Potion X 10 - 50 crowns.
Lift Gear+ (3) (weapon) - 10 crowns.
Limit recharge X 5 - 75 crowns.
LV Doubler (6) - 260 crowns.
LV Quadrupler (3) - 220 crowns.
Magic unit (L) - 190 crowns.
Master's Circle (ring) - 358 crowns.
Cura X 2 (magic) - 35 crowns.
Elixir X 10 - 70 crowns.
Ether X 10 - 8 crowns.
Guard Unit (L) - 240 crowns.
Hi-Ether X 10 - 55 crowns.
Mega-Ether X 10 - 100 crowns.
Mega-potion X 10 - 90 crowns.
Megalixir X 5 - 120 crowns.
Mystery Gear (3) (weapon) - 60 crowns.
Panacea X 10 - 30 crowns.
Potion X 10 - 5 crowns.
Power Unit (L) - 170 crowns.
Premium Orb (material) - 140 crowns.
Rune Ring (ring) - 200 crowns.
Sliding Dash LV+ (L) - 150 crowns.
Slot Releaser - 65 crowns.
Slot Releaser - 1 crown.
Slot Releaser - 45 crowns.
Slot Releaser - 20 crowns.
Slot Releaser - 280 crowns.
Slot Releaser - 85 crowns.
Ultimate Gear (6) (weapon) - 110 crowns.
Valor Gear+ (2) (weapon) - 2 crowns.

Unlock Limit Pass
Beat every mission in Mission Mode at least once (including the first tutorial mission and the Vacation mission). You will earn Crowns next to every mission you complete, and once you get them all, the Limit Pass will be sold in the Moogle Shop for 10,000 heart points.

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