Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Cheats - DC

 All cheats for this game by platform: Dreamcast | GameBoy Color | PC | PlayStation
Check out these Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Slim Jim
Press [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Up]x2, [Y] at the rider selection screen in ProQuest mode. Alternately successfully complete the game with any rider to unlock a bonus bike and Slim Jim. Note: The effect of this code will be disabled if a new bike is selected.

Amish Boy
Successfully complete the game as the game as Troy McMurray, Mike Laird, Chad Kagy, Tim Mirra, Kenan Harkin, Shaun Butler, Leigh Ramsdell, Joey Garcia, Ryan Nyquist, and Dave Mirra.

All bikes
Press [Up], [Left], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Y] at the bike selection screen in ProQuest mode. Note: The effect of this code will be disabled if a new bike is selected.

All styles
Press [Left], [Up], [Right], [Down], [Left], [Down], [Right], [Up], [Left], [Y] at the style selection screen in ProQuest mode to unlock all styles. Note: The effect of this code will be disabled if a new bike is selected.

All levels
Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Y] at the level selection screen in ProQuest mode. Note: The effect of this code will be disabled if a new bike is selected.

Exorcist mode
Successfully complete the game as Troy McMurray to unlock the exorcist option at the cheat screen.

First person view
Successfully complete the game as Mike Laird to unlock the first person view option at the cheat screen.

Bike suspension mode
Successfully complete the game as Chad Kagy to unlock the bike suspension option at the cheat screen.

Silly grunts
Successfully complete the game as Tim Mirra to unlock the silly grunt option at the cheat screen.

Sticky crash
Successfully complete the game as Kenan Harkin to unlock the sticky crash option at the cheat screen.

Night vision
Successfully complete the game as Shaun Butler to unlock the night vision option at the cheat screen.

Big crashes
Successfully complete the game as Leigh Ramsdell to unlock the big crash option at the cheat screen.

Ghost rider
Successfully complete the game as Joey Garcia to unlock the ghost rider option at the cheat screen.

Dave Mirra FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game as Dave Mirra.

Ryan Nyquist FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game as Ryan Nyquist.

Game contest FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game as Slim Jim.

Development team FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game as Amish Boy.

Extra points
Stall on something and keep your balance. The points will continue to accumulate. Before the two minutes is over, jump off. An easy way to do this is to enable the "Slim Jim" code and select the bonus bike that it also unlocks. Execute a Double Peg Stall and keep balanced to keep accumulating points.

Go to the competition level with the fenced in halfpipe. That brick wall has a glitch that can be exploited. Wall Tap it and hold the move. Try to get your rider so he halfway into the brick wall. If done correctly, you will get stuck and not have to balance your bike. Allow the game to idle and you will keep accumulating points for as long as desired.

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