Foes of Ali Cheats - 3DO

 All cheats for this game by platform: 3DO
Check out these Foes of Ali cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [P] during a fight to display the in-fight menu. The, press [LS] + [RS] + [C] to display the cheat menu where the following codes may be entered.
Development team picture
Enter "TEAM" to display a picture of the game's designers.

Hidden fighter picture
Enter "PREBEG" to display a picture of Ivan Prebeg, European Middle-Heavyweight Champ (June 29, 1969) and uncle of Foes Of Ali programmer Misho Katulic.

Remove crowd
Enter "CROWD" to remove the crowd from the background, except for their sound and camera flashes. Gameplay will also be slightly sped up.

Increase frames per second
Enter "ZIPPY" to remove the fifteen frames per second limit. When used in conjunction with the "Remove crowd" code, it will increase the framerate by two to five frames per second depending on the view. Another valid cheat code, "HYPER", appears to have the same effect.

Turn off CPU or player artificial intelligence
Enter "AIAT" or "AIBT" to toggle on or off the AI for either boxer. The corresponding boxer will be motionless while AI is turned off.

Increment fight clock
Enter "STEP" to toggle on or off a mode which freezes the display while allowing the fight clock to run. Note that the boxers' shadows will still fight if the appropriate buttons are pressed.

Special cheat functions
Enter "PADC" to activate the buttons on controller three for special cheat functions.

Press [A] to knock down Boxer B for six seconds.
Press [B] to cut the right eye of Boxer A. The referee will stop the fight if this is done three times.
Press [C] to end the current round and immediately advance to round 10.
The sound of a glove being blocked and the sound of a glove scoring a hit are different. Watch the graphics for sweat or blood flying. The boxer will recoil as well, but this may not be noticeable depending on the current view. The Custom and TrackCam High views are good choices to avoid this problem.

Completing punches
When throwing any of the slower punches, hold down the button until the punch completes. Releasing the button early will result in a fake punch. Note that the punch timing must be altered as your boxer becomes fatigued. The best way to make sure a punch finishes is practice the timing with one boxer. If your boxer recoils by getting hit during a punch, the punch probably will not finish.

Fighting dirty
You can fight "dirty" by throwing low blows. This is done by pressing [Down/Toward] + [A] or [B]. The crowd may voice its disapproval. The referee will warn you and/or give you a penalty point.

Fighting tips
The best fighting range is at arm's length. Do not get as close to the fighter as possible and pound away; your hits will be ineffective and will waste energy. Close punches (except for uppercuts and clinches) do not have an effective momentum. The optimal punch range can be found by taking as step back from the closest position.

Move as much as possible. Chase your opponent and try to corner him. When he is in the corner, pound him mercilessly at arm's length.

If low on energy, avoid your opponent. If you become knocked down, run around while avoiding punches and fight defensively until the round ends. Your energy will be recovered in the next round and will allow you to go back on the offensive.

Learn to use defense, and try to anticipate the punches. If your opponent did not throw a punch for a second or two, duck!

As your opponent tires out he will drop his guard more often; take advantage of this situation. Also, watch for your opponent to "fidget" (pull up their shorts, wipe their noses), when they are out of range. With care, you can jump your opponent while he is fidgeting and lay one on him.

Avoid being punched until after getting warmed up in the first round to prevent a knock out.

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