Demolition Man Cheats - 3DO

 All cheats for this game by platform: 3DO | Sega Genesis
Check out these Demolition Man cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Blood mode
Press [RS], [Up], [Down], [Right], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Right] at the main menu, with the "Start", "Password", and "Option" selection. Blood will splatter on the screen to confirm correct code entry.

Debug mode
Press [P] to pause game play. Then, press [LS], [A], [Up], [Down], [RS], [Up] to activate debug mode. The last three letters of the password will change to "PWR" to confirm correct code entry. Press [B] + [Up] or [B] + [Down] to scroll through the levels and screens, which will appear in the password box.
VRGN 1 through VRGN 5 are five secret Doom-like levels that are modeled after the interior of Virgin Studios.

PASSWQRD displays the Password Select screen.

OPTIONS displays the Options menu.

TTLSCRN displays the Title screen.

LQGQS displays the Q Sound logo screen.

LSTNG#BTH displays the Listening Booth. Press [Left] or [Right] to select a song and [P] to play or pause.

CRDTS displays the Credits screen.

SCQRS displays the High Score screen.

GMWNNR displays the game winning scene.

GMQVR displays the game over scene.
Virtual sex bonus
Complete the game with one million points in blood mode with medium or hard difficulty to view a Virtual Sex scene between Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock. An easy way to accomplish this is to play the secret VRGN levels. To restore your health, pause the game and select a different level. To restore your health when fighting Wesley Snipes in the final level, pause the game and reselect that level. After one million points are accumulated, pause and enter the code for the game winning scene. After being congratulated by Sylvester Stallone, Sandra Bullock will ask if you want to have sex. Answer "yes" for the Virtual Sex scene and the sequence will begin. Perform the sequence four times when asked "you want to do it again?" and Sandra Bullock will respond, "You are a savage man, John Spartan!".

Shooting Gallery 1
Shoot barrels and boxes for health, bonus life, and machine gun power-ups. Any box or barrel that explodes can be shot at multiple times to increase the hit bonus without sacrificing the accuracy rating. Try to shoot enemies on the first shot for extra points for shooting accuracy. Hitting something that is not killable or explodable are considered misses for the purposes of bonus and accuracy calculation. When on a gallery with grenade launchers, find and kill them quickly. They inflict the most damage. Use the machine gun on the enemy bosses when possible. Reload the gun during pauses in the action.

Shooting Gallery 2
The man throwing grenades from behind the barrel can be killed by shooting at the barrel until it explodes.

Shooting Gallery 3
In this section, after all of the opponents are dead, a helicopter lifts off to shoot at Stallone. Shoot the helicopter before the end of the stage, while your opponents are still attacking. Shoot the engine several times and the helicopter will blow up.

The Museum
Shoot any stationary object that beings moving when Phoenix approaches. Some of these items may move once and are not easily noticeable.

Museum Shooting Gallery 1
Shoot display Phoenix is hiding behind; then blow up the robot tank; finally, shoot the bomb that is hanging from the plane.

Museum Shooting Gallery 2
Shoot the electrical box that Phoenix hides behind (the light fixture will gradually lower above Phoenix). Then, shoot the light fixture and it will fall on Phoenix.

Maze Chase
Stallone does not have to follow Snipes in the tunnel levels. Just free the cryoprisoners and get to the exit. If Snipes is followed, he will eventually take a path to the exit, but it can be reached without him. The easiest way to do this is to follow the objects. When an intersection is reached, look down each hallway. The one with the object is the correct hallway to take.

Car Chase
During the car chase, get to Snipes' car with enough fuel to kill him during the fight scene. This is done by running over the "FUEL AHEAD" signs on the road. If fuel runs out during the fight scene, Stallone will lose a life. The bonus for running over the "50 MPH" signs on the road increases with each collected. Running over the "BE WELL" signs on the road repairs damage to the car.

To win, block often. Each attack does a certain amount of damage. When a block is successful, Stallone will always do the correct counter attack which does double damage. This is also true for Snipes, so when the difficulty is set on "hard" he mostly blocks. To get him to swing, fake an attack by pushing the block button immediately after an attack is launched. Use different moves and combinations; Snipes will counter effectively if the same move is repeated.

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