Xenoraid Cheats - Xbox One

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Fortress Earth (100) - Complete Battle 5.
Hard Fought Victory (100) - Complete campaign in Hard Mode.
Heroes of Mars (50) - Complete Battle 2.
Hundred to One (100) - Destroy 400 enemies in Survival II.
Major Force (100) - Finish Battle 2 with four pilots ranked as Major.
Mars, God of War (50) - Complete Battle 4.
Moonraiders (50) - Complete Battle 3.
Seven Minutes of Terror (100) - Survive seven minutes or more in Survival I.
Sharp Shooter (50) - Destroy six or more enemies with a single Railgun blast.
Smart Bomb (50) - Destroy ten or more enemies with a single Cluster Bomb.
Stellar Ace (100) - Destroy 500 enemies with a single fighter during a Battle.
Survival Star (100) - Score 20,000 points or more in Survival III.
Vanguard (50) - Complete Battle 1.
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