Valley Cheats - Xbox One

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A World in Peril (15) - Complete Camp Henday.
Arboricide (secret) (15) - Kill 50 trees.
Archaeologist (30) - Gain entry to the Sussurian Pyramid.
Breaking and Enter (15) - Complete Smoke Lake.
Carnivore (secret) (30) - Take life from 20 animals.
Chipmunk (secret) (30) - Collect 100 acorns.
Final Form (100) - Acquire all upgrades for the L.E.A.F. suit.
Full Power (90) - Collect all energy upgrades.
Headhunter (secret) (15) - Defeat 25 dark creatures.
Her Darkest Hour (15) - Find Virginia's music box.
Immortality (90) - Complete game without the valley dying.
Leg day (secret) (30) - Take 10,000 steps.
Like an Eagle (secret) (30) - Spend 20 minutes of accumulated time in mid-air.
Nowhere to Go but Up (15) - Complete Susurrus Valley.
Pathfinder Training (secret) (30) - Discover the secret Landshark encampment.
Redemption (30) - Stop the Astra Facility from killing the valley.
Relic Collector (90) - Collect enough medallions to access all pyramid chambers.
Restoring the Balance (15) - Complete the Astra Facility.
Spelunker (90) - Gain entry through all the acorn doors.
The Ascent (15) - Complete Titan Rock.
The Descent (15) - Complete the Soma Reactor.
The Eight Pages (secret) (30) - Find all 8 pages.
The Fly Lordship (secret) (15) - Pacify 10 Amrita Swarms.
The Journey Begins (15) - Complete Wendigo Lake.
The Madman's Hubris (15) - Complete the Soma Facility.
The Pathfinder Finds a Way (15) - Complete the Proving Grounds.
The Plant of Heartbeat (30) - Acquire the Lifeseed.
This. Is. VALLEY (secret) (15) - Drop down the pit located in Proving Grounds.
Tree Hugger (secret) (30) - Revive 100 trees.
Who's the Alpha Now? (30) - Defeat the Alpha.
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