Mimic Arena Cheats - Xbox One

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox One

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Blast from the past (50) - Have your mimics destroy 100 enemies.
Coordination (100) - Score multiple points back to back in the Infiltration game mode 10 times.
Defender (50) - Destroy 200 mimics in Infiltration mode.
Deja Vu (25) - Destroy 100 mimics in Deathmatch mode.
Direct Hit (25) - Destroy 100 enemies with projectiles that not bounced off any walls.
Double Kill (secret) (100) - Destroy 2 enemies with a single shot 25 times.
Jump n' Shoot Man (secret) (100) - Jump and Shoot 5,000 times.
Monster Kill (100) - Destroy 5 or more enemies with a single shot.
Multi Kill (secret) (100) - Destroy 3 enemies with a single shot 10 times.
Pool Player (50) - Destroy 50 enemies with projectiles that have bounced 3 or more times.
Reflective (100) - Destroy 25 enemies with reflected projectiles.
Rule of Two (75) - Destroy a player and their mimic with the same shot 25 times.
The floor is lava (secret) (25) - Don't touch the ground for 60 seconds in a single life.
Ultra Kill (secret) (100) - Destroy 4 enemies with a single shot 3 times.
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