Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD Cheats - Xbox 360

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Codes
Hold [LT] at the skater select screen, and press the following buttons:

[Y], [X], [A] - Max all stats.
[Y], [B], [A] - Max money ($999,999,999).
[A], [B], [Y] - Unlock all cheats.
[A], [Y], [B] - Unlock all game modes.
[Y], [X], [B] - Unlock all levels.
[Y], [B], [X] - Unlock all skaters.
[A], [X], [Y] - Unlock all tricks.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Mall Rat (5) - Unlocked Mall.
Ain't 'fraid of no ghosts (35) - Collected all pellets in one combo in Hawkman in The Hangar.
Bringing home the bacon (20) - Unlocked Officer Dick.
Completist (100) - Completed all Projectives with one character.
Da Jam (10) - Unlocked Downhill Jam.
Danger Zone (5) - Unlocked The Hangar.
Gap Skiing (35) - Completed the 100 Ski Jump gap in Downhill Jam.
Going Back to Cali (10) - Unlocked Venice Beach.
I don't want no 2 minute Man (35) - Held a combo for 30 seconds after the time is up in Marseille.
Manual Master (20) - Performed 15 manuals in one combo in School II with Rodney Mullen.
Old School (20) - Scored 200,000 points without performing a single manual in one run in Warehouse.
Race to the finish lines (35) - Reached the end of the Mall 3 times in a single Big Head Survival run.
School's Out (5) - Unlocked School II.
The Best, Around (35) - Got 500,000 points in one run in Venice Beach.
This. is. SKATEBOARDING! (20) - Won a match online.
Uh huh, Oui Oui (10) - Unlocked Marseille.

Unlock Bonuses
Big Head Mode - Complete all objectives in Big Head Survival with a single skater
Dusty Skater - Complete 30 goals in a single skater's career.
Perfect Lip - Max out Lip Stat.
Perfect Manual - Max out Manual Stat.
Ghost Skater - Complete 20 goals in a single skater's career.
Invisible Skater - Complete 40 goals in a single skater's career.
Invisible Skater - Complete 50 objectives in a single skaters career.
Perfect Rail - Max out Rail Stat.
Slo-Mo Speed - Complete 50 goals in a single skater's career.
Unlimited Special Meter - Complete 60 goals in a single skater's career.
Officer Dick - Complete Career mode with a character other than Tony Hawk.
Old School Tony Hawk - Complete Career with Tony Hawk.
Ollie the Magic Bum - 100% Complete any character's Projectives.
Robomodo Robot - Complete All Hawkman Objectives.
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