Tony Hawk: Shred Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

"Challenging" High Wire Act (10) - Online Mode: Win a Challenge session.
4 Étoiles sur la Montagne (25) - French Alps: Acquire all 16 Stars.
A Troglodyte is Loose!! (10) - Ooga-booga!! You completed a Point Rush session in Whistler Mountain as Orgarth.
Adept Boarder (25) - Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Snowboarding Trick at least once (SP).
Control Freak (15) - Complete a session on each Navigation Setting (without leaving game - SP).
Don't need no Stinkin' GRINDS! (15) - Santorini Trick Mode: Score 100,000 points without using grinds (SP).
Down Under Daredevil (25) - Melbourne: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Eager Student (5) - Tricktionary: Visit the Tricktionary for the first time.
Get a Real Skateboard! (30) - Challenge Mode: Complete 15 total Insane Challenges.
Going Steady with 2 Wheels (15) - Manual Pro Trial: Maintain a continuous Manual for 500 feet on any Manual Pro Trial (SP).
Adept Skater (25) - Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Skate Trick at least once (SP).
All-In-1 Shredder (90) - Acquire all Stars in the Game on any Navigation Setting.
Atmospheric Rotation (15) - Big Air Pro Trial: Perform two 360° Spins in the same Big Air Pro Trial session (SP).
Bags Packed (5) - Unlock a new level.
Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere... (10) - Online Mode: Win a Point Rush session.
Grabby McGrab Grab (20) - Tricktionary: Perform 250 total Grabs (SP).
Great Wall Master (15) - Acquire all 4 Stars on Beijing Big Air & all 4 Stars on Beijing Halfpipe.
Groove Me Baby (15) - Grind Pro Trial: Perform 10 Grind Transfers in a session on any Grind Pro Trial (SP).
Meeting of the Minds (25) - Santorini: Acquire all 16 Stars.
Multiple Tricksters (10) - Online Mode: Win a Trick session.
Now You're Just Bragging! (15) - New Orleans: Scoring Spots: Perform the bonus task of all 5 Scoring Spots (SP).
Oh, the Places You Will Go! (15) - Unlock every level in the game.
Powder Prowess (45) - Acquire all Stars in the Snowboard Tier on any Navigation Setting.
Ready to Ride (5) - Calibrate the board.
Reality Star (25) - Challenge Mode: Complete all Videographer Challenges.
Scared of Bubbles (15) - Melbourne: Point Rush: Finish with a score of at least 75 without collecting any Point Bubbles (SP).
Hawaiian Hooligan (25) - Wallows: Acquire all 16 Stars.
House of Horrors (35) - Survival Mode: Survive the Huckjam Park Combo Level.
Jambalayanism (25) - New Orleans: Acquire all 16 Stars.
King of the Hill (10) - Online Mode: Win a Scoring Spots session.
Making Hamburger (20) - Tricktionary: Grind at least 500 feet in every type of Grind (Parallel, Slide, Angled).
Mediterranean Maestro (25) - Morocco: Acquire all 16 Stars.
See You In Indianapolis! (20) - Tricktionary: Perform 500 Ollies (SP).
Serious Playtime (50) - Complete each session type in each level on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP).
Skateboard Master! (25) - Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Skate Training on the Casual Setting.
Snowboard Master! (25) - Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Snow Training on the Casual Setting.
Some Kind of Funhouse! (15) - Huckjam Park: Acquire all 12 Stars on any Huckjam Park level.
Steering Sensation (10) - Unlock all Navigation Settings.
The New Pro (30) - Acquire all Stars in the Pro Trial Tier on any Navigation Setting.
The Start of Something Big (5) - Complete a session on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP).
Tony Would Be Proud (50) - Acquire all Stars in the Skateboard Tier on any Navigation Setting.
Well Balanced Individual (10) - Complete a session in Regular Stance & a session in Goofy Stance (without leaving game - SP).
Claim to Fame (5) - Initials entered, now everyone knows your name!
Cro-Magnon Mania (10) - FIRE BURN!! You completed a Trick Mode session in French Alps as Orgarth.
I am the Law! (10) - Stick 'em up! You completed a session in New Orleans as Officer Richard.
My Vessel is the Victor! (10) - You won an Online Multiplayer match while using your Avatar!
Shiver Me Timbers! (10) - Yarr!! You completed a session in Morocco as Seadog O' Banion.
We Come In Peace... (10) - ...and Love Cotton Candy! You completed a session in Huckjam Park as Xzrrt.
Whistle Blower (25) - Whistler Mountain: Acquire all 16 Stars.
You Got HOW MANY Points?! (15) - Wallows: Scoring Spots: Score 1,000,000 total points (SP).
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