Summer Athletics Cheats - Xbox 360

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

HIGHEST, FASTEST, FARTHEST (100) - Win all Competitions.
READY FOR TAKE-OFF (3) - Perform a perfect take-off at Pole Vault in single player.
SHARPSHOOTER (100) - Get 90 points in three rounds of archery in single player.
SILVER MINE (50) - Collect 35 silver medals in single player.
SLEEPY HEAD (1) - Get a timeout in single player.
SPLASH-PROOF (3) - Perform a perfect entry at diving in single player.
HOT STEPPER (10) - In High Jump, run up with only perfect steps in single player.
ADAM (1) - Create a male character.
AIOLOS (20) - Win a gold medal in all cycling events in single player.
ALL GOOD THINGS COME IN THREES (6) - Perform three perfect jumps in a triple jump in single player.
HIGH FLYER (5) - Perform a perfect start off the diving platform in single player.
STAGGERING (1) - Knock over five hurdles in a 110m Hurdles race in single player.
TEAM PLAYER (1) - In a cycling team pursuit race in single player, switch the leading rider four times.
TURNING POINT (3) - Perform a perfect turn in swimming in single player.
ALL-ROUNDER (100) - Maximize all of your skills.
ALMOST THERE (50) - Train two skills to 75 percent.
DO AS YOU LIKE (1) - Create a Custom Competition.
DO IT YOURSELF (90) - Win the career.
EAGLE EYE (15) - Get 30 points in one round of archery in single player.
EARLY BIRD (1) - Make a false start in single player.
EVE (1) - Create a female character.
FLIGHT ARTIST (3) - Perform a perfect flight at diving in single player.
GOLD RUSH (70) - Collect 30 gold medals in single player.
GOLDEN GRIP (3) - Perform a perfect grab in swimming in single player.
GRASSHOPPER (5) - Jump over all hurdles in a 110m Hurdles race in single player.
GREAT TIMING (10) - Throw with great timing in all throwing events in single player.
GREYHOUND (3) - Run in someone's slipstream for a minute in a middle distance race in single player.
HALFWAY THERE (40) - Train three skills to 50 percent.
HERMES (40) - Win a gold medal in all running events in single player.
ARTEMIS (15) - Win a gold medal in both archery events in single player.
ATHENE (20) - Win a gold medal in all throwing events in single player.
BERSERK (1) - Hit the scoreboard in archery (single player).
BRONZE AGE (40) - Collect 40 bronze medals in single player.
OVER THE FINISH LINE (60) - Max out a skill.
POLE POSITION (3) - Perform a perfect run-up in Pole Vault in single player.
POSEIDON (25) - Win a gold medal in all swimming events in single player.
ZEUS (100) - Win a gold medal in all events in single player.
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