Spartacus Legends Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

An Educated Lanista (20) - Completed the Tutorial fight.
Beat Strong, Bloody Heart (40) - Won 5 consecutive fights in Insulae district.
Legendary Victory (30) - Defeated a legendary gladiator.
Opened Gates, Bloodied Sands (20) - Unlocked all arenas and fought in all arenas at least once.
Rejected by Hell (20) - Revived a dead Gladiator for the first time.
Rich and Famous (80) - Reached Level 50 Fame.
The Champion of Capua (50) - Defeated all Primus Fights in all districts for the first time.
The First of Many Conquests (20) - Conquered your first district.
Hardened for Battle (20) - Defeated an opponent of Threat Rating 100 or higher.
Vidi, Vici, Veni (20) - Drove the crowd into a frenzy and won a fight by executing your opponent with a finishing move.
Well-Versed in Weaponry (20) - Won at least 1 match with each fighting style.
Without Mercy (60) - Performed 25 executions or slaughters.
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