Sonic Unleashed Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Airdevil (10) - Improve your Air Boost.
Almost There (25) - Save the fifth continent.
Ace Pilot (20) - Pull off some flawless flying.
Creature of the Night (15) - Get a high score with Sonic the Werehog.
Day Tripper (20) - Race through all stages.
Basher (10) - Get your Werehog level up.
BFFs (20) - Become better friends with Chip.
Blue Meteor (20) - Dash through the white walls at top speed.
Blue Streak (30) - Create an unbeatable Hedgehog.
Combo King (20) - Work on your combos.
Crasher (10) - Get your Werehog level up even higher.
Hedgehunk (5) - Talk with people in the pursuit of love.
Helping Hand (20) - Help someone in need.
Exotic Toppings (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Mazuri.
First Time Customer (10) - Buy something from Wentos.
Fried Clam Roll (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Adabat.
Full Moon (50) - Collect all of the Moon Medals.
Get on the Exorcise Bandwagon (20) - Drive dark spirits away.
Getting the Hang of Things (15) - Get a high score with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Gyro with Relish (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Apotos.
Half Moon (30) - Collect Moon Medals.
Hard Boiled (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Eggmanland.
Hard Day's Night (20) - Blast through all stages.
Power Overwhelming (30) - Create an unbeatable Werehog.
Ring Leader (20) - Gather Rings from all over the world.
Sausage Fried Rice (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Chun-nan.
Hungry Hungry Hedgehog (30) - Eat everything in the world.
Hyperdrive (10) - Improve your Lightspeed Dash.
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost (5) - Someone is dealing with spectral troubles.
Iced Hotdog (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Holoska.
Kebab on a Bun (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Shamar.
Ketchup and Mustard (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Empire City.
Knockout Brawler (20) - Smash, smash, and smash some more.
Lay the Smackdown (10) - Improve your Stomp.
Looking Better (25) - Save the second continent.
Oh, You Shouldn't Have! (10) - Give a souvenir to the Professor.
One More to Go (25) - Save the sixth continent.
Partly Cloudy (30) - Collect Sun Medals.
Picking Up the Pieces (25) - Save the fourth continent.
Pig in a Blanket (10) - Eat all the hot dogs in Spagonia.
That's Enough, Seriously (20) - Give every souvenir to the Professor.
Thrasher (10) - Get your Werehog level way up there.
Smasher (10) - Get your Werehog level up some more.
Social Butterfly (30) - Talk to people around the world.
Speeding Ticket (20) - Become the fastest thing alive.
Still a Jigsaw Puzzle (25) - Save the third continent.
Still Broken (25) - Save the first continent.
Sunny (50) - Collect all of the Sun Medals.
Wall Crawler (10) - Improve your Wall Jump.
World Savior (100) - Complete the game.

Unlock Eggmanland Hub World
Defeat the final boss and beat the game.

Walk Through Walls
Pressing [X], [Y], [Y] for the combo, followed by shielding, will let you pass through the wall.
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