Sonic the Fighters Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Small Transformation (40) - Turn small by being attacked (ie, by Amy's↓+P, etc) in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus.
Barrier Destroyer (40) - Destroy all of an opponent's barriers while playing Arcade Mode or Offline Versus.
Stage 1 Complete (20) - Complete Stage 1 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Stage 2 Complete (20) - Complete Stage 2 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Stage 3 Complete (20) - Complete Stage 3 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Stage 4 Complete (20) - Complete Stage 4 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Stage 5 Complete (20) - Complete Stage 5 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Stage 6 Complete (20) - Complete Stage 6 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Stage 7 Complete (40) - Complete Stage 7 of Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
Honey the Cat (60) - Use Honey the Cat in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus (Press START on Amy and select).
Perfect (60) - Win a round without receiving any damage in Arcade Mode (any difficulty).
The Enemy Within (40) - Fight a mirror match in Arcade Mode or Offline Versus.

Unlock Alternate Characters
Dr. Eggman - Press [Start] on Bean on the character select.
Honey the Cat - Press [Start] on Amy.
Metal Sonic - Press [Start] on Sonic.

Play as Super Sonic
Begin a game playing as Sonic, and win against the first eight enemies without being defeated.

When fighting against Metal Sonic defeat him in the first round, and in the second round turn sonic in to super sonic by pressing [Back] + [Punch] + [Kick] at the same time. If done correctly sonic will morph in to the invincible super sonic.

Select Main Menu Music
Press [LT] + [RT] in the main menu to cycle through music. You can select any song in the game, including a few that aren't used elsewhere.
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