Skylanders Giants Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

1 and 0 (10) - Complete your first arena challenge.
A New Hero (10) - Complete 1 Heroic Challenge.
Arkus Adventurer (10) - Complete Chapter 15.
Autogyro Pyrotechnician (10) - Chapter 6: Destroy all the Arkeyan Autogyros.
Kaos Buster (10) - Chapter 9: Destroy 10 Kaos Bust Statues.
Keepin' Cool (10) - Chapter 16: Complete the chapter without taking damage from fire traps.
King of the Castle (10) - Complete Chapter 9.
Log Lifter (10) - Chapter 3: Complete the Log Lift Feat of Strength.
Mine Menace (10) - Chapter 10: Shoot down 10 mines.
Molekin Liberator (10) - Complete Chapter 12.
Nightmare Avenger (100) - Complete the Story Mode on Nightmare difficulty.
Pedal to the Metal (40) - Chapter 14: Collect all 16 speed boosts in "The Long Hall" section.
Pipe Petard (10) - Chapter 11: Damage Drill-X by throwing a pipe at him.
Rumbletown Ranger (10) - Complete Chapter 3.
Cannon Confounder (10) - Chapter 8: Complete the level without getting directly hit by a cannon.
Chain Champ (10) - Chapter 2: Complete the Chain Pull Feat of Strength.
Clean Jersey (10) - Don't take any damage from Kaos' rockets during the mini-game on the Dread-Yacht.
Column Crusher (10) - Chapter 13: Destroy all the columns in the second trial.
Completionist (40) - Earn 3 Stars on any Adventure Level.
Copter Captain (10) - Complete Chapter 14.
Drill-X Defeator (10) - Complete Chapter 11.
Elemental Enthusiast (10) - Chapter 1: Open all the Elemental areas.
Elemental Explorer (10) - Unlock your first Elemental area.
Fashionista (20) - Collect 10 Hats.
Freebot Isn't Free (10) - Chapter 15: Defeat Freebot in a game of Skystones.
Glacier Great (10) - Complete Chapter 5.
Great Gladiator! (100) - Complete all 21 Arena Challenges.
Hint Scholar (20) - Collect 10 Story Scrolls.
Hut Wrecker (10) - Chapter 12: Destroy 3 enemy huts with boulders Giants can lift.
Snowman Slammer (10) - Chapter 5: Destroy 7 snowmen.
Soul Surfer (20) - Collect soul gems for Tree Rex and Jet-Vac.
Spend That Loot! (40) - Amass 65,000 Treasure with any one Skylander.
Talker in a Strange Land (40) - Chapter 7: Talk to all of the Wilikins.
To the Max (40) - Level up any Skylander to level 15.
Trial Taker (10) - Complete Chapter 13.
Savior of Skylands! (150) - Complete the Story Mode by recovering the Iron Fist of Arkus and defeating Kaos on any difficulty.
Security Breacher (10) - Complete Chapter 8.
Seeker Adept (20) - Collect 10 Legendary Ship Parts.
Sky Survivor (10) - Complete Chapter 10.
Skystone Sampler (10) - Chapter 4: Collect all of the Skystones.
Skystones Strategist (20) - SkyStones - Capture 2 stones with 1 single stone.
Skystones Superstar (10) - Complete Chapter 4.
Upgrade Uniter (40) - Purchase all upgrades for any one Skylander.
Vault Victor (10) - Complete Chapter 6.
Wilikin Winner (10) - Complete Chapter 7.

Unlock Nightmare Mode
Beat game on any level of difficulty.
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