Sea Life Safari Cheats - Xbox 360

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Guppy (5) - Take a 3 star photo of any creature in Coral Reef.
Alvin (10) - Take a photo of the Aquabot Explorer.
Blast Off (10) - Take a photo of the Rocket Squid in flight.
Nostradamus (10) - Take a photo of the Mystical Moai Head.
Old Salt (10) - Find and take a photo of Cap'n Lobster.
Depth Explorer (10) - Take a 3 Star photo of the Angler Fish.
Paparazzi (30) - Fill your Favorites Photo Log with at least 50 photos.
By the Gods (10) - Take a photo of Poseidon's Trident.
Crypto Zoologist (30) - Find all of the Special Items in the game.
Living Dinosaur (15) - Take a photo of the Coelacanth.
Shell Collector (30) - Find all of the hidden Collectible Shells in the game.
Underwater Adventurer (30) - Unlock all levels.
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