Pinball FX Cheats - Xbox 360

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360

Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore:

Alien Technology (10) - Collect at least five artifacts on the Agents pinball table.
Angel (15) - Do a plus Airwalk free trick during any competition on the Extreme pinball table.
Elite Operative (15) - Complete a Hurry Up mode within 20 seconds on the Agents pinball table.
Emerald Flasher (10) - Score enough to earn your first Extra Ball.
First Aid Kit (10) - Complete the Bungee Jumping game on the Extreme pinball table.
Good Luck (10) - Earn 2 Million points on any pinball table.
Mr. Falcon (30) - Win the State Championship on the Extreme pinball table.
Multi-tasker (10) - Start any of the multi-ball modes.
Platinum Cylinders (10) - Complete the Overheat Hurry Up mode on the Speed Machine pinball table.
Professional (30) - Win the Final Confrontation game mode on the Agents pinball table.
Speed Demon (30) - Win the Wizard Tournament on the Speed Machine pinball table.
Sweet Ride (20) - Collect at least two tunings on the Speed Machine pinball table.

Additionally, there is one Nightmare Mansion Table DLC achievement:

Monster Hunter (20) - You have explored the deepest cellars of Nightmare Mansion.

Additionally, there is one Rocky and Bullwinkle Table DLC achievement:

True Friend (20) - Obtain the special award by rotating the spinner 300 times on the Rocky and Bullwinkle table.

Additionally, there is one Buccaneer Table DLC achievement:

Ball Madness (10) - Activate the Frenzy mode on Buccaneer to complete Ball Madness!
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