Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

All Kinds of Awesome (20) - Get the awesomeness meter to x5 for 10 seconds.
Archaeologist (15) - Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Dolphin Trainer (15) - Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Dr. Blowhole!? (50) - Complete all levels in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Feeling Jumpy? (10) - Jump (non-challenge) ten times in one level.
Hacker Supreme (20) - Get perfect on a Head Maze.
Awesome Recruit (5) - Get the awesomeness meter to x5.
Balancing Act (10) - Get perfect on a Balance.
Blast Off (20) - Get perfect on Rico's Launch.
Chameleon Collector (50) - Find all chameleons in the game.
Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen (50) - Complete all levels in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Dolphin Domination (30) - Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Operation Complete (80) - Complete all levels in The Penguins of Madagascar.
Operation Super Complete (120) - Complete all levels in The Penguins of Madagascar on Hard.
Over the Top (10) - Get perfect on a Climb.
Penguins Can Fly! (20) - Get perfect on a Hang Time.
Perfection (30) - Get perfect on every challenge in a level.
Having a Blast (15) - Get perfect on a Rico Explosive.
Kick It With the King (10) - Play King Julien's Dance Party.
Leapin' Lizards! (15) - Get perfect on a Jump.
Mad Knowledge (10) - Get perfect on a Trivia challenge.
Mecha Chameleons (25) - Find all twelve chameleons in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story.
Monkey Business (15) - Get perfect on a Monkey Match.
Most Recent Ultimate Lizards (25) - Find all twelve chameleons in the "Dr. Blowhole!?" story.
Say Cheese (10) - Play King Julien's Critique.
Shake Your Rear End (20) - Score a total of 1,000,000 points in any song in King Julien's Dance Party.
Show Me How To Do That (50) - Get the awesomeness meter to x5 for 20 seconds.
Slip Slidin' (15) - Get perfect on a Belly Slide.
Poser (20) - Get perfect on a Strike A Pose.
Revenge of the Robo-Penguins (50) - Complete all levels in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story.
Right On Target (10) - Hit 25 Throw Targets.
Robot Wrangler (30) - Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story
Robotologist (15) - Earn a Silver Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Revenge of the Robo-Penguins" story.
Take Your Best Shot (10) - Play the first Rico Target Challenge.
The Lizards of Lemurkhamen (25) - Find all twelve chameleons in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Treasure Hunter (30) - Earn a Gold Peanut Butter Winkie on every level in the "Crystal Staff of the Lemurkhamen" story.
Trivia Dabbler (10) - Played Marlene's Trivia.
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