Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise Cheats - Xbox 360

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A lot of Red Ink (25) - Cleared the Target List. Well done.
Armed to the Eyelids (20) - Found, unlocked & bought all weapons.
Crazed Gatherer (5) - Found, unlocked & bought 50 items (Costumes & Weapons).
Crossed off (15) - Cleared half of the Target List.
Naughtomitron (5) - Reached Level 75.
Naughtylionnaire (10) - Got a million coins... why aren't you buying anything?
Serious case of Kleptomania (5) - Ripped your first costume off a dead bear.
Shinier than ever (5) - Got your first Naughty Cup.
The Chrome Thong Award (10) - Mastered 100 items (Costumes & Weapons).
Demented Hoarder (20) - Found, unlocked & bought 200 items (Costumes & Weapons).
Deranged Collector (5) - Found, unlocked & bought 25 items (Costumes & Weapons).
Expert Bonus-objectiver (5) - Completed the 3 bonus objectives of an area.
Insane Pack Rat (10) - Found, unlocked & bought 100 items (Costumes & Weapons).
Jack of all Threads (30) - Found, unlocked & bought all costumes.
Juggernaughty (5) - Reached level 50.
Master ALL the PANTS! -You (30) - You really love those pants of yours and all the other costumes! Bravo on mastering them all.
Naughtinator (5) - Reached level 25.
Naughtiness Incarnated (10) - Reached Level 100. Naughty.
The Velour Top Hat Award (5) - Mastered 25 items (Costumes & Weapons).
There's "Glad" in "Gladiator" (20) - A lot of Fluff went into this achievement! Mastered all nutter.
Trophabulous! (20) - Got either 36 Silver, 24 Gold or 18 Platinum Naughty Cups.
Trophenomenal! (30) - Got either 36 Gold or 24 Platinum Naughty Cups.
The Frilly Shirt Award (5) - Mastered 50 items (Costumes & Weapons).
The Mustache Award (20) - Way to go! Mastered 200 items! (Costumes & Weapons).
The Naked Nakedness Award (5) - Mastered your first costume or weapon.
The platinums of perfectitude! (35) - To celebrate your rockitude, here's an achievement for getting 36 Platinum Naughty Cups. Insane.
Trophreaking! (15) - Got either 36 Bronze, 24 Silver, 18 Gold or 8 Platinum Naughty Cups.
Trophyolic! (10) - Got either 24 Bronze, 18 Silver, 8 Gold Naughty Cups or 4 Platinum Naughty Cups.
Trophyriffic! (5) - Got either 18 Bronze, 6 Silver, 2 Gold or 1 Platinum Naughty Cups.
We all hate Cuddles (10) - Killed your first target properly and lived to tell the tale.
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