NatGeo Quiz! Wild Life Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

4 Sliders (20) - Complete a slider in each series.
Amazing (15) - Play all episodes in the Amazing Planet series.
Fast Finger (5) - In a team that only has one player, correctly answer a Quiz Mode question within 3 seconds.
Fish Face (15) - Play all episodes in the Aquatic Life series.
Full House (15) - Win a game of Stat Attax without losing a single card.
General Knowledge (10) - Win an 80 question multi-team game of Mega Quiz.
Jigsaw Friends (40) - Complete any 5 jigsaws with a friend.
Long One (10) - Complete a long quiz in any series.
Amazing Squares (20) - Find all of the square puzzles in Amazing Planet.
Brain Box (30) - Win 30 multiplayer quizzes.
Common Knowledge (25) - Win 10 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
Dangerous (15) - Play all episodes in the Dangerous Encounters series.
Decrypted (5) - Use a cryptic clue to help you find a hidden episode.
Easy or What (25) - Score 10 out of 10 on your first attempt in any episode.
Family Time (15) - Play Quiz Mode with multiple players.
Lots of Pieces (15) - Complete any Level 6 jigsaw.
Mega Score (30) - Score 3,200 points in a 80 question quiz of Hard Mega Quiz.
Quiz Master (50) - Win 50 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
Square Hunter (50) - Find all of the hidden Square Puzzles.
Stat Attacker (25) - Win 25 games of Stat Attax.
Stat Attax Novice (5) - Win a game of Stat Attax.
Missing Pieces (50) - Collect all of the missing jigsaw pieces.
My First Puzzle (5) - Complete any puzzle.
Nat Geo Researcher (100) - Complete Quest Mode with a score of 100%.
Not Puzzled (35) - Complete 35 different puzzles.
Perfect 30 (30) - Score 10 out of 10 in 30 episodes.
Predator (10) - Play all episodes in the Predators vs. Prey series.
Puzzle Genius (60) - Complete all puzzles.
Quiz Genius (55) - You are at the top of each leaderboard.
Team Work (20) - Score 2,700 points in any 40 question quiz when there are multiple players on the same team.
That's Easy (20) - Score 2,500 points in any 40 question quiz at easy level.
The Big 50 (50) - Score 10 out of 10 in 50 episodes without retrying.
Tie Breaker (15) - Win a tie breaker in a game of Stat Attax.
Top of the Class (5) - Score 10 out of 10 in any episode.
Top Stat Attacker (40) - Win 50 games of Stat Attax.
What Competition (15) - Win 15 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
You're a Card (10) - Unlock 10 new Stat Attax cards.
You're Good (30) - Win 25 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.

Additionally, there are seven DLC achievements:

Amazing Times (15) - Play all of the new episodes in Amazing Planet.
How many pieces? (20) - Complete any Level 7 jigsaw.
They Bite (30) - Play all of the new episodes in Dangerous Encounters and Predators vs. Prey.
New Puzzles Done (50) - Complete all of the new puzzles.
Something New (20) - Complete 5 episodes from the new content.
Something Fishy (15) - Play all of the new episodes in Aquatic Life.
Unbelievable (100) - The whole of Quest Mode is fully complete.
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