MotionSports Adrenaline Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

Adrenaline License (5) - Complete your first race in any event.
Arachnosapien (10) - Climb up 10 handholds in 20 seconds in Mountain Climbing.
Back in One Piece (10) - Finish any Kayak track hitting no more than five rocks, banks or roll obstacles.
Bullseye (25) - Hit 8 speed rings on the Kite Surf Moonlight Bay track in one run.
Challenging (10) - Post a challenge.
Clean Slate (25) - Complete all 3 Wingsuit tracks without hitting an obstacle.
Better the Devil you Know (25) - Win a friend's challenge.
Boarding Pass (50) - Unlock all tracks in the game.
Build to Last (25) - Win 5 challenges.
Just in Time (25) - Own a challenge in its final minutes.
Let's Have a Party (10) - Team up with 3 friends to play Adrenaline Party mode.
License To Spill (10) - Nail your opponent with a weapon twice in the same Kite Surf race.
Midas Touch (100) - Earn a gold medal in all relay, coop and single player modes in all events.
Motion Sickness (10) - Use Adrenaline Boost 4 times in any one race.
One-sided (10) - Play 25 competitive two player events.
Overachiever (25) - Post 10 challenges.
Competitive Streak (25) - Own 5 challenges.
Frequent Flyer (10) - Race on every track in every event.
Friendly Competition (10) - Own a friend's challenge.
Hardheaded (10) - Use Adrenaline Power to protect yourself from falling rocks in Mountain Climbing.
Helping Hand (25) - Play every co-op and relay event.
Hot Dog (10) - Perform 3 tricks in a single Kite Surf race.
It's Better on "Vine"yl (25) - Spend a total of 1 minute swinging from vines in Mountain Climbing.
Solid Gold (100) - Earn a gold medal in every round in Adrenaline Party mode.
Stuck with it (25) - Win a challenge.
Tailgater (25) - Perform 10 Speed Boosts & win a two player Speed Freak Mountain Bike race.
The Completionist (100) - Unlock everything in the game.
Trick Hop (10) - Score over 50,000 points from tricks in a Mountain Bike track.
Trickster (10) - Jump, trick & land perfectly on 5 ramps in a single Skiing track.
Party's Over (10) - Complete an Adrenaline Party.
Poetry in Motion (25) - Finish 1 relay race without missing a single hand-off.
Rail to the Chief (10) - Perform 3 tricks off of rails in a single Skiing track.
Risky Bidness (10) - Successfully take the inside lane for all turns on a Mountain Bike track.
Row your Boat (25) - Row constantly for 30 seconds in the Kayak event.
Sampler (10) - Play all game modes in one event.
Silver Rush (50) - Earn a silver medal in all relay, coop and single player modes in all events.
Vidi Veni Vici (10) - Own a challenge launched from the Challenge Hub.
Wet Behind the Ears (10) - Roll for a total of 500 meters in the Kayak event.
What's Mine Is Mine (25) - Take back a challenge that you posted.
What's Next? (25) - Earn a gold medal in all relay, coop and single player modes in one event.
What's Yours is Mine... (10) - Own a challenge.
Windbreaker (10) - Use an Adrenaline Boost in a wind zone in the Wingsuit Event.
Window Cleaner (10) - Wave off 20 weapon attacks in the Wingsuit event.
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