Monster Jam: Path of Destruction Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Advance Auto Parts Upgrade (25) - Unlock all Advance Auto Parts performance upgrades.
Be your own boss (20) - Win a gold medal in every event of 1 stadium.
Beastmaster (15) - Reach level 20.
Biggest Fan (40) - Attended 20 events in a row without changing the monster truck.
Bling (10) - Equip an accessory on a monster truck.
Can't be Stopped! (15) - Perform 200 Big Saves in total.
Crowd Pleaser (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Freestyle event.
Defy Authority (15) - Defeat any two Champion monster trucks in their home event.
Fast Learner (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Stunt Challenge event.
Freestyle Domination! (25) - Win a gold medal in 1 Freestyle event with a score of 40 or higher.
Gas tank is half full (15) - Reach level 10.
Gate Crusher (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Gate Rush event.
Gearhead (15) - Customize 5 or more monster trucks.
Heartbreak Hill (15) - Reach level 15.
I don't get dizzy (15) - Perform 100 Donut or Cyclone stunts in total.
I think I'm gonna be sick (15) - Perform 50 Flat Spin or Barrel Roll stunts in total.
Impossible! (15) - Perform 25 Front or Back Flip stunts in total.
King of the Monsters (40) - Defeat all 8 champion monster trucks once in their home event.
Monster Jam Master (100) - Win a gold medal in all events.
Monster Mash (20) - Destroy 250 obstacles in the game.
Path of Destruction (25) - Destroyed 500 obstacles in the game.
Piston Popper (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Stadium Racing event.
Port of Call (20) - Win a gold medal in at least 1 event in each stadium.
Pro Driver (25) - Win gold medals in 20 different events on hard difficulty.
Shake and Bake (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Team Racing event.
Showoff (15) - Perform 50 Wheelie, Slap Wheelie or Stoppie stunts in total.
Speed Demon (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Circuit Racing event.
Split a second (25) - Won a gold medal in a racing event with a lead less than 0.5 seconds.
Sweep (15) - Win a gold medal in 3 events in a row.
Time is on my side (10) - Win a gold medal in 1 Time Crunch event.
Tough (15) - Win a gold medal in 5 different events on hard difficulty.
Training Wheels (15) - Reach level 5.
United Champion (25) - Win both the Southern and Western National Tour.
Veteran Driver (25) - Earn 9,000 XP in a single event.
Welcome to Monster Jam! (10) - Pass the test event.
World Finals Champion (60) - Win all National Tours.
You're the best around! (25) - Win a gold medal in 20 events.

Unlock Monster Trucks
Backwards Bob - Obtain Level 7.
Black Stallion - Obtain Level 6.
Blacksmith - Obtain Level 15.
Bulldozer - Obtain Level 4.
Captain's Curse - Place 1st Oakland Gate Rush.
Destroyer - Obtain Level 12.
Blue Thunder - Place 1st in Houston Stadium Race.
Bounty Hunter - Place 1st in Southern Series.
Brutus - Obtain Level 5.
Gunslinger - Obtain Level 9.
Jurassic Attack - Obtain Level 10.
King Krunch - Obtain Level 13.
Madusa - Obtain Level 3.
El Toro Loco - Place 1st in San Diego Time Crush.
Grave Digger - Place 1st in Orlando Freestyle.
Grinder - Place 1st in Minneapolis Circut Race.
Maximum Destruction - Place 1st in Indianappolis Stadium Race.
Monster Mutt - Place 1st in New Orleans Circut Race.
Mowhawk Warrior - Place 1st in Las Vegas Freestyle.
Predator - Place 1st in Western Series.
Stone Crusher - Obtain Level 8.
War Wizard - Obtain Level 2.
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