Green Day: Rock Band Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

You Had the Time of Your Life (50) - Five-star every song in Green Day: Rock Band with any instrument.
We've Come So Far (25) - Earn at least 3 stars on all songs in Green Day: Rock Band with any instrument.
It All Keeps Adding Up (20) - Score 1,000,000 points in a single song.
I Threw My Crutches in the River (15) - Earn at least 3 stars on any song in Expert difficulty.
Hysteria, Mass Hysteria! (20) - Get a Unison Bonus on the listed songs with 2 or more players.
I Got a Rock 'n Roll Girlfriend (35) - Get Gold stars on the listed songs.
Your Burning Light (10) - Hit 100% of the notes in the solo of "Whatsername" on Hard or Expert Guitar.
Past the Point of Delirium (30) - Hit 100% of the notes in the solo of "Hitchin' a Ride" on Expert Guitar.
Ability to Operate Machinery (20) - 100% the Guitar Solo in "Jesus Of Suburbia" using only finger tapping on Hard or Expert.
Blue (15) - Get a 95-note streak playing "Last Night On Earth" with the guitar.
Rudy's Can't Fail Cafe (20) - Hit 100% of the notes on "Welcome To Paradise" on medium or higher difficulty bass.
Warning: Burning Drums (15) - Hit 100% of the drum notes on one of the listed songs.
It's Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt (25) - Play "Longview" on Hard or Expert Bass, playing all hammer-ons and pull-offs without strumming.
Make the Best of This Test (35) - Finish all Challenges (Career owner only).
Stage Dive (10) - Complete a Challenge in The Warehouse venue.
On a Mission (10) - Complete a Challenge in the Milton Keynes venue.
Stereo in the Static Age (10) - Complete a Challenge in The Fox Theater - Oakland Venue.
This Is How the West Was Won (20) - Earn at least 3 stars on all songs in The Warehouse.
Billboard on the Rise (20) - Earn at least 3 stars on all songs in Milton Keynes.
Another Turning Point (20) - Earn at least 3 stars on all songs in The Fox Theater - Oakland.
Live Freaky, Die Freaky (25) - Complete any Challenge with both of the following: 100% a Guitar solo; 100% a Harmony part.
I Walk a Lonely Road (15) - Earn at least 3 stars on "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" with each instrument in Solo play.
On My Own... Here We Go (35) - Score 400,000 points in a single song in solo mode.
A Very Troubled Youngster (35) - Complete all of Tré's Greatest Hits.
Frank Edwin Wright III (20) - Complete all the Drum Lessons.
Step Up to the Mike & Billie Joe (10) - Hit All Double Harmonies on any song.
Misleading the Choir (15) - Hit All Triple Harmonies on any song.
Scream at Me Until My Ears Bleed (20) - Use Overdrive 100 times as a vocalist.
In Good Health and Good Time (20) - Earn at least 3 stars on all songs in Green Day: Rock Band as a bassist.
Won't Make It for Dinner (40) - Start a new Career and reach the credits within 12 hours as part of a 4-player band.
Feel Like They're Gonna Bleed (25) - Play through a setlist of 20 songs without failing.
Louder Than Bombs and Eternity (30) - Hit 100% of the drum kick notes for "Brain Stew / Jaded" on Expert.
We're on a Roll, No Self Control (10) - Get an 8x Band Multiplier.
What's Left of My Mind (10) - Finish any song with Lefty Mode turned on, hitting at least 50% of the notes.
American Unity (15) - Get all unison bonuses in the song "American Idiot" with 2 or more players.
Freaky Monkey (20) - Complete Dookie Album Challenge with any instrument.
Award-Winning Idiot (25) - Five-star every song on the American Idiot album.
Mud Fight (15) - Complete the listed songs without the crowd meter going red.
Trés Cool (15) - Hit 40 notes in one drum fill.
The World Around (10) - Play a Setlist made up of songs in every venue.
Pacemaker (15) - Earn at least 3 stars on "Peacemaker" on Expert Bass.
Not Growing Up, Just Burning Out (20) - Earn at least 3 stars on the listed songs on Expert Vocals.
Twiddle My Thumbs Just for a Bit (15) - Earn at least 3 stars on "F.O.D." with each instrument in Solo play.
St. Jimmy (35) - Get Gold stars on the listed songs.
Strong Arm, Billie Joe (20) - Earn a Guitar Career score of 1,000,000.
Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt Dirnt (20) - Earn a Bass Career score of 1,000,000.
Sweet Children (20) - Earn a Vocal Harmony Career score of 1,000,000.
I Play the !@#% Out the Drums (20) - Earn a Drum Career score of 1,000,000.
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