Forza Motorsport 4 Cheats - Xbox 360

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Amateur (25) - Complete the first year of Season Play.
Autocrosser (10) - Complete 10 Autocross events without hitting gate cones.
Awesome Drift (20) - Earn a perfect Drift score.
Clubbed Up (15) - Create or join a Car Club.
Clubman (25) - Complete the second year of Season Play.
Born Competitor (30) - Post a time in every Rivals mode event.
Bucket List (80) - Finish 1st in every single race in the Event List in Career play mode.
Car Explorer (10) - Fully explore any car in Autovista.
Champion (25) - Complete the ninth year of Season Play.
Daily Rewards (5) - Visit the Message Center on at least five unique days.
Driver Level 1 (20) - Reach Driver Level 1 in Career mode.
Driver Level 10 (20) - Reach Driver Level 10 in Career mode.
Driver Level 20 (20) - Reach Driver Level 20 in Career mode.
Driver Level 30 (20) - Reach Driver Level 30 in Career mode.
Driver Level 40 (20) - Reach Driver Level 40 in Career mode.
Driver Level 50 (20) - Reach Driver Level 50 in Career mode.
Elite (25) - Complete the eighth year of Season Play.
Grease Monkey (10) - Create a car tuning file for your car.
Here's My Card (10) - Create a custom playercard with badges and titles.
Kingpin (5) - Knock down a gold bowling pin in Car Bowling.
Legend (50) - Complete the tenth year of Season Play.
Legendary Battle (15) - Beat a Ferrari 330 P4 in any race while driving a Ford GT40 Mark II.
Look Ma, No Controller! (5) - Use Kinect to drive any car in Free Play.
Masters (25) - Complete the seventh year of Season Play.
Entrepreneur (10) - Sell a car tuning, paint job, or vinyl group from your storefront.
Exclusive Taste (50) - Own the five most expensive cars in the game (not including DLC).
Expert (25) - Complete the fifth year of Season Play.
Factory Driver (60) - Get any Car Manufacturer to Affinity level 50.
Ferrari Collector (40) - Own every Ferrari included on Disc 1.
Flat Out (5) - Earn a perfect Speed score.
Forza Faithful (15) - Import a file from Forza Motorsport 3.
Forza World Tourer (60) - Finish a race on every race track in Forza Motorsport 4.
Professional (25) - Complete the sixth year of Season Play.
Rivals Shootout (10) - Race and defeat an opponent in Rivals mode.
Semi-Pro (25) - Complete the fourth year of Season Play.
Show Off (10) - Upload a movie to
Slipstreamin' (5) - Earn a perfect Draft score.
Speed Demon (10) - Reach 240 mph in any car.
My Car is Your Car (10) - Share a car in your garage with your Car Club.
Nice Pass (15) - Earn a perfect Pass score.
On Location (20) - Take a photo of any car in every Home Space.
Outta Time (10) - Reach 88 mph in a DeLorean.
Painter (10) - Create a paint job or vinyl group for your car.
Perfect Turn (15) - Earn a perfect Turn score.
Sportsman (25) - Complete the third year of Season Play.
Star in a Reasonably Priced Car (10) - Complete a lap around the TopGear Test Track while driving a KIA cee'd.
Unicorn Hunter (10) - Be the winning bidder on any "unicorn" car in the Auction House.
Welcome to Forza Motorsport (15) - Complete the very first race in the game.

Unlock Avatar Awards
Autovista T-Shirt - Fully explore any car in Autovista.
Stopwatch Cap - Post a time in every Rivals Mode Event.

Unlock Extra Autovista Cars
1931 Bentley 8 Litre - Complete 9 Autovista Challenges.
Halo 3 Warthog - Complete all Autovista challenges.
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