Dungeon Defenders Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

A Challenger Approaches (20) - Complete All Challenges on INSANE Difficulty.
Catch 'em All (10) - Store all Pet types in your Item Box or on your Heroes.
Dungeon Defender (30) - Complete all levels on Insane.
Dungeon Raider (20) - Complete all levels on Hard.
Defender of Etheria (20) - Reach Hero Level 70.
Defense Is the Best Offense (20) - Reach Wave 10 on all levels in Pure Strategy on at least Medium Difficulty.
Dungeon Crawler (10) - Complete all levels on any difficulty setting.
Perfectionist (10) - Earn the Flawless Victory Award on all Missions on at least Medium Difficulty.
Legendary Defender (30) - Earn every Dungeon Defenders Accomplishment.
Master Banker (10) - Store 15,000,000 Mana in your Mana Bank.
Survivalist (10) - Reach Survival Wave 15 on Medium Difficulty.
Team Effort (10) - Complete all levels with 4 active players on at least Medium Difficulty.

Unlock Developer Lounge
Complete all lvls on at least medium. Once you return to the tavern, there should be a door above the northern (map view) staircase, with a large neon "OPEN" sign above it. Inside is a security camera, boombox (change your taverns BGM), a personal forge, and a single chest that only appears once. Inside the chest are heirloom weapons from each of the characters parents as well as 70k mana, best of all, ONLY THE TAVERN OWNER CAN ENTER THIS ROOM!
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