Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

All 7 Are Here! (20) - Obtain 7 Dragon Balls in Story Mode.
Battle Rookiem (5) - Battle 1 time on Xbox LIVE.
Battle Veteran (20) - Battle 30 times on Xbox LIVE.
Becoming Fashion Aware (10) - Obtain a Hero costume for the first time.
Beginning of a Fantastic Tale (5) - Win 1 Event Battle in Story Mode.
Cell Games Champion (30) - Win the Cell Games.
Cell Games True Champion (40) - Champion of Cell Games on Hard Difficulty.
Counter Hero (30) - Perform Defense Reaction-Intercept 100 times total in real battle.
Defense Learner (10) - Perform Defense Reaction-Guard 10 times total in real battle.
Defense Professional (30) - Perform Defense Reaction-Guard 100 times total in real battle.
Don't Forget the Basics (20) - Complete Tutorial until the end.
Dragon Ball Doctorate (20) - View all character profiles in the Character Encyclopedia.
Evasion Fiend (30) - Perform Defense Reaction-Evade 100 times total in real battle.
Evasion Learner (10) - Perform Defense Reaction-Evade 10 times total in real battle.
Expert (10) - Successfully perform Clashes 20 times total in real battle.
Fight Seeker (30) - Win 50 times in a 1P vs. "Very Strong" CPU battle.
Goodbye, Dragon World (30) - Clear Story Mode for the first time.
Great Air Battle! (5) - Do a Chase Battle in Story Mode for the first time.
Growing in Power (10) - Obtain 500 Hero AP.
How Do I Look? (10) - Obtain a Hero hairstyle for the first time.
I Changed the World! (40) - Clear Hero Mode for the first time.
I See Right Through You! (30) - Successfully perform Clashes 100 times total in real battle.
I Still Want To Fight (15) - Win 5 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.
I Want to Fight Someone Strong! (20) - Win 30 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.
I'm Going to Change the World! (5) - Win 1 Event Battle in Hero Mode.
Interception Learner (10) - Perform Defense Reaction-Intercept 10 times total in real battle.
Limit Breaker (30) - Obtain 20,000 Hero AP.
Master of Moves (20) - Perform 50 Ultimate Attacks total in real battle.
Master! Please Teach Me! (10) - Obtain a Hero Master for the first time.
Monster on a Full Moon (10) - Clear a Giant Boss Battle in Story Mode for the first time.
Moves On Parade (20) - Perform 50 Super Attacks total in real battle.
Point Getter (20) - Obtain 1000 Hero AP.
Regular Battle Customer (20) - Battle 10 times on Xbox LIVE.
Skill Master (30) - Collect 20 Skills.
Super Attack Collector (30) - Collect 30 Super Attacks.
Tapping into Latent Power (20) - Collect 10 Skills.
Thank You Very Much!! (40) - Watch the Credits.
That One's Even Bigger!! (20) - Summon Porunga for the first time.
That's One Big Dragon!! (15) - Summon Shenron for the first time.
The Actors are All in Play! (35) - Excluding custom Heroes, unlock all characters and forms.
The Martial Artist's Path (10) - Obtain a Hero Fight Style for the first time.
Title Holder (20) - Collect 5 or more titles.
Title King (40) - Collect 30 or more titles.
Training All Over Again (5) - Do Training for the first time.
W.Tournament True Champion (40) - Champion of World Tournament on Hard Difficulty.
Which One Shall I Choose? (20) - Collect 10 Super Attacks.
World Domination! (10) - Fight on all maps.
World Tournament Champion (30) - Win the World Tournament.
Your Real Training Starts Here (10) - Clear Hero Mode training for the first time.

Unlock Characters
Janemba - Unlock after Buu saga in story mode.
Majin Vegeta - Unlock in Buu saga in story mode.
Omega Shenron - Finish last mission in story mode (after buu saga).
SSJ4 Gogeta - Finish last mission in story mode (after buu saga).
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