Dragon Ball Z for Kinect Cheats - Xbox 360

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 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox 360

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

...This Is Super Saiyan 3 (50) - You won without taking any damage in Score Attack mode on Hard.
...We'll Put This Battle On Hold (15) - You battled Majin Vegeta in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
A Shutout Win (40) - You won without ever taking damage from an enemy Super Attack.
All Right! It's Done!! (15) - You battled Frieza Final Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
An Awesome Win (40) - You finished the enemy with a Super Attack and won 10 times.
Battle For The Entire Universe (50) - You cleared the Majin Buu Saga in Story Mode for the first time.
Be Reborn As A Good Guy! (15) - You battled Kid Buu 2 in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Boy, Am I Happy! (15) - You battled Captain Ginyu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Run!! (15) - You battled Android #17 in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Serves You Right... (15) - You battled Raditz in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Show Me Your Perfect Form! (15) - You battled Cell 2nd Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Something Good Before You Die... (20) - You won without taking any damage in Score Attack mode.
Super Attack Beginner (10) - You used 10 Super Attacks.
Super Attack Master (30) - You pulled off 50 Super Attacks.
Super Attack Veteran (20) - You pulled off 20 Super Attacks.
Superior Power (20) - You intercepted the enemy's Super Attack.
Take Care Of Yourself, Trunks... (15) - You battled Majin Buu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
That Won't Work On Me (30) - You deflected 20 enemy Ki Blasts in a single fight.
Cell Games (50) - You cleared the Android Saga in Story Mode for the first time.
Complete Master (30) - You pulled off a 100 hit combo.
Defense Expert (20) - You blocked 10 enemy Super Attacks
Do You Feel Terror? (15) - You battled Android #19 in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Evasion Expert (20) - You dodged 10 enemy Super Attacks.
Feel The Wrath Of The Namekians! (15) - You battled Frieza 2nd Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Full Power (20) - You stored up the maximum amount of Ki with Ki Charge.
Full-Fledged Adult (10) - You pulled off a 20 hit combo.
Gotta Charge Up My Ki... (15) - You battled Kid Buu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Have A Kaioken x3 Kamehameha! (15) - You battled Vegeta in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
I Can Win! I Can Win This!! (15) - You battled Frieza 1st Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
I Feel For You... (15) - You battled Captain Ginyu (Goku) in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
It's Your Turn, Gohan!! (15) - You battled Cell Perfect Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Let's Finish This Up (15) - You battled Super Buu (Gohan absorbed) in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
Their Final, Greatest Showdown (50) - You cleared the Frieza Saga in Story Mode for the first time.
Veteran Warrior (20) - You pulled off a 50 hit combo.
Welcome To Dragon World (10) - You played Story Mode for the first time.
What Are You, Anyway!? (15) - You battled Cell 1st Form in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
The Fruits Of My Training! (15) - You battled Saibamen in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
The Ultimate Decisive Battle (50) - You cleared the Saiyan Saga in Story Mode for the first time.
The Ultimate Power (30) - You won without taking any damage in Score Attack mode on Normal.
You Can't Win... (15) - You battled Super Buu in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
You Did It, Gohan!! (15) - You battled Perfect Cell in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
You Idiot!! (15) - You battled Full Power Frieza in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
You're Not So Tough (15) - You battled Nappa in Score Attack and topped your high score for that stage.
You're The Best There Is!! (50) - You topped your high score for all Score Attack stages.
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