Crystal Quest Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Apocalypse (15 points) - Stay alive until twenty enemies appear then destroy them.
Crystal Master (10 points) - Get at least 1,000,000 in one game.
Crystal Ninja (25 points) - Get at least 10,000,000 points in one game under the standard or lower difficulty.
Crystal Rookie (5 points) - Get at least 10,000 points in one game under the standard or lower difficulty.
Immortal (25 points) - Get at least 1,000,000 points without losing a life under the standard or higher difficulty.
Life-saver (15 points) - Get 30 lives under the standard difficulty or higher difficulty.
Marathon Man (15 points) - Complete the first 60 waves in one game.
Navigator (20 points) - Complete wave 20 without touching a mine or obstacle under the standard or higher difficulty.
Nerves Of Steel (25 points) - Get 1,000,000 points without using any smart bombs.
Smart-ass (15 points) - Get 30 smart bombs under the standard or higher difficulty.
Speek Freak (20 points) - Complete the wave 1 in five seconds or less.
Treasure Hunt (10 points) - Get at least 30 bonus crystals in one game.
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