Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII Cheats - Xbox 360

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
The first cheat code should be entered at the Main Menu. The following 2 cheat codes should be entered while the game is paused (for best results, at the very start of each mission).

Hold [LT]+[RT] and press [X], [LB], [RB], [Y]x2, [RB], [LB], [X] at the Main Menu - Unlock all Missions and planes
Pause game, hold [LT], then quickly press [X], [Y]x2, [X]. Then hold [RT] and quickly press [Y], [X]x2, [Y] - God mode
Pause game, hold [LT] and quickly press [LB]x2, [RB]. Then hold [RT] and quickly press [RB]x2, [LB] - Increased damage with all Weapons
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Ace (35) - Obtain the Ace rating in at least 5 missions of the single player campaign.
Ace for a Day (10) - Obtain the Ace rating in at least one mission of the single player campaign.
Ace of Aces (50) - Make 300 kills in adversarial multiplayer matches.
Complete Collection (15) - Unlock all the planes in the single player campaign.
Completist (30) - Accomplish all secondary objectives in all the single player campaign missions.
Curiosity Satisfied (15) - Play at least one match in every multiplayer mode.
Dominator (30) - Make 15 kills in a row without dying, in a multiplayer match.
Excellent Team Play (30) - Be part of the winning team in 25 squad matches.
Eye in the Back (15) - Successfully use defensive weapons 50 times over the course of the campaign.
Good Finish (15) - Finish a solo multiplayer match above mid-table.
Good Team Play (15) - Be part of the winning team in 3 squad matches.
Great Streak (20) - Make a killing streak of at least 12 kills.
Hardened Veteran (30) - Play 50 hours online, in any multiplayer mode.
Healthy Finish (10) - Finish a solo multiplayer match without being last on the table.
Mission 1 (15) - Complete mission 1 of the campaign.
Mission 10 (15) - Complete mission 10 of the campaign.
Mission 11 (15) - Complete mission 11 of the campaign.
Mission 12 (15) - Complete mission 12 of the campaign.
Mission 13 (15) - Complete mission 13 of the campaign.
Mission 14 (15) - Complete mission 14 of the campaign.
Mission 15 (15) - Complete mission 15 of the campaign.
Mission 16 (15) - Complete mission 16 of the campaign.
Mission 17 (15) - Complete mission 17 of the campaign.
Mission 18 (15) - Complete mission 18 of the campaign.
Mission 2 (15) - Complete mission 2 of the campaign.
Mission 3 (15) - Complete mission 3 of the campaign.
Mission 4 (15) - Complete mission 4 of the campaign.
Mission 5 (15) - Complete mission 5 of the campaign.
Mission 6 (15) - Complete mission 6 of the campaign.
Mission 7 (15) - Complete mission 7 of the campaign.
Mission 8 (15) - Complete mission 8 of the campaign.
Mission 9 (15) - Complete mission 9 of the campaign.
Nice Collection (15) - Unlock 65% of the planes in the single player campaign.
Proven Pilot (30) - Make 50 kills in adversarial multiplayer matches.
Showoff (10) - Perform at least 25 stunts in the single player campaign.
Skilled Dogfighter (40) - Make 150 kills in adversarial multiplayer matches.
Skirmish Advanced (15) - Reach 50% in at least three skirmish missions in the coop mode.
Skirmish Explored (15) - Reach 25% in all skirmish missions in the coop mode.
Skirmish Perfected (20) - Reach 100% in at least two skirmish missions in the coop mode.
Strategist (10) - Your wingmen score at least 50 kills over the course of the single player campaign.
Streak Master (50) - Make three killing streaks of at least 15 kills.
Superb Team Play (50) - Be part of the winning team in 50 squad matches.
Team Player (25) - Respond to at least 25 requests from teammates in multiplayer.
Tech Expert (20) - Acquire all technological advancements in the single player campaign.
Tech Sawy (10) - Acquire at least two technological advancements in the single player campaign.
Top Finish (30) - Finish a solo multiplayer match on the top of the table.
Versatile Pilot (20) - Achieve multiplayer kills with at least 15 types of different aircraft.
Veteran (10) - Play 25 hours online, in any multiplayer mode.
War Hero (25) - All missions of the single player campaign completed.
Well Covered (15) - Your turret gunners score 15 kills in the single player campaign.
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