BioShock 2 Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

"Mr. Bubbles-- No!" (20) - Take down your first Big Daddy in a non-private match.
9-Irony (5) - Paid your respects to the founder of Rapture.
Adopted a Little Sister (5) - Adopted a new Little Sister for the first time.
Against All Odds (30) - Finish the game on the hardest difficulty level.
All Plasmids (20) - Find or purchase all 11 basic Plasmid types.
All Weapon Upgrades (20) - Find all 14 Power to the People weapon upgrades in the game.
Big Brass Balls (25) - Finish the game without using Vita-Chambers.
Big Spender (15) - Spend 2000 dollars at Vending Machines.
Bought a Slot (5) - Buy one Plasmid or Tonic Slot at a Gatherer's Garden.
Choose the Impossible (50) - Achieve Rank 40.
Confronted Grace (10) - Confronted Lamb's lieutenant in Pauper's Drop.
Counterattack (5) - Killed an enemy with its own projectile.
Daddy's Home (10) - Found your way back into the ruins of Rapture.
Dealt with Every Little Sister (50) - Either Harvest or Save every Little Sister in the game.
Defeated the Preacher (20) - Defeated the Preacher.
Disgusting Frankenstein (10) - Become a Big Daddy for the first time in a non-private match.
Distance Hacker (5) - Used the Hack Tool to hack an object at a distance.
Escape (100) - Escaped Rapture.
First Research (5) - Research a Splicer with the Research Camera.
Found Lamb's Hideout (20) - Gained access to Lamb's stronghold.
Fully Upgraded a Plasmid (10) - Fully upgrade one of your Plasmids to the level 3 version at a Gatherer's Garden.
Fully Upgraded a Weapon (10) - Install the third and final upgrade to any of your weapons.
Grand Daddy (25) - Defeat 3 Big Daddies without dying during the fight.
Heading to the Surface (25) - Headed to the surface on the side of Sinclair's escape pod.
Little Moth (20) - Achieve Rank 20.
Look at You, Hacker (15) - Killed 50 enemies using only hacked Security.
Man About Town (10) - Play at least one non-private match on each multiplayer map.
Master Gatherer (30) - Gather 600 ADAM with Little Sisters.
Master Hacker (20) - Hack 30 machines at a distance with the Hack Tool.
Master Protector (15) - Get through a Gather with no damage and no one getting to the Little Sister.
Max Plasmid Slots (10) - Fully upgrade to the maximum number of Plasmid Slots.
Mother Goose (20) - Save your first Little Sister in a non-private match.
Nose for News (20) - Uncovered the secret of Dionysus Park.
One Research Track (20) - Max out one Research Track.
Parasite (10) - Achieve Rank 10.
Prolific Hacker (20) - Successfully hack at least one of every type of machine.
Protector (20) - Defended yourself against Lamb's assault in the train station.
Proving Grounds (20) - Win your first non-private match.
Rapture Historian (40) - Find 100 audio diaries.
Research Master (20) - Max out research on all 9 research subjects.
Reunion (50) - Reunited with your original Little Sister.
Savior (25) - Saved every Little Sister and spared Grace, Stanley and Gil.
Sinclair's Solution (20) - Joined forces with Sinclair in Ryan Amusements.
Skin Job (20) - Achieve Rank 30.
Trap Master (15) - Kill 30 enemies using only Traps.
Two-Bit Heroics (10) - Complete your first trial in a non-private match.
Unbreakable (20) - Defended yourself against the Big Sister without dying.
Unnatural Selection (10) - Score your first kill in a non-private match.
Upgraded a Weapon (10) - Upgrade any weapon at a Power to the People Station.
Welcome to Rapture (10) - Complete your first non-private match.

Additionally, there are three Rapture Metro DLC achievements:

Territorial (25) - Win a non-private match in each of the 6 new maps.
Aqua Incognita (25) - Play at least one non-private match on each downloadable content map.
Reincarnation (100) - Use Rebirth to start again!

Additionally, there are six The Protector Trials DLC achievements:

Acid Test (10) - Earn 18 stars in the Protector Trial.
Litmus Test (5) - Earn 6 stars in the Protector Trials.
Perfect Protector (20) - Collect 100% of the ADAM in a single Protector Trial.
Enemy of the Family (15) - Earn an A rank in all Protector Trials.
Get a Bigger Bucket (25) - Collect 50% of the ADAM available in all Protector Trials.
Trial By Fire (15) - Earn 36 stars in the Protector Trials.

Additionally, there are eight Minerva's Den achievements:

Login (20) - Reached Rapture Central Computing Operations.
Logout (50) - Escaped Minerva's Den.
ADAM Addict (10) - Resolve all the Little Sisters in Minerva's Den.
Garbage Collection (10) - Destroy all 10 Vacuum Bots in Minerva's Den.
High Score (10) - Get 9,999 points in a single game of spitfire.
Lancer Killer (10) - Kill a Lancer Big Daddy.
Root Access Granted (20) - Reached Computer Core Access.
SUDO (20) - Wrested control of the Thinker from Reed Wahl.

Free Telekinesis
Use the following trick to use Telekinesis to pull normal items toward you without using any of your Eve reserve. Eve is only used when you release the trigger and throw an item with Telekinesis. Use Telekinesis to pull items such as ammunition or first aid kits toward you to collect without wasting any of your meter. Note that if you take an item that you are already maxed out of, you will be stuck holding it with Telekinesis or release the trigger to throw it and waste your meter. However, if you display the Plasmid wheel and select another Plasmid attack, you can release the trigger to drop the item without Telekinesis automatically throwing it. By doing this you will not waste any of your meter dropping an item that you cannot carry. This also can be done when pulling electrified trip wires out of walls. To do this, pull the item toward you with Telekinesis and without releasing the trigger, display the Plasmid wheel to select another plasmid. When you close the Plasmid wheel and release the trigger, you will drop the item.

Defeating Rumblers
When facing a Rumbler (Big Daddy with rockets) use Telekinesis to grab the rockets it fires then turn them back towards it.

Easy Loot
Hack a vending machine and stop the needle in the blue section to get free ammo or a free Eve. When the same thing is done at a health station you can get a first-aid kit.

Help from Security Bots
Hack Security Bots when they appear after an alarm is triggered. They will remain in the area and fight for you. Note: Try stunning them with an electric attack first.

Alternate Endings

Alternate Endings
There are six alternate endings: rise to surface (good and evil), abandoned (good and evil), and the standard ending (good and evil):

Good endings
- Rescue all Little Sisters that you dealt with and spare Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, or Gilbert Alexander.
- Rescue all Little Sisters That you dealt with and kill Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.

Standard endings
- Rescue at least one Little Sister and harvest at least one Little Sister. Choose to die at the end and spare Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.
- Rescue at least one Little Sister and harvest at least one Little Sister. Choose to die at the end and kill Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, or Gilbert Alexander.

Bad endings
- Rescue at least one Little Sister and harvest at least one Little Sister. Choose to live at the end and spare Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander. Alternately, harvest all Little Sisters that you dealt with and spare Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gilbert Alexander.
- Rescue at least one Little Sister and harvest at least one Little Sister. Choose to live at the end and kill Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, or Gilbert Alexander. Alternately, harvest all Little Sisters that you dealt with and kill Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, or Gilbert Alexander.

Multi-player Rank Bonuses
Reach the indicated rank in multi-player mode to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Rank 1
Weapon: Pistol/Shotgun
Plasmid: Electro Bol/Winter Blast/Incinerate
Mask: Rabbit/Goat/Pink Feather
Melee: Wrench/Candle Stick/Pipe

Rank 2
Weapon: Machine Gun

Rank 3
Tonic: Expert Researcher/Security Evasion

Rank 4
Plasmid: Air Dash

Rank 5
Upgrade: Pistol Automatic Firing

Rank 6
Weapon: Grenade Launcher

Rank 7
Tonic: Speedy Recovery/Eve Saver

Rank 8
Plasmid: Geyser Trap

Rank 9
Upgrade: Shotgun Rate of Fire

Rank 10
Weapon: Crossbow
Mask: Eagle/Tragic Comedy
Melee: Machete/Rolling Pin

Rank 11
Tonic: Back Stabber

Rank 12
Plasmid: Telekenesis

Rank 13
Upgrade: Machine Gun Magazine Size

Rank 14
Weapon: Nail Gun

Rank 15
Tonic: Metabolic Eve

Rank 16
Plasmid: Houdini

Rank 17
Upgrade: Grenade Launcher Homing Grenades

Rank 18
Weapon: Elephant Gun

Rank 19
Tonic: Sabotage

Rank 20
Plasmid: Insect Swarm
Mask: Moon/Indigo Feather
Melee: Mallet/Barbed Wire

Rank 21
Upgrade: Crossbow Damage Increase

Rank 22
Tonic: Repairman

Rank 23
Upgrade: Nail Gun Magazine Size

Rank 24
Upgrade: Speedy Hacker

Rank 25
Upgrade: Elephant Gun Sniper Scope

Rank 26
Tonic: Slugger

Rank 27
Upgrade: Pistol Damage Upgrade

Rank 28
Tonic: Leg Up

Rank 29
Upgrade: Shotgun Automatic Reload

Rank 30
Tonic: Fast Feet
Mask: Peacock Feather/Sun God
Melee: Crowbar/Flashlight

Rank 31
Upgrade: Machine Gun Kickback Reduction

Rank 32
Tonic: Deadly Machine

Rank 33
Upgrade: Grenade Launcher Velocity Boost

Rank 34
Tonic: Headhunter

Rank 35
Upgrade: Crossbow Rate of Fire

Rank 36
Tonic: Big Game Hunter

Rank 37
Upgrade: Nail Gun Damage Increase

Rank 38
Tonic: Death Trap

Rank 39
Upgrade: Elephant Gun Damage Increase

Rank 40
Tonic: Resurrection
Mask: Octopus/Demon
Melee: Hatchet
Easy Health
Go to a health station and melee it. A health kit will come out.

Easy Security Research
Locate a hackable vending or health machine next to or near a Bot Shutdown Panel. Hack the machine and stop the pointer on the red to activate the Security Bots to come for you. Quickly turn and use the Research Camera on one then shut them down at the panel. The disabled bot is still highlighted by the research camera and you can research Security easily.

Wait until a Splicer trips an alarm and two security bots appear. Use the Research Camera on one bot while it is killing the Splicer, then shoot at it with a rapid fire weapon (for example, the rivet gun or machine gun).

Help from Security Bots
Hack Security Bots when they appear after an alarm is triggered. They will remain in the area and fight for you. Note: Try stunning them with an electric attack first.

There is an easy way to collect Security Bots to fight with you. First, locate a Bot Shutdown Panel that is quickly accessible near a vending machine. Hack the vending machine, but stop the pointer on the red to activate the Security Bots to come for you. Quickly run to the Bot Shutdown Panel and throw the switch. Then, locate a deactivated Security Bot and hack it. That Bot is now aiding you. Note: You can only have two Security Bots aiding you at one time.

Defeating Big Sisters
Before you fight the second Big Sister (if you are harvesting ADAM but saving the girls), you will get an Enrage Plasmid. There are two bodies to scrounge ADAM from. One is more easily securable, which has a security camera, a rocket launcher bot, and a large puddle of water in this area. The Big Daddy comes back multiple times. If you drop off the little girl in her hole near here, you can wait for the Big Sister to show up. Then, enrage the Big Daddy so that he will take on and kill the Big Sister. Your only concern will be Splicers and the Big Daddy after he is done with the Big Sister.

Door Codes
Enter one of the following codes to open the corresponding door:

Adonis Luxury Resort
Door near rubble with code written backwards on glass: "1540"

Pauper's Drop
The Clinic: "0047"

Siren Alley
Maintenance Area: "1919"

Dionysus Park
Power of the People Machine door: "080"

Fontaine Futuristics
Plasmid Theater: "5254"

Inner Persephone
Watch Tower: "2673"
Recreational Therapy: "4146"
Weapon Upgrade Stations
Weapon Upgrade stations can be found at the following locations:

01. Ryan Amusements - Going to get the ticket.
02. Ryan Amusements - After the family display, through the door.
03. Pauper's Drop - From Journal 039, go out the door, down the stairs.
04. Pauper's Drop - In the back of skid row, in the limbo room. It will be behind the stage.
05. Pauper's Drop - After breaking into hotel, when you are going through the halls, you will go through a hole. To your left you will see a blue sheet. To the right is the station.
06. Siren Alley - In Mermaid Lounge, go upstairs hack the gate. Drop through a hole in the floor.
07. Siren Alley - Just before Pump station 5.
08. Dionysus Park - Behind the door, combination 1080.
09. Dionysus Park - On the path to the train.
10. Fontaine Futuristics - After you destroy the flying Gil bot, you can enter where you get access to laboratory.
11. Fontaine Futuristics - After you turn on the lights, it will be in the bottom of the holding cells area.
12. Persephone Outer - On your left.
13. Inner Persephone - After you gain access to Sinclair look back in the room.
14. Inner Persephone - Just after ward B in the room with the rocket turret.

Easy "9-Irony" Achievement or Trophy
Get your first Little Sister in Ryan Amusements. She will take you back into the main hall of Ryan Amusements to collect ADAM. While she is collecting ADAM, Splicers will attack and break down the door to the next section. Go through door to find a desk on the left with an animatronic Andrew Ryan behind it. Near a cabinet that is behind him is a golf club. Use Telekinesis to pick up the club, then shoot it at the Andrew Ryan animatronic.

Unlimited Money
Play the Siren Alley level inside the Mermaids Lounge. Go upstairs into the room on the right side of the balcony that contains the slot machines. As you enter the room, turn left and play the right-hand machine of the two that are facing you. Save the game before you start and resave it every time your total money increases above where you started. If the machine does not payout after about a dozen turns, reload your saved game. By doing this you can maximize your wallet in about ten to fifteen minutes. It will now be easy to fully load up on ammunition and health/EVE boosts for fighting the Big Daddies. Repeat this for each additional Little Sister on the level.
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