Bionic Commando Cheats - Xbox 360

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Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Air to Surface (20) - Complete "Air to Surface" challenge.
Bionically Challenged (50) - Complete all challenges in the game.
Blood Trial (5) - Complete "Blood Trial" challenge.
Barrage (15) - Complete "Barrage" challenge.
Biomech Sweeper (25) - Complete "Biomech Sweeper" challenge.
Close Up (5) - Complete "Close Up" challenge.
Come Out and Play (20) - Complete "Come Out and Play" challenge.
Can you dig it? (40) - Complete "Can you dig it?" challenge.
Choke on that (50) - Kill Groeder - Kill him for good.
Cracker (15) - Complete "Cracker" challenge.
Drive-by (20) - Complete "Drive-by" challenge.
End Game (50) - Complete the final mission.
Crowd Control (20) - Complete "Crowd Control" challenge.
Down To Earth (10) - Complete "Down To Earth" challenge.
Explosive Delivery (10) - Complete "Explosive Delivery" challenge.
Fair Fight! (10) - Complete "Fair Fight!" challenge.
I went Commando (100) - Finish the game in Commando mode.
Incoming! (10) - Complete "Incoming!" challenge.
Feel the Beat, Y'all! (25) - Complete "Feel the Beat, Y'all!" challenge.
Headshot Bonanza (25) - Complete "Headshot Bonanza" challenge.
I got Hard (75) - Finish the game in Hard mode.
Jabber Man (10) - Complete "Jabber Man" challenge.
Kaboom (5) - Complete "Kaboom" challenge.
Kick In The Back (10) - Complete "Kick In The Back" challenge.
Slayer (10) - Complete "Slayer" challenge.
Spence is in the Air (10) - Complete "Spence is in the Air" challenge.
Stroke of Luck (5) - Complete "Stroke of Luck" challenge.
Swinger (5) - Complete "Swinger" challenge.
The Collector (50) - Find all collectibles in the game.
Leap Up! (5) - Complete "Leap Up!" challenge.
Let the Dog Out (15) - Complete "Let the Dog Out" challenge.
Man Locked Up (5) - Complete "Man Locked Up" challenge.
Nemesis (25) - Complete "Nemesis" challenge.
Out of the Bush (30) - Complete "Out of the Bush" challenge.
Poly Cruncher (25) - Complete "Poly Cruncher" challenge.
Pull! (15) - Complete "Pull!" challenge.
Receiving End (10) - Complete "Receiving End" challenge.
Rocket Man (10) - Complete "Rocket Man" challenge.
Shellshock (25) - Complete "Shellshock" challenge.
Shoot 'Em Up! (15) - Complete "Shoot 'Em Up!" challenge.
The Pinball Effect (10) - Complete "The Pinball Effect" challenge.
The Pitcher (25) - Complete "The Pitcher" challenge.
The River (10) - Complete "The River" challenge.
Torn Into Pieces (10) - Complete "Torn Into Pieces" challenge.
Train Wreck (5) - Complete "Train Wreck" challenge.
Two Hit Wonder (10) - Complete "Two Hit Wonder" challenge.
Whip 'Em Good (25) - Complete "Whip 'Em Good" challenge.
Whoo-paah! (10) - Complete "Whoo-paah!" challenge.
Worthy Foe (10) - Complete "Worthy Foe" challenge.
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