WWE Raw 2: Ruthless Aggression Cheats - Xbox

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Downloadable WWE Raw 2: Ruthless Aggression Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Author: 43KB
Alternate costumes
Every superstar has two appearances. The first one being ring attire and the second being backstage attire. If you create a superstar and are planning to put them in a season, you might want to create a second appearance (for example, something casual or formal). Otherwise your superstar will be running around backstage as the generic create a superstar character (even when your superstar is female).

Changing costumes
A lot of wrestlers have alternate costumes in the create a superstar section. For example, Big Poppa Pump's patriotic tights, HHH'S jean jacket, etc. To change these costumes, go to create a superstar and select the desired superstar to change. Go to their appearance. Then, select costume and go through all the types and textures. Select the one you want. You also can change the color.

Brock Lesnar: Shooting Star Press
Once you have your Voltage meter up, Irish Whip your opponent into the turnbuckle. Make sure he is facing you when he is stuck on the turnbuckle corner. Grapple him and Press [X] + [A] to do Brock Lesnar's Shooting Star Press.

Brock Lesnar: Real pyro timing
Go To Create A Superstar. Select Brock Lesnar, then go to "Pyro 1". Select Kane's Pyro 2 and set the time to 28.7 seconds. When Brock jumps up on the apron, the pyro will shoot up.

Chris Jericho: Real pyro timing
Go to Create a Superstar, select Chris Jericho, then go to "Entrance". Set the Pyro1 start time to 12.0 seconds. By doing this, the pyro matches with the music, which is ending the countdown transforming noise.

D-Von Dudley: Real pyro timing
Go To Create a Superstar, select D-Von, then go to "Entrance". Set the Pyro1 start time to 0.1 seconds.

Goldberg: Spear
Once you have your Voltage meter up, punch your opponent near the ropes. When their hands are trapped in the ropes, grapple them and press [X] + [A]. Goldberg will Irish Whip them to the other ropes and Spear them.

An easier way to Spear people is to just run, then press [A].

Goldberg: Real pyro timing
Go into Goldberg's entrance menu and change the timing of the Pyro2 to 25.0 seconds and it should look like the real thing.

Go to Create A Superstar, select Goldberg, then go to "Entrance". Set the Pyro1 start time to 14.3 seconds. Set the Pyro2 start time to 25.8 seconds. By doing this, when he is standing on the ramp then starts to move his shoulders, the first Pyro goes off. The second one goes off when he starts punching.

Hulk Hogan: Get attacked by referee
To get the referee to attack, play as Hulk Hogan, and when your meter is bouncing completely red, grapple the ref. Press [A] + [X] and the ref will start hitting you.

Kane: Real pyro timing
Go to Create A Superstar, select Kane, then go to "Entrance". Set the Pyro1 start time At 0.1 seconds. Set the Pyro2 start time to 45.6 seconds. By doing this, Pyro1 starts as soon as the music starts, and Pyro2 starts as soon as Kane's hands fall down.

Kevin Nash: Real pyro timing
Go to Create A Superstar, select Kevin Nash, then go to "Entrance" Go to Pyro1 then select HBK or Kane B and set the timing to 41.6 seconds. By doing this, when Kevin Nash throws his hand up, the pyro will go off.

John Cena: F-U Finishing move
Go to Create A Superstar and select John Cena. Go to "Moves", then "Grappling". Go to the move labeled "X + A" and change it to the "Death Valley Driver", which is in page 13 of the moves list.

Randy Orton: RKO Finishing move
Go to Create-A-Superstar, and select Randy Orton. Go to "Moves", then from "Standing", select "Grappling1", go to the move labeled "X + A", and select "Bubba Cutter" for the finisher.

Randy Orton: New entrance
Buy moves Lance Storms and Pyro 1 for Christian's [A] set to 10.1. Also, set the stage lights gold or shade 7.

Rey Mysterio: Real mask
Go to Create A Superstar and select "Create". Select Rey Mysterio, then go to "Appearance 1". Select "Mask", and go to "Misc". Select "15". You can change the color if desired. Then, select "Accessories" (still under "Mask") and choose "4". You now have Rey Mysterio's real mask. You can also change it in "Appearance 2".

Rey Myserio: See face
Simply go to Create A Superstar mode, select him, and change his masks. One of these masks are open-faced.

Rey Mysterio: Moves
Get a special and do one (but not the 619). Get your opponent on the ropes and do the 619. When your opponent is done rolling, quickly go to the other side and jump out onto the apron (like a tag partner). Make sure you have the move where he pulls back on the ropes, jumps, and does a leg drop. Get about in between him (stomach but slightly higher) and do the leg drop move. You should hit him on the head (as seen on SmackDown The Dime Drop). Quickly pin him and you should win.

The following are good moves to give Rey Mysterio:
Grappling 1: West Coast Pop
Grappling 2: Rico Moonsault

Grappling 1: Tiger Bomb or Tiger Driver
Grappling 2: Kidman Face Crusher

Rob Van Dam: Real pyro timing
Go to Create a Superstar, select Rob Van Dam, then go to "Entrance". Set the Pyro1 start time to 6.0 seconds. By doing this, when the chorus part of Rob Van Dam's theme hits (One Of A Kind!) when added to the Xbox's soundtrack, the pyros go off.

The Rock: People's Elbow
When in red with The Rock, simply punch your opponent so that he is in the ropes, then press [A] + [X], The Rock will do the People's Elbow.

Triple H: Real pyro timing
Go to "Create A Superstar" from the main menu. Select Triple H (page one) and go to "Entrance". Set "Pyro 2" to "Triple H", then set the "Pyro" to "88.0" seconds, so that it occurs when Triple H. spits the water out a second time when it does a close-up of him.

Go to "Create A Superstar" from the main menu. Select Triple H (page one) and go to "Entrance". Set "Pyro 2" to "Triple H", then set the "Pyro" to "23.6" seconds. When Triple H. comes out drinking some water and shaking his head, he will spit water immediately after that happens.

The Undertakers: Ministry music
If you have the "WWF The Music: Volume 4", add track 11 to the Xbox's soundtrack. This is the final latest Ministry Music for the Deadman.

The Undertaker: Wrestlemania XIX entrance and match
If you have the "WWF Forceable Entry" CD, add the track "Rollin (Dead Man Mix)" by Limp Bizkit and set it to the Undertaker. Then, go into exhibition mode, make a handicap match, 1 vs. 2. Make Big Show and A-Train a team. Then select Undertaker for the single wrestler. Set the arena to Wrestlemania XIX. The Undertaker will enter with Limp Bizkit playing and will face Big Show and A-Train. Make the Undertaker win. Note: You might want to put the Big Show and A-Train into a stable in "Create-a-Team" mode.

Hall Of Fame
To get the highest rating in the Hall Of Fame, get a total score of 10,000. The fastest way to do this is to create as many wrestlers as you can, and win Royal Rumbles with the maximum amount of superstars. Note: This will take some time.

Doing specials
Specials are based on the meter on the bottom of the screen. Doing different moves will build this up, eventually turning it bright red. Once this is at maximum red, specials can be performed by pressing [X] + [A] in a grapple. Some moves require different situations. For example, for Goldberg's Spear, grapple your opponent while he/she is on the ropes, then proceed to press [X] + [A]. Note: Doing the same move repeatedly, such as punches, will decrease your bar and turn it blue.

Undisputed Champion
Win both the WWE Championship and the World Championship to be dubbed the "Undisputed Champion".

Momentum by chair
Have a "set up" chair between you and your opponent. Run towards the chair (with your opponent on the opposite side) and press [Black] to use the chair for additional momentum. Some wrestlers clothesline, some dropkick, etc.

Interfere forget them
When a superstar is entering the ring, repeatedly press [X] when they are on the ramp. Note: This does not work with superstars such as Undertaker, who is riding a motorcycle.

Prevent Royal Rumble elimination
Any time in the Royal Rumble, just get out the ring. Note: Do not let anyone touch you, or you will be eliminated. Once you are outside, you can put a chair in the ring or enter the ring again. You can do this repeatedly.

Royal Rumble elimination
Get your opponent on the rope or in the corner then press and tap [A] to throw them out.

Irish Whip your opponent into the turnbuckle. Run at him and press [X] so that you strike him. They will fall over the top rope and be eliminated.

Make a woman in the create a superstar screen. Set your moves to Trish Stratus'. Start Royal Rumble mode, then grapple your opponent and hold [Black]. Your girl will walk to the ropes and throw the person out of the ring.

Easy season mode wins
Do a move with anyone . Then, do a submission move. Finally, press [Start] and quit (return to the main menu). You will win every time.

In season mode, make enemies with a lot of people until their name is dark red or close to it in your profile. About three minutes into each match your enemies will appear and help you in your matches. When you want your foe to leave so you can pin your opponent, just hit them out of the ring they will not re-enter.

Easy Cage match wins
Grapple your opponent and hold a direction on the D-Pad while pressing [Black] to smash your opponent's head into the cage.

Easy Ladder match wins
When you are in a ladder match, grab a ladder and throw it in the ring. Press [White] to grab it, and [Black] to put it in ring. Set the ladder up (press [White]) at the upper side of the ring (note: this is the upper side of the way you are viewing it), left side, right side, or down side. Do not place it in the middle. Climb up the ladder, and once you are at the top (not at the very top but when you stop climbing) press [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] so that it faces the middle of the ring. For example, if the ladder is on the left side of the ring, press [Right]. If it is on the right side, press [Left]. If it is up, press [Down]. If it is down, press [Up]. Once you have done that, hold that D-Pad direction and press [White]. You will jump to the middle of the ring and grab the title. Getting the title is extremely difficult. Once you have jumped off, you will see yourself hanging off of the title. You must press as many buttons as you can as quickly as possible. Sometimes your opponent will get the ladder and either jump at you so you fall off, or jump at the title so you both hang on. If you fall, and your opponent is still hanging on, try to get up quickly, climb back up the ladder, and jump off so you hit him (and not grab the title). This way, he falls off and this makes the chances of him getting the title lower. If you were to grab the title, he probably would have gotten it before you even started to tap the buttons, since he has been on it longer.

Quickly get out of the ring immediately and grab the ladder. Keep running and hitting your opponent so that he falls. Keep doing this until time is up. Note: Make sure u have the title.

If you have the regular ladder, set it up so you can jump on the belt. If you have the big ladder, set it up in the middle so that he can reach up. Once on the belt, tap [Up] + [Black] and in a little bit you will get the belt providing your opponent does not knock you off.

Easy Royal Rumble match win
Go to create a superstar and change one of the striking attacks to a Low Blow. Also make sure you have some sort of punch as another one of your striking attacks. When you eliminate a superstar in the Royal Rumble just as they get in (after they get up), punch them toward the ropes then get then with a Low Blow so that they are against the ropes. Then, do another Low Blow they should be eliminated. Do this various times in exhibition or in season mode to get more points to unlock things.

Throw an opponent into a ringpost and follow up with a running attack, such as a Clothesline to knock them over the turnbuckle post and out of the ring. This is the fastest approach and it never fails. By using this method, it is possible to eliminate all participants in the 72 man rumble in less than twenty minutes.

Create a Superstar or edit a wrestler and give him or her the Leg Sweep (Striking), Step Kick #3 (Striking), and Elbow #3 (Grapple 1). Use Elbow #3 to hit your opponent to the ropes. When they are leaning against the ropes, use Leg Sweep or Step Kick #3. They will flip over the rope and be eliminated. Note: Step Kick #3 does not work as well as the Leg Sweep.

Easy Tag Team match win
Choose a regular Tag-Team match. Get out of the ring by your partner. Start running around the ring and your opponent will begin running after you. Do not let him catch you. Wait until the count out reaches "8", then get in the ring. Your opponent will stay out of the ring and you will win the match.

Using tall ladders
In a hardcore or regular match, there is a way to use a tall ladder. When you start, get out of the ring and go to the apron facing the screen (bottom apron). Keep pressing "D-pad Up" + [White]. You will soon come up with a tall ladder. On this ladder, you can go on top of it and jump off and be very high in the air.

Hint: Stealing items easily:
Increase a created superstar's "Luck" to "5". This will give you the best chance at stealing items.

Use RVD in season mode, and set each match to steal form someone different. RVD is extremely lucky and can get up to four steals in one week.

Turning heel in season mode
Always surprise attack a superstar with high popularity. When you do that enough times, you will see yourself and Eric Biscoff in the ring together. If you shake Eric Biscoff's hand, you turn heel. If you do not shake his hand, you remain a face.

Win surprise attacks
Surprise attacks can always be won if you press [Start] and return to previous menu. This works if you surprise attack someone, or if they surprise attack you.

Perform Standing Special/Finishing Move
When your Voltage meter is flashing up and down with the red lines, grapple with [A], and press [A] + [X] at the same time. This will do Triple H's Pedigree, for example.

Unlocking arenas
To easily unlock all arenas, enter season mode. You do not have to play as one wrestler in season mode; just after or before a PPV save and exit season mode. When you enter back in season, choose a different wrestler. As you go through season mode and into PPVs, you do not have to win to unlock the arenas. Just go through the match types with no interference, rest, steal, etc., and go into your match. Try and get counted out. If you want to try to win fast, get your opponent counted out by beating him/her outside the ring and go into the ring at the last two seconds. Just play in the arenas and if you win or lose, save after the PPV. The arena is now available in exhibition mode. Once you get to Wrestlemania, if you do not have a title shot yet, check to see who is champion. Save and exit the game. Then, go back into Wrestlemania and choose the champion. Win the belt at Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is now unlocked in exhibition mode and you have completed year one of season mode.

To get different PPV arenas, go to season mode and go through each PPV. Once finished with a PPV, you will unlock the arena and be able to play in it in quick start or exhibition mode. Note: You do not have to win a match at the PPV.

Unlocking exhibition mode bonuses easily
Enter exhibition mode and choose Royal Rumble. Start out at the beginning. You must win the match with the wrestler you chose. Go through all opponents and win. Set the number of Royal Rumble participants to 30 . If you win, you will unlock something.

Unlocking all costume samples and superstar FMV sequences quickly
Use multi-players (a multitap if you have it). Set up season mode for two or more players . Play or get disqualified from the match your chosen superstar is in, and for the rest choose "Steal". Always steal several times from each superstar for a show. Each superstar has two costume samples and one FMV sequence that you can steal. Use your multi-players to steal from more than one superstar at a time, and try to do it in an order or you will get confused as to whom you have already stolen from. You will have to go through the first year of the season mode to steal from all the superstars. However, it is worth it to get all these things unlocked. When the message "You have stolen dirty laundry" comes up, you have stolen everything from that superstar and can move on to the next one. After the costume samples are unlocked, you can use them for your created superstar .

In season mode, successfully steal items from characters. Each character has two sample costumes that can be unlocked for CAW mode. For example, successfully steal an item from HHH to unlock HHH's ring costume. Steal from HHH again to get his backstage costume.

In season mode, when you do an interference, surprise attack, steal, etc., and succeed, there will be a 50% chance you will get new Create A Superstar abilities. Note: If you rest and you do that successfully, you will not get anything; you will just raise your vitality/spirit.

When in season mode, whether you have one person or four people, set all the matches to steal. Put all the steals on the same person. This way, the chances of you stealing three things from them successfully is better, which lets you can get their Titantron in the theater mode.

An easier way of collecting all of the superstar costume samples rather than stealing them in season mode is to reach the level of a Veteran in hall of fame mode. This is done by earning 1,500 total points. This can be easily done by playing Royal Rumble with as many superstars as you can get.

View custom soundtracks
Select the "Create A Superstar" option at the main menu. Choose a superstar to edit, then select "Entrance" at the bottom of the options. Next, go all the way down to "Entrance Music". Press [R] a few times and you should see the soundtracks (if any) that you have placed in your Xbox.

Instant popularity
To get 100 popularity instantly with a new created superstar, clone a superstar that already has 100 popularity in season mode and just change his appearance.

South Park reference
In Create-A-Superstar, go to "Profile", and go to the screen where you give them their name, call, voice, etc. Go to the the sign selection screen. Search around the bottom and top of each page, and you will see signs reading "What's this All Aboot?", which was a line said in "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut", and a sign reading "Blame Canada", which was a song used in the same movie.

On the "Gimmicks" screen in Create-A-Superstar, if you put down "GOLD", you can draw out gold trash cans and trash can lids. Putting "TABLE" lets you draw out different types of tables (useful in table matches), and putting "LADDER" lets you or increases you chance of drawing a big ladder from under the ring.

Nude female wrestler
Go to "Create A Superstar" at the main menu. Select "Create" and chose an empty slot for your superstar. Select "Appearance 1" then enter the following:
Type: Woman
Skin: Texture 1 FOO
Highlight: Red: 255, Green: 152, Blue: 0
Hue: Red: 255, Green: 158, Blue: 0
Shadow: Red: 247, Green: 148, Blue: 29

Upper body costume: Model 4, Texture 0
Highlight: Red: 251, Green: 185, Blue: 3
Hue: Red: 178, Green: 137, Blue: 0
Shadow: Red: 135, Green: 2, Blue: 0

Lower body costume: Model . Texture: 0
Highlight: Red: 31, Blue: 31, Green: 31
Hue: Red: 235, Green: 180, Blue: 51
Shadow: Red: 63, Green: 31, Blue: 3
Glitch: Stupid AI
Set up a one on one singles match. Make both characters CPU controlled. When the CPU fights itself, the characters may get caught in a repetition of acts. When a character is in the ring and a character is outside, they will both go after each other with the same timing. Thus, one character goes after the one in the ring, while the other character goes after the one outside the ring repeatedly.

During season mode, the wrestlers with whom you have a beef with can interfere during some of your matches. However, they tend to attack your match opponent instead of you once the enemies run into the ring. The only way they will attack you is if you attack them.

If someone interferes and you hit the interfering wrestler with a weapon, you are the one that gets disqualified.

Sometimes when you Irish Whip an opponent and it seems as although they are against the ropes, they still look like they are running for several seconds.

Glitch: Get eliminated and not be eliminated
When in a Royal Rumble match, use a Flying Attack that jumps from inside the ring, over the rope, and to the outside. You will not be eliminated and be able to return to ring when in fact you went over the top rope. You can also jump off the turnbuckle to the outside and not be eliminated, but someone has to be on the outside in order for you to jump out the ring from the turnbuckle.

Glitch: Frozen game
In the create a superstar screen, the game can freeze up entirely while you are selecting options and items for your created wrestler.

Glitch: Nude female wrestler
Unlock the Summer Slam arena, then create a female wrestler with all the following properties set to zero: Upper Body Texture 1, Upper Body Highlight, Upper Body Hue, Upper Body Shadow, Lower Body Texture 1, Lower Body Highlight, Lower Body Hue, and Lower Body Shadow. Give your wrestler The Rock's moves and "Original" movies. For the full effect, turn on "Sexy Pose" in the moves section. Then, start up a regular exhibition mode game in the Summer Slam arena. Your wrestler will appear to be nude in the pre-fight introduction sequence.

Glitch: Rey Mysterio: Missing cross
On Rey's mask and tights, there appears to be a missing white cross, along with a white cross and an emblem behind it missing on the tights. Watch Rey Mysterio wrestle in an actual match and you can see the crosses on the mask and tights. However in the game, it appears to be missing.
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