The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Cheats - Xbox

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Downloadable The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
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Change health level
Press [B] during game play to display the options. Press [L] or [R] to cycle to the statistics screen. Highlight the health bar, press [Black], [White], [Black]x3, then hold [A] to set a new health level. Press [B] to exit. When you get hit, your health will automatically go back up. Note: Only one code can be activated at one time.

Alternately, press [B] during game play to display the options. Press [L] or [R] to cycle through the menus to the statistics screen. Highlight your character's health and press [Black], [White], [Black], [A], [Black], [A], [Black] then hold [A] until you reach the desired health level.

Change magicka level
Press [B] during game play to display the options. Press [L] or [R] to cycle to the statistics screen. Highlight the magicka bar, press [Black], [White]x2, [Black], [White], then hold [A] to set a new magicka level. Press [B] to exit. When you use magicka, it will automatically go back up. Note: Only one code can be activated at one time.

Change fatigue level
Press [B] during game play to display the options. Press [L] or [R] to cycle to the statistics screen. Highlight the fatigue bar, press [Black]x2, [White]x2, [Black], then hold [A] to set a new fatigue level. Press [B] to exit. When your fatigue changes, it will automatically go back up. Note: Only one code can be activated at one time.

Keep health, magicka, and fatigue levels full
Enable the "Change health level", "Change magicka level", or "Change fatigue level" codes, and before you fill your health/magicka/fatigue up, while holding [A] and filling it, press [B] and exit. It will continue to rise and as it goes down, it will raise back up instantly. For example, start filling your health/magicka/fatigue, and press [B] before it is to the top, While still holding [A] and filling it, it will keep and always be full until you return to the menu.

To regenerate your Health, Magicka, or Fatigue without having to hold [A], enable the code for the stat that you want to regenerate. While you are holding [A], press [B] to get out of the screen. If done correctly, your stat should continue regenerating even while you are out of the menu screen. Do this with health, as whenever you get hit, your health automatically regenerates. If you go back into the menu screens and change to any other screen than your stats screen, you must enable the code for the stat to regenerate again. However, only enter the [Black] and [White] part of the codes. If you do the code for health and then want to do it with magicka or fatigue, just enter the [Black] and [White] part of the code; you do not have to hold [A] again unless you accidentally pressed [A] or loaded another game. This trick must be repeated every time you enter the game.

Boost all weapon stats
Use the following trick to boost all your weapon stats, with the exception of Hand-to-Hand. Note: The boost is the same as previous methods mentioned; the only exception is that you are activating all of the bound spells for each weapon at one time, then pressing the appropriate trigger buttons and holding them throughout. First, acquire all bound "weapon" spells that cover the weapon stats. Make sure you have a spell that raises long blade, short blade, blunt weapon, etc. (one of each bound-type in your magic list). Depending on how much magicka you have, you may have to enable the "Change magicka level" code to ensure your magicka continues to rise as you cast the spells. Cast all of the bound "weapon" spells one after another. Once all of them are active, hold [X] + [L] and watch the weapons switch out rapidly. As they switch, the stats associated with each type of weapon will rise tremendously. You can do this as many times as desired until the spell expires. To continue boosting your stats, simply re-do the spells and hold the appropriate buttons your controller.

To raise all stats, Strength, Endurance, and Luck, all you need is Wraith Guard and Sunder. Equip any weapon, and make sure you have the Wraith Guard on. Hold [X] + [L] to switch between the Sunder and the other weapon. This will raise the stats of Strength, Endurance, and Luck by at least 90 points at a time. This also works with Keening, but it raises Speed, Agility, Health, and Willpower.

To get superhuman abilities (Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, Luck, Magika), you must have a Bound Mace or Bound Dagger spell and the weapons "Keening" and/or "Sunder" that you get towards the end of the game. Cast Bound Mace/Dagger and hold [X] + [L] to scroll through weapons for a few seconds. Your skills will jump several hundred points, and you can slay an entire town. The Speed increase is the most impressive, although it can be slightly difficult to handle. This trick makes you practically invincible with stats between 200 to 300 and Health, Magika and Fatigue between 500 to 1000.

There is a constant effect glitch for items that fortify your stats and skills. Basically, if you could enchant any old weapon with a fortify stat spell, you can raise that stat. All you need to do is get a weapon enchanted constant effect. Once that is done, hold [X] + [L] + [R] and it will bring that stat up. For 2,280 gp (on good terms with Enchanter), you can get a sword made that raises strength by 1 point. It does not matter how many points you put in -- it will jump quickly enough. Hold [X] + [L] + [R] and check every once in awhile to see how far up it has gotten. Note: Some other effects may be able to be used in the same way. For example, enchant a weapon with Feather and bring your weight down to 0. If you want to bring every stat up at the same time, enchant a weapon each fortifing a different stat 1 point each. Constant effect, then hold [X] + [L] or [X] + [R]. This will cycle through the weapons, giving you point gains in each of them.

Another way of boosting your main stats is to create a spell with Soul-trap and a spell that will boost that stat. Start with Soul Trap on self and Intelligence. By doing this you can get more Magicka and its easier to cast the spells. After a few casts, switch to something else. You can boost Health, Fatigue, Strength, Magicka, Intelligence, Willpower, and Luck. If you do not have a spell that enhances your stats, then go back to the merchant in the first village and buy Jack Of All Trades .
Use this trick to get things out of boxes far away, or most things laying out from extremely long distances. Get an Azura's Star, or Grand Soul Gem with a Golden Saint in it. The easiest way to get one of those Soul Gems and a Golden Saint spell (from the tower in Tel Branora). Go to a Spellmaker and make it last for fifteen or twenty seconds. This will make it work at a higher rate, and take less Magika. Then, catch the Soul and get a Telekinesis spell. Go to an Enchanter with a good sword or an Ebony Staff (recommended). Choose Telekinesis and put it low so it will not cost much. Change to constant effect, name it, then create. Equip the sword, hold [A], then at the same time, hold [L] + [R]. Make it is done correctly so that you are always on the proper sword or weapon. In a few minutes, you will be able to hide in a corner unseen and steal from as far as you desired as well as lock pick objects. This does not work on humans, or some odd books.

Unlimited arrows
Equip a bow, then any arrow. Hold [Attack] to pull the arrow back. Enter the inventory screen with the arrow still pulled back. You may now release [Attack]. Unequip the arrows and resume the game. It will now continue to shoot the arrow. After it fires, it will not count that arrow to be missing.

No weight
In order to have no weight, use the steps for unlimited spell effects using the Spell Feather with a magnitude from 100-100 on self for two seconds along with Soultrap for two seconds. After making the spell, cast it as many times as needed to get the desired encumbrance.

Note: Instead of using the previously described long process, get Skull Crusher (recommended) or a Feather Enchanted constant effect weapon and do the same process as to increase skill (hold [L] + [R] + [X]).

Glitch: Float in air
Jump off a cliff, house, or other high place. Save the game while you are in the air. Reload the game and you will be floating. If you move, you will fall.

Glitch: Floating items
Stack a group of items and remove the bottom ones. The top ones will float in mid-air. They will remain suspended in mid-air until you take them down.

Glitch: Everlasting Bound Armor
Note: This trick does not work with beast races. Go to the trader in Caldera. Buy the Enchanted Helmet from him for 1700 septims. Equip the spell it has of Bound Armor, then drop the bound armor. Wait for the effect to wear off, then immediately pick it up. You can only drop the Bound Armor from this item.

Glitch: Unlimited Spell effects
If you want a spell effect to last forever (unlimited bound weapons, untimed summons, etc.), you can create them. Create a spell that mixes the desired spell effect with a Soul Trap effect. Aim the spell straight down at the ground to get an unlimited spell effect. Note: You have to own a spell that has the desired effect before you can use that effect in enchanting or spell making. Magic effects that cancel themselves for any reason other than time will cancel for the same reason (for example, invisibility or a summoned creature dying). Do not use spell effects that you will want to cancel later (for example, unlimited water walking).

Glitch: Unlimited alchemy items
To obtain any number of any alchemy apparatus desired (for example, mortar and pestle, retort, alembic, or calcinator), you first need to have more than one of the same apparatus you want more of. Go to your inventory and equip the apparatus you wish to duplicate. In the alchemy screen, press [A] (select) on the apparatus you are duplicating, press [A] on the blank space, and equip the apparatus again. You should notice that there is a larger number on apparatus. Then, press back and go to your inventory. You will notice that the number on the apparatus is still the same. Do not worry about this. Go to any merchant and select "Barter." When the merchant's inventory appears, press [Back]. Go to your inventory and you should see that you have duplicated the apparatus. This is very useful for getting a large amount of money early on in the game. In Balmora, speak with Nalcarya of White Haven (fine alchemist) and buy an alchemy apparatus (calcinator recommended, as it is the cheapest). After purchasing the apparatus, exit out of the conversation box. Talk to her again and she should have a replenished supply of the alchemy apparatus you purchased. Purchase another one, then duplicate them as many times as needed. She has 3,000 gold so you can make a very large amount of money off of her by using this trick.

Glitch: Unlimited Strength and Endurance
On the seventh mission of the Blades quests, SixthHouse Base, Caius Cosades sends you to kill Dagoth Gares in the Ilunibi cave. With his dying breath, Dagoth Gares curses you with a Corprus disease; once you have contracted the disease, for every twenty four game hours that pass, you will gain one point for each of the strength and endurance attributes, but you will lose one point in every other attribute. It is recommended that you sleep to make the time pass faster. Note: Do not let any of your attributes reach zero; if this happens you will not be able to regain them by any means. Do not worry about the lower skills, as they can be returned to their previous values by using either potions or spells. There is a woman named Danso Indules in the Vivec Temple area, outside. She is standing inside the huge archway in the middle of the temple area. She will sell you all of the spells that you will need. These spells will have the name "Restore…" followed by the name of the attribute that they restore. You will need approximately 1,000 gold. Note: If you are using the spell method to regenerate your attributes (recommended), do not let your Intelligence attribute drop too low. Keep it above 15 or you may not have enough Magicka to perform the spells. Also, you must buy all of these spells before your personality becomes too low or she will refuse to do business. You can purchase these spells before you contract the disease. To cure the disease, go to Caius Cosades and he will tell you all the information needed. Make sure that when you get cured, that you have all of your attributes fully restored; when you are cured, the attributes may remain at whatever level they were at. If you perform all of these tasks correctly, your strength and endurance should remain at whatever level you reached. Note: If anyone casts a Strength or Endurance reducing spell on you after you have cured the disease and have bypassed 100 points in either attribute, the effect will be permanent until it is reduced back to 100. This may be a long and tiresome process since you must repeatedly sleep for 24 hour periods for only one attribute point for each time, but is well worth it. It is possible to use this method to reach a Strength and Endurance level of 1,000. It is recommended that you save frequently, especially after every time that you restore your ever-decreasing attributes.

Glitch: Buy with no money
Try to et your name cleared in Sandrith Mora. Exit out without clearing your name and dropped your money. He also trains. Start training, with no money. Eventually, the "Service refusal" message will appear. Pay him 1,000 gold and continue. You now should have 5,000 gold permanently. You can buy anything under 5,000 gold, except for spellmaking and enchanting.

Glitch: Instant kill
If you have a melee weapon equipped, pull it back to attack, then go to the menu and select any type of lockpick. Release the attack, then leave the menu to attack with the lockpick to instantly kill the enemy.

Glitch: Invisibility
This trick requires a Soultrap spell, a cheap Invisibility spell, and high enough Magicka to cast the spell. First, go to a spellmaker. Put Invisibility with a duration of one second. Then put Soultrap on target, for a duration of one second. Create the spell. Point straight down and cast it. You are now invisible until you load your next game. You can now steal things directly in front of people without the invisibility wearing off, but you must "sneak" while stealing. Also, once invisible you can attack anyone (except guards) without getting a bounty, and it causes critical damage if you are behind them. Note: If you have done something bad and have a bounty, guards cannot see you.

Glitch: Damage from short fall
In Caldera, jump as you open a door to enter a house (this will not work while exiting). When the "Loading Interior" message ends, you will have your health quartered.

Glitch: Escape Census Office at the start of new game
When you start a new game, you normally have to go through the Census Office to proceed. Before you enter the office, turn left and head for the tree. Try to walk on the tree until you get to the part that gets really close to the stone wall. Then, try to keep walking until you go through the top of the wall and end up outside. You will not have any menus or anything else.

Glitch: Go through walls
First, get the Spelltrap and Fortify Speed spells. Have someone to make this spell. Speed: On self, 100-100 magnitude, 2 duration. Soultrap: On target, 2 seconds. Make the spell and cast it at a wall until you get over 2,500 points. You may need to raise your intelligence first. Go to a area where you have plenty of room and has a wall with a corner pointing away from you. Run at the corner and jump just when you get to it. If done correctly, you will go through the wall and may go into the building. Try sniping people from inside the building.

Find a location with two objects at a less than an 80 degree angle. When at full Acrobatics and full Speed with no encumbrance, run at the corner and jump repeatedly. You will know if you have the correctly wall as you will slowly go up it. You will eventually go through the walls.

Glitch: Crazy jumping in Vivec
Jump from one of the higher floors of one of the towers of Vivec to where the bridges are that go across from one tower to the other. Just when you are about to hit the bridge, press [X] to equip your weapon. If done correctly, you should go through the bridge without getting hurt and land in the water.

Glitch: Temporary levitation
Note: In order to do this trick you will need to have an Acrobatics skill of 95 to 100. Go to a town with wide space (Balmora recommended). Drop every piece of equipment, armor, magic, and miscellaneous item that you have in your inventory. Jump (hold the button for greater effect), then quickly press [Start] and save the game. Make sure that you saved while in mid-air. The next time you load from that file, your game will freeze for a few seconds, then you will appear to be standing in mid-air. You can move around, but after a few seconds you will land.

Glitch: Rain
In the Game Of The Year version, when it is raining, go under something that is outside. It will still be raining. Also notice that the flags seem to blow in the wind but the rain falls straight down.

Glitch: Sell Bound Cuirass amulet
Make an amulet with a constant effect having a Bound Cuirass. You can drop it and sell it.

Glitch: Free payments
Whenever you have to pay something, such as your bounty at the Thieves Guild or reinstating yourself back in a guild, just drop your money somewhere and talk to the person. Select the option of whatever it is you have to do, and it will automatically be paid. Then, pick your money back up. You will still have all of it.
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