The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Cheats - Xbox

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Cigarette List
Find the cigarette packs at the indicated location to unlock the corresponding bonus.

1EscapeTCoR Combo Trailer
2Take Off PlatformMovie Concept Art 03
3Recreation AreaGame Concept Art 05
4Mining CoreGame Concept Art 16
5Tower 17Game Concept Art 19
6EscapeMovie Still 01
7Feed WardMovie Set 01
8Feed WardMovie Set 02
9Feed WardMovie Set 03
10Feed WardGame Concept Art 11
11Feed WardGame Concept Art 37
12InfirmaryMovie Set 06
13MainframeGame Concept Art 22
14Take Off PlatformCigarette List, StarBreeze Technology Demo
15The PitGame Concept Art 17, Novelization
16Pope Joe's DenMovie Concept Art 02
17Feed WardMovie Teaser
18Tower 17 BaseGame Concept Art 20
19Tower 17 BaseGame Concept Art 39
20Tower 17 BaseGame Concept Art 06
21Tower 17 BaseGame Concept Art 29, Riddick Prototype 4
22Recreation AreaMovie Set 09
23Recreation AreaGame Concept Art 02, Starbreeze Motion Capture
24Recreation AreaGame Concept Art 10
25Prison YardGame Concept Art 24
26Prison YardGame Concept Art 25, Riddick Prototype 1
27MainframeGame Concept Art 01, Riddick Prototype 2
28Dark TunnelsGame Concept Art 03
29ShowersGame Concept Art 12
30ShowersGame Concept Art 31
31Guard QuartersMovie Prop 01, Riddick Prototype 3
32Recreation AreaGame Concept Art 28
33Guard QuartersMovie Set 07
34Work PassMovie Set 04, Riddick First Playable 2
35EscapeGame Concept Art 32
36Work PassGame Concept Art 26
37Mine EntranceGame Concept Art 38
38Mine EntranceGame Concept Art 21
39Security CheckpointGame Concept Art 30
40Upper MinesGame Concept Art 23
41Mining CoreGame Concept Art 27, Riddick First Playable 3
42Cargo TransportMovie Set 10
43Feed WardGame Concept Art 15, Riddick First Playable 1
44Cargo RouterGame Concept Art 08
45Cargo RouterGame Concept Art 04
46Cargo RouterGame Concept Art 09, Riddick First Playable 4
47Cargo RouterMovie Set 08
48Cargo RouterGame Concept Art 07
49AE CenterGame Concept Art 13
50AE CenterGame Concept Art 14
51AE CenterMovie Concept Art 05
52Central StorageGame Concept Art 18
53Loading DocksGame Concept Art 34
54Facility ControlMovie Concept Art 01, Game Concept Art 40
55Recreation AreaGame Concept Art 33
56Recreation AreaMovie Set 05
57Aquila TerritoryGame Concept Art 36
58Aquila TerritoryGame Concept Art 35
59Aquila TerritoryMovie Concept Art 04
Defeating the Riot Guards
In order to defeat the Riot Guards, you have to shoot them in the back. It is recommended that you get close to them and strafe sideways while shooting them in the back. They are slow and cannot keep up. In addition, do not forget to pick up the Riot Guard's minigun.

Defeating Hoxie's Red Mechs
When you fight Hoxie's Red Mechs, pick up the mini gun. Get the mechs in a line so they cannot hit you and shoot away.

Defeating the Heavy Riot Guards
At the Loading Dock, you cannot hope to take this monster out with any weapon. Your best bet is to get the minigun before entering the Loading Dock and shooting the explosive canisters that are circulating over the guard. Make sure to stay out of the line of fire. Keep hitting the canisters until the guard falls.

At the Fuel Station, circle around Heavy Riot Guard counter-clockwise and blast the fuel tanks on the rail above it. You do not need a direct hit to blow it up, but it will speed up the process.

Regaining health
If you are low on health and there is not any Med Stations nearby, look for the flying bug-like creatures that are found throughout the game. Walk up to one and press [X]. Riddick will eat it, and by doing so will gain health.

Your health is divided up into squares. When you are damaged, the square will start to minimize. At any time you can recharge the last square to the right that is not fully depleted by waiting awhile. This can be done at any time, but it only recharges your current square. This works faster while crouching.

Feed Ward: Asif's stash
You will be asked by a couple persons to get an item of theirs (an injector and a red tube). Both these can be found by following Asif after buying a shiv from his friend. If you are near him when he hides the money you paid for the shiv, he attacks and you are killed by the rail defenses. When you see him go into the back of the Feed Ward, move away and wait in the area where there are the guards beating up an inmate. When Asif comes into the area, kill him, then go to the back of the Feed Ward to find a loose panel. The red tube and injector are there, along with the 30 U.D. you paid to get the shiv.

Riding the rail: Tranq. Gun
When you are riding the rail, there is a ladder beside it. Go down it and kill the guard in front. Then, go to the ladder in front of you. There should be a Tranq. Gun here.

Upper Mines: Tranq Gun
You can buy a tranq. gun from one of the inmates before you enter the Upper Mines. It is 50 U.D. You can test it on him if desired, and he will not attack. Tranq. guns are useful for stunning enemies and stopping the Riot Guard that goes around in the Upper Mines.

Beating on other inmates
In the Rec. Ward or fighting ring area, by just punching someone once then backing away for a short while, you can hurt an inmate and not get killed by the rail defenses. If you have enough patience, you can kill an inmate. It will take a while.

Sneaking around
If you are trying to avoid being seen either by guards or guns mounted on the wall, go into stealth mode and shoot the lights out to make everything dark. This is useful for sneaking behind people to break their necks, etc.

Glitch: Levitating
Crouch in an area where you can see your shadow. Lightly press [Forward] and your shadow will show you not moving, but you are.
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