Speed Kings Cheats - Xbox

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Enter "borkbork" as a name. This code also unlocks the Secret Nevada meet, the Casino Run course, and six more leathers, all GP modes, all bikes, all lids, and lap times.

Respect points
Start a new game and enter ".resp" followed by a space and a number (for example, ".resp 30") as a name to begin with the indicated amount of respect. Note: Enter ".resp54" to unlock all six respect bikes.

Finish all nine driving tests with gold
Start a new game and enter ".test9" as a name.

Win all six meets
Start a new game and enter ".meet6" as a name.

New meets, street racer bikes, and more courses
Start a new game and enter ".meet4" as a name. You will unlock the New England, Detroit, London, and the Swiss Alps meets; five street racer bikes; and sixteen additional single race, time attack, trick attack, and head to head mode courses.

GP Mode completed
Start a new game and enter ".prix" as a name.

Additional mirrored GP modes
Enter ".prix3" to unlock three more mirrored modes in the Grand Prix.

Best laps
Start a new game and enter ".lapt18" as a name.

All tracks
Win a gold medal in each event.

Grand Prix mode
Beat the top record in time attack mode.
Quick start
Hold [Gas] + "Skid", then release "Skid" after the countdown.

Wheelie: Hold the "Left Analog-stick Back".
Standing Wheelie: Press [Trick] + "Left Analog-stick Back".
Surfing Wheelie: Press [Trick] + "Kick/Punch" + "Left Analog-stick Back".
Cross Surfing Wheelie: Press [Trick] + "Left Analog-stick Back" + "Front Brake" + "Kick/Punch".
Endo: Press "Left Analog-stick Forward" + "Front Brake".
Surfing Powerdown: "Press Trick" + "Left Analog-stick Forward" + "Power Down".
Handstand Powerdown: Press [Trick] + "Skid" + "Left Analog-stick Forward" + "Power Down".
Surfing: Press [Trick] + "Left Analog-stick Forward", then "Left Analog-stick Back".
Handstand: Press [Trick] + "Left Analog-stick Forward", then "Kick/Punch
"Pavement Ride: [Trick] + "Left Analog-stick Forward", then "Skid".
Donut: Hold [Brake] + [Gas] and turn in one direction with the Left Analog-stick.
Back and frontflip
Get a powerdown and boost it about 350 feet before a ramp. When you are in mid-air, hold [Up] or [Down] to perform a backflip or a frontflip. Note: You need a lot of speed and a very fast bike.

Dodge cars while turning
While turning, press [R]. Wait until you are in front of a car and point the Left Analog-stick the opposite way that you are turning. You will keep turning, but at a slower rate. Note: Do not release [R] until you dodge the car(s).
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