Serious Sam 2 Cheats - Xbox

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Hold [R] and press [Black], [White], [Black], [White], [Black], [White] repeatedly at the main menu until the cheat option appears at the bottom. Then, pause game play and press [X] to access the cheat menu at the bottom of the pause menu. After cheats are activated, a message will appear in the top right part of the screen during game play. Note: The cheat options can be activated in online games, but may require the game host to enable cheat mode.
Lava Stage: Armor Puzzle
Just before you get the mini-gun, there is a door on your right. Open it and there will be armor on the other side. You must to step on the correct letters. The order is: S, E, R, I, O, U, S.

Defeating Zum-Zum
On the level when you must defeat Zum-Zum, you must destroy all of the giant sunflowers so that Zum-Zum cannot regain its life. After you destroy the sunflowers, you can attack Zum-Zum and kill it before it recharges.

Duke Nukem Forever Reference
There are several passing remarks about a "Blonde guy taking forever". This a reference to the as-yet-to-be-published PC game Duke Nukem Forever.
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