Madden NFL 07 Cheats - Xbox

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Primary Collection of Cheats
QB On Target card
Enter WROA0R as a code. Your Quarterback will have 100% accuracy for one half.

Mistake Free card
Enter XL7SP1 as a code. It will be impossible to throw an interception or fumble the ball for one half.

Lame Duck card
Enter 5LAWO0 as a code. Your opponent will be forced to throw lob passes for one half.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

30 Years of Franchise (100) - Complete 30 years of Franchise mode.
All-Madden Shut Out (10) - Pitch a shut out on All-Madden difficulty.
Create-A-Player (5) - Successfully create a player.
Game Record - Interceptions (10) - Set the single game record for Interceptions.
Game Record - Pass Touchdowns (10) - Set the single game record for Passing Touchdowns.
Game Record - Pass Yards (10) - Set the single game record for Passing Yards.
Game Record - Receiving TD's (10) - Set the single game record for Receiving Touchdowns.
Game Record - Receiving Yards (10) - Set the single game record for Receiving Yards.
Game Record - Receptions (10) - Set the single game record for Receptions.
Game Record - Rush TD's (10) - Set the single game record for Rushing Touchdowns.
Game Record - Rushing Yards (10) - Set the single game record for Rushing Yards.
Game Record - Sacks (10) - Set the single game record for Sacks.
Import Draft Class (10) - Successfully import a Draft Class.
Live Opponent (5) - Play a Live Opponent game.
Madden Gamer Level 10 (20) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 10.
Madden Gamer Level 2 (10) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 2.
Madden Gamer Level 20 (40) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 20.
Madden Gamer Level 30 (70) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 30.
Madden Gamer Level 40 (85) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 40.
Madden Gamer Level 50 (100) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 50.
Mini-Games (5) - Enter the Mini-Games mode.
Perfect Season (30) - Successfully complete a Perfect Season.
Season Record - INT's (20) - Set the season record for Interceptions.
Season Record - Pass TD (20) - Set the season record for Passing Touchdowns.
Season Record - Pass Yards (20) - Set the season record for Pass Yards.
Season Record - Receive TD (20) - Set the season record for Receiving Touchdowns.
Season Record - Receiving Yards (20) - Set the season record for Receiving Yards.
Season Record - Receptions (20) - Set the season record for Receptions.
Season Record - Rush Touchdowns (20) - Set the season record for Rushing Touchdowns.
Season Record - Rush Yards (20) - Set the season record for Rushing Yards.
Season Record - Sacks (20) - Set the season record for Sacks.
SS Career - 100 Sacks (20) - SS Career - 100 Sacks.
SS Career - 10000 Rush Yards (20) - SS Career - 10000 Rush Yards.
SS Career - 20 Forced Fumbles (20) - SS Career - 20 Forced Fumbles.
SS Career - 200 Pass TD's (20) - SS Career - 200 Pass TD's.
SS Career - 25 Interceptions (20) - SS Career - 25 Interceptions.
SS Career - 500 Tackles (20) - SS Career - 500 Tackles.
SS Career - 60 Receiving TDs (20) - SS Career - 60 Receiving TDs.
SS Season - 10 Receiving TDs (10) - SS Season - 10 Receiving TDs.
SS Season - 140 Tackles (10) - SS Season - 140 Tackles.
SS Season - 1400 Rush Yards (10) - SS Season - 1400 Rush Yards.
SS Season - 16 Sacks (10) - SS Season - 16 Sacks.
SS Season - 30 Pass TDs (10) - SS Season - 30 Pass TDs.
SS Season - 7 Force Fumb (10) - SS Season - 7 Force Fumb.
SS Season - 7 INTs (10) - SS Season - 7 INTs.
Super Bowl Win (30) - Win the Super Bowl.

Glitch: First Pick in Draft Glitch
This has worked in madden for the past 5 years. While in a franchise, if you have the trade deadline off you can wait till the last week of the season and trade your first round pick to the team with the worst record and get thier first round pick... which would be the number 1 pick overall. If you have the trade deadline on you do this with the team in week 6 with the worst record.

Glitch: Free Advertising
This glitch has worked in every Madden since owner mode was created. Set your advertising budget as high as you like and play or sim your game. You can sim all games in a week except Monday Night Football, do not sim any Monday night games. Now go back into owner mode and set your advertising back to zero, then sim any remaining games on the schedule. You will get the added attendance and revenue of advertising but will not have to pay for it. Obviously this does not work if you are hosting Monday Night Football.
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